14 research outputs found

    Influence of nanoparticles of platinum on chicken embryo development and brain morphology

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    Platinum nanoparticles (NP-Pt) are noble metal nanoparticles with unique physiochemical properties that have recently elicited much interest in medical research. However, we still know little about their toxicity and influence on general health. We investigated effects of NP-Pt on the growth and development of the chicken embryo model with emphasis on brain tissue micro- and ultrastructure. The embryos were administered solutions of NP-Pt injected in ovo at concentrations from 1 to 20 μg/ml. The results demonstrate that NP-Pt did not affect the growth and development of the embryos; however, they induced apoptosis and decreased the number of proliferating cells in the brain tissue. These preliminary results indicate that properties of NP-Pt might be utilized in brain cancer therapy, but potential toxic side effects must be elucidated in extensive follow-up research

    The Influence of Diet Containing Wheat Gluten Supplemented with Dipeptides or Amino Acids on the Morphology of White Muscle of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)

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    Nutrition affects the metabolism of muscle cells and myogenic progenitor cells which play a crucial role in the growth and development of the muscle tissue. Because of the fact that the development process of yellow perch muscle tissue is not well known, the study aimed to analyze the influence of diets containing wheat gluten and supplemented with Lys and Gly in dipeptides or free form. Fish were allocated into 12 tanks and divided into four groups. Two of the experimental diets were supplemented Lys-Gly in the dipeptide form (DP group) or free amino acids (FAA group). The third was not supplemented with lysine (LF group). The fourth group of fish was fed commercial starter Bio-Oregon (C group). Histological or histomorphometric analyses were conducted: white muscle area, the total number of muscle fibers, the total number of white muscle nuclei, muscle fiber area, number of proliferating myonuclei. Fish fed LF diet showed the lowest number of nuclei and satellite cells proliferation. Results in DP and FAA groups were similar to that observed in fish fed C diet. Summarizing, wheat gluten-based diets supplemented with Lys-Gly dipeptide or free Lys and Gly amino acids exert beneficial effects on the morphology of yellow perch white muscle

    Akwakultura jako narzędzie poprawy statusu karpiowatych ryb reofilnych w Polsce – stan i perspektywy badań

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    Ekosystemy śródlądowych wód płynących na skutek przekształceń o charakterze antropogenicznym są obecnie jednymi z najbardziej zmienionych i zagrożonych środowisk naturalnych. Ichtiofauna, jako istotny element biosystemu, również podlega tym zmianom. W efekcie, od wielu lat obserwuje się zmniejszenie liczebności ugrupowań ryb zasiedlających rzeki. Karpiowate ryby reofilne są ważnym składnikiem ichtiocenoz rzecznych. Ze względu na znaczenie środowiskowe, ale również gospodarcze, od wielu lat są obiektem zainteresowań zespołów badawczych w Polsce. W latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku rozpoczęto programy badawcze ukierunkowane na opracowanie metod rozrodu oraz wychowu materiału zarybieniowego tej grupy ryb. Badania te zakończyły się sukcesem naukowym, a także aplikacyjnym. W wyniku ponad dwudziestoletnich zabiegów nastąpiła poprawa statusu niektórych opisywanych gatunków w zakresie stopnia ich zagrożenia. Obecnie istnieje konieczność kontynuowania intensywnych działań zmierzających do ochrony i odbudowy populacji tych gatunków ryb reofilnych, których status nie uległ poprawie. Jest to możliwe między innymi dzięki opracowaniu innowacyjnych biotechnik w akwakulturze. Mimo wielu zagrożeń, akwakultura karpiowatych ryb reofilnych oparta na wynikach badań naukowych może stać się w większym zakresie niż obecnie ważnym elementem nowoczesnej akwakultury w Polsce, wspierającej działania na rzecz ochrony i poprawy zasobów przyrodniczych i zachowania różnorodności biologicznej wód płynących

    The Role of Transcription Factors in Gonad Development and Sex Differentiation of a Teleost Model Fish—Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

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    The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is one of the world’s most popular ornamental fish. Due to lecithotrophic viviparous, it is commonly used in toxicological studies and environmental monitoring. This study aimed to investigate the molecular mechanisms of gonad development and differentiation during guppy ontogenesis. The study mainly focused on the role and localization of potential specific sex markers and transcription factors: Sox9, Dmrt1, Erβ. For histological analysis, guppies of both sexes were collected at 1, 60, and 360 dph (day post-hatching). The gonads morphology and immunohistochemistry detection of mentioned markers localization were performed. The expression of Sox9 protein was compared between sexes. Histological analysis revelated all types of male germinal cells in 60 dph guppy’s testes. Maturated oocytes were visible in the ovaries of 360 dph fish. The Sox9 expression varied in spermatocytes and spermatids, from cellular to nuclear localization, and was higher in ovaries. Dmrt1 was detected in all testes groups and 360 dph ovaries. The Erβ was observed in both sexes at 60 and 360 dph. For the first time, the localization of transcription factors in guppy during ontogenesis was traced. The Sox9 designation as a factor regulating the development of germinal cells in adult guppies may facilitate the analysis of xenobiotics’ influence on fish’s reproductive system