7 research outputs found

    A Note on Finite Quadrature Rules with a Kind of Freud Weight Function

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    We introduce a finite class of weighted quadrature rules with the weight function |x|−2exp(−1/2) on (−∞,∞) as ∫∞−∞||−2exp(−1/2∑)()==1()+[], where are the zeros of polynomials orthogonal with respect to the introduced weight function, are the corresponding coefficients, and [] is the error value. We show that the above formula is valid only for the finite values of . In other words, the condition ≥{max}+1/2 must always be satisfied in order that one can apply the above quadrature rule. In this sense, some numerical and analytic examples are also given and compared


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    On the main invariant of elements algebraic over a Henselian valued field

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    Let vv be a henselian valuation of a field KK with value group GG, let vˉ\bar{v} be the (unique) extension of vv to a fixed algebraic closure Kˉ\bar{K} of KK and let (K~,v~)(\tilde{K},\tilde{v}) be a completion of (K,v)(K,v). For α∈Kˉ∖K\alpha\in\bar{K}\setminus K, let M(α,K)M(\alpha,K) denote the set {vˉ(α−β):β∈Kˉ, [K(β):K]<[K(α):K]}\{\bar{v}(\alpha-\beta):\beta\in\bar{K},\ [K(\beta):K] \lt [K(\alpha):K]\}. It is known that M(α,K)M(\alpha,K) has an upper bound in Gˉ\bar{G} if and only if [K(α):K]=[K~(α):K~][K(\alpha):K]=[\tilde{K}(\alpha):\tilde{K}], and that the supremum of M(α,K)M(\alpha,K), which is denoted by δK(α)\delta_{K}(\alpha) (usually referred to as the main invariant of α\alpha), satisfies a principle similar to the Krasner principle. Moreover, each complete discrete rank 1 valued field (K,v)(K,v) has the property that δK(α)∈M(α,K)\delta_{K}(\alpha)\in M(\alpha,K) for every α∈Kˉ∖K\alpha\in\bar{K}\setminus K. In this paper the authors give a characterization of all those henselian valued fields (K,v)(K,v) which have the property mentioned above

    On the Main Invariant . . . Henselian Valued Field

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    Let v be a henselian valuation of a eld K with value group G, v be the (unique) extension of v to a xed algebraic closure K of K and ( K; ~ v) be completion of (K; v). For 2 K\K, let M(;K) denote the set fv( ) : 2 K; [K( ) : K] &lt; [K() : K]g. It is known that M(;K) has an upper bound in G, if and only if [K() : K] = [ K] and that the supremum of M(;K); which is denoted by K () (usually referred to as the main invariant of ), satis es a principle similar to the Krasner&apos;s principle [S. K. Khanduja and J. Saha. Mathematika 46 (1999) 83-92]. Moreover each complete discrete rank 1 valued eld (K; v) has the property that K () 2 M(;K) for every 2 K\K: In this paper, the authors give a characterization of all those henselian valued elds (K; v) which have the property mentioned above

    On chains associated with elements algebraic over a henselian valued field

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    Let v be a henselian valuation of a field K,and v&#x0305; be the (unique) extension of v to a fixed algebraic closure of K&#x0305;. For an element &#952;&#8712;K&#x0305;\K, a chain &#952;= &#952;0, &#952;1,...&#952;mof elements of K&#x0305; such that &#952;&#x0305;(&#952;i&#8722;1&#8722;&#952;i)=SUP{ v&#x0305;(&#952;i&#8722;1&#8722;&#946;)|[K(&#946;):K]&lt;[K(&#952;i&#8722;1):K]} and θm ∈ K, is called a complete distinguished chain for θ with respect to (K, v). In 1995, Popescu and Zaharescu proved the existence of a complete distinguished chain for each &#952;&#8712;K&#x0305;\K when (K, v) is a complete discrete rank one valued field (cf. [10]). In this paper, for a henselian valued field (K, v) of arbitrary rank, we characterize those elements &#952;&#8712;K&#x0305;\K for which there exists a complete distinguished chain. It is shown that a complete distinguished chain for θ gives rise to several invariants associated to θ which are same for all the K-conjugates of θ