4 research outputs found

    Multiflagellarity leads to the size-independent swimming speed of bacteria

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    Flagella are essential organelles of bacteria enabling their swimming motility. While monotrichous or uniflagellar bacteria possess a single flagellum at one pole of their body, peritrichous bacteria grow multiple flagella over the body surface, which form a rotating helical bundle propelling the bacteria forward. Although the adaptation of bacterial cellular features is under strong evolutionary pressure, existing evidence suggests that multiflagellarity confers no noticeable benefit to the swimming of peritrichous bacteria in bulk fluids compared with uniflagellar bacteria. This puzzling result poses a long-standing question: why does multiflagellarity emerge given the high metabolic cost of flagellar synthesis? Contrary to the prevailing wisdom that its benefit lies beyond the basic function of flagella in steady swimming, here we show that multiflagellarity provides a significant selective advantage to bacteria in terms of their swimming ability, allowing bacteria to maintain a constant swimming speed over a wide range of body size. By synergizing experiments of immense sample sizes with quantitative hydrodynamic modeling and simulations, we reveal how bacteria utilize the increasing number of flagella to regulate the flagellar motor load, which leads to faster flagellar rotation neutralizing the higher fluid drag on their larger bodies. Without such a precise balancing mechanism, the swimming speed of uniflagellar bacteria generically decreases with increasing body size. Our study sheds light on the origin of multiflagellarity, a ubiquitous cellular feature of bacteria. The uncovered difference between uniflagellar and multiflagellar swimming is important for understanding environmental influence on bacterial morphology and useful for designing artificial flagellated microswimmers.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure