4 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of MDGs Conditional Grants Scheme in Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The paper highlights the report of the process and impact evaluation of the Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS) of the federal government of Nigeria, in Rivers State primary health care (PHCS) in the years 2008 and 2009.  The process assessment reveal that to a large the MDG office in Port Harcourt conform to the guidelines on contract award, composition of tender board, procurement process and inter agency collaboration. Investigation however reveals that the communities are not fully involved at the point of project implementation. This has created capacity under utilization of facilities in the primary health care centers, the paper recommended active collaboration between the state and the communities, as well as involvement of the private sector to enhance the sustainability of the project. Key Words: Conditional Grants Scheme (CGS), Millennium Development Goal (MDG), Procurement Process, inter agency collaboration

    Micro-Savings and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: Some Field Observations from Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State

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    This study had the objective of investigating issues relating to micro-saving and how it can be employed to reduce poverty in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria.  A field survey was conducted in which primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire.  A total of 102 micro-saving cooperative members were interviewed.  Based on descriptive statistics tools of percentages and simple averages, the study reveals that micro-saving is a veritable source of raising funds for investment. Also, lack of access to formal financial institution makes people to patronize micro-savings in Gokana LGA. Again, respondents engaged in micro-savings for emergencies and unexpected investment purposes while cultural obligations induce respondents to engage in micro-saving and more. It is therefore suggested that an enabling macroeconomic environment be given to informal financial sector of Nigeria. This can be achieved by encouraging members of the micro-saving cooperatives to register at least at the local government council to promote assistants from the government on their operations. Keywords: Gokana, Micro-Savings and Poverty Reductio

    Impact of Government School-To-Land Agricultural Project on Rural Development in Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The paper assessed the impact of government school- to – Land   agricultural project on rural development in Rivers State, with specific emphasis on rural employment, livestock and food crop production and rural income generation. The simple random and purposeful sampling techniques are used in selecting 300 participants of the programme (farmers), programme coordinators, and members of host communities as respondents for the study. The simple per centage and chi-square statistical methods are adopted in data analyses and hypothesis testing. The results reveal that the school- to- land project has contributed to rural development. It was also discovered that the school –to – land project contributed to increases in the livestock and food production in the state. The paper however recommended the adoption of modern farming techniques and constant review of agricultural policies/programmes to avoid duplication of agricultural projects in the state. Key words: Rural employment, rural income generation, rural development

    Financial Intermediation and Private Sector Investment in Nigeria

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    The symbiotic relationship between adequate funds to real sector and speed of economic growth is not in contention. Consequently, the successive Nigerian governments have made several policy attempts in the last three decades at ensuring that funds are channeled to savings deficits. These efforts notwithstanding, the economy at a glance, seems not to have made remarkable progress. What is more, there is dearth of empirical studies specifically targeted at assessing the specific contribution of financial intermediation to economic growth in Nigeria. It is this gap that this study sought to fill.  To realize the goal of this study, we adopted Private Investment (PRIVET) as the regressand and Financial Savings as a ratio of Real Gross Domestic Product (FS/RGDP), Credit Extended to Private Sector by deposit money banks (CEPS), Prime Lending Rate (PLR) & Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) as the regressors. The study employed econometric method to construct a multiple regression model to analyze the long-run relationships among variables. The results showed that three out of the five coefficients are statistically significant at 5% level. CEPS and PLR conformed to the theoretically expected signs, while FS/RGDP, RGDP and DUM did not. Hetroscedasticity test carried out suggests that OLS assumption of constant variances over time was not violated. Ramsey Reset test indicates that the model is well specified. The findings indicate that although some progress is noted, much is remained to be done to ensure enabling environment conducive for investment growth and expansion of domestic capacity Keywords: Private Sector Investment, Prime Lending Rate, Financial Intermediation, financial system, financial institutions, multiple regression model