298 research outputs found

    The Design of Benevolence in The Tempest

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    The Tempest is one of several plays written by Shakespeare for which no source has been found.  Here, we find a unique pattern of sin, suffering, repentance and redemption. The characters are redeemed after they repent for the sins they have committed. Prospero keeping aside all his political wisdom trusts his own brother in the matter of states, who dethrones him from the dukedom. He suffers for his sin, repents and finally redeemed and overcomes his enemies. Ariel and Caliban are the two helping hands of Prospero in the benevolent design. The sea also proves to be an agent of redemption. The play’s ending highlights the restoration of a benevolent world

    A logistic regression model of Coronary Artery Disease among Male Patients in Punjab

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    This is a cross-sectional retrospective study of 308 male patients, who were presented first time for coronary angiography at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology. The mean age was 50.97 + 9.9 among male patients. As the response variable coronary artery disease (CAD) was a binary variable, logistic regression model was fitted to predict the Coronary Artery Disease with the help of significant risk factors. Age, Chest pain, Diabetes Mellitus, Smoking and Lipids are resulted as significant risk factors associated with CAD among male population

    Spatial and temporal-based query disambiguation for improving web search

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    Queries submitted to search engines are ambiguous in nature due to users’ irrelevant input which poses real challenges to web search engines both towards understanding a query and giving results. A lot of irrelevant and ambiguous information creates disappointment among users. Thus, this research proposes an ambiguity evolvement process followed by an integrated use of spatial and temporal features to alleviate the search results imprecision. To enhance the effectiveness of web information retrieval the study develops an enhanced Adaptive Disambiguation Approach for web search queries to overcome the problems caused by ambiguous queries. A query classification method was used to filter search results to overcome the imprecision. An algorithm was utilized for finding the similarity of the search results based on spatial and temporal features. Users’ selection based on web results facilitated recording of implicit feedback which was then utilized for web search improvement. Performance evaluation was conducted on data sets GISQC_DS, AMBIENT and MORESQUE comprising of ambiguous queries to certify the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison to a well-known temporal evaluation and two-box search methods. The implemented prototype is focused on ambiguous queries to be classified by spatial or temporal features. Spatial queries focus on targeting the location information whereas temporal queries target time in years. In conclusion, the study used search results in the context of Spatial Information Retrieval (S-IR) along with temporal information. Experiments results show that the use of spatial and temporal features in combination can significantly improve the performance in terms of precision (92%), accuracy (93%), recall (95%), and f-measure (93%). Moreover, the use of implicit feedback has a significant impact on the search results which has been demonstrated through experimental evaluation.SHAHID KAMA

    Dynamic Optimization of Network Routing Problem through Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

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    Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is a new paradigm of Software engineering, which considers software engineering problems as search problems and emphasizes to find out optimal solution for the given set of available solutions using metaheuristic techniques like hill climbing simulated annealing, evolutionary programming and tabu search. On the other hand AI techniques like Swarm particle optimization and Ant colony optimization (ACO) are used to find out solutions for dynamic problems. SBSE is yet not used for dynamic problems. In this study ACO techniques are applied on SBSE problem by considering Network routing problem as case study, in which the nature of problem is dynamic. Keywords: SBSE, ACO, Metaheuristic search techniques, dynamic optimizatio

    Resistance of Species of Arachis to Lesser Cornstalk Borer

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    Resistance of Wild Species of Arachis and Peanut Cultivars to Lesser Cornstalk Borer

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    MANOVA with Summary Statistics: A STATA Program

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    Almost all available statistical packages are capable of performing Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) from raw data. Some of statistical packages have capability to perform independent sample t-test, ANOVA and some other tests of significance on summary data, but you come across not single software that has the capability to perform MANOVA directly on summary data. A STATA programme has been written to perform Multivariate ANOVA on summary data. The programme computes available statistics for Multivariate ANOVA (i.e Willk’s Lembda, Lawley’s-Hotelling trace, Pillae’s trace and Roy’s largest root). The programme is also capable to perform Box–M test for testing equality of covariance matrices on summary data. Example has been given by using the programme on summary data to perform Multivariate ANOVA

    Impact of cyber-attack on coordinated voltage control in low voltage grids

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    ICT Based HIL Validation of Voltage Control Coordination in Smart Grids Scenarios

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    This paper aims to validate the capability of renewable generation (ReGen) plants to provide online voltage control coordination ancillary service to the system operators in smart grids. Simulation studies about online coordination concepts from ReGen plants have already been identified in previous publications. However, here, the results are validated through a real-time Hardware-In-the-Loop framework using an exemplary benchmark grid area in Denmark as a base case that includes flexible renewable power plants providing voltage control functionality. The provision of voltage control support from ReGen plants is verified on a large-scale power system against the baseline scenario, considering the hierarchical industrial controller platforms used nowadays in power plants. Moreover, the verification of online voltage control support is carried out by taking into account a communication network as well as the associated data traffic patterns obtained from a real network. Based on the sets of recordings, guidelines and recommendations for practical implementation of the developed control algorithms for targeted ancillary service are made. This provides a deep insight for stakeholders, i.e., wind turbine and photo-voltaic system manufacturers and system operators, regarding the existing boundaries for current technologies and requirements for accommodating the new ancillary services in industrial application
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