10 research outputs found

    Shaping metallic glasses by electromagnetic pulsing

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    With damage tolerance rivalling advanced engineering alloys and thermoplastic forming capabilities analogous to conventional plastics, metallic glasses are emerging as a modern engineering material. Here, we take advantage of their unique electrical and rheological properties along with the classic Lorentz force concept to demonstrate that electromagnetic coupling of electric current and a magnetic field can thermoplastically shape a metallic glass without conventional heating sources or applied mechanical forces. Specifically, we identify a process window where application of an electric current pulse in the presence of a normally directed magnetic field can ohmically heat a metallic glass to a softened state, while simultaneously inducing a large enough magnetic body force to plastically shape it. The heating and shaping is performed on millisecond timescales, effectively bypassing crystallization producing fully amorphous-shaped parts. This electromagnetic forming approach lays the groundwork for a versatile, time- and energy-efficient manufacturing platform for ultrastrong metals

    Does the relative importance of the OxCAP-MH's capability items differ according to mental ill-health experience?

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    Background: Some capability dimensions may be more important than others in determining someone’s well-being, and these preferences might be dependent on ill-health experience. This study aimed to explore the relative preference weights of the 16 items of the German language version of the OxCAP-MH (Oxford Capability questionnaire-Mental Health) capability instrument and their differences across cohorts with alternative levels of mental ill-health experience. Methods: A Best–Worst-Scaling (BWS) survey was conducted in Austria among 1) psychiatric patients (direct mental ill-health experience), 2) (mental) healthcare experts (indirect mental ill-health experience), and 3) primary care patients with no mental ill-health experience. Relative importance scores for each item of the German OxCAP-MH instrument were calculated using Hierarchical Bayes estimation. Rank analysis and multivariable linear regression analysis with robust standard errors were used to explore the relative importance of the OxCAP-MH items across the three cohorts. Results: The study included 158 participants with complete cases and acceptable fit statistic. The relative importance scores for the full cohort ranged from 0.76 to 15.72. Findings of the BWS experiment indicated that the items Self-determination and Limitation in daily activities were regarded as the most important for all three cohorts. Freedom of expression was rated significantly less important by psychiatric patients than by the other two cohorts, while Having suitable accommodation appeared significantly less important by the expert cohort. There were no further significant differences in the relative preference weights of OxCAP-MH items between the cohorts or according to gender. Conclusions: Our study indicates significant between-item but limited mental ill-health related heterogeneity in the relative preference weights of the different capability items within the OxCAP-MH. The findings support the future development of preference-based value sets elicited from the general population for comparative economic evaluation purposes

    Accessing thermoplastic processing windows in metallic glasses using rapid capacitive discharge

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    The ability of the rapid-capacitive discharge approach to access optimal viscosity ranges in metallic glasses for thermoplastic processing is explored. Using high-speed thermal imaging, the heating uniformity and stability against crystallization of Zr_(35)Ti_(30)Cu_7.5Be_(27.5) metallic glass heated deeply into the supercooled region is investigated. The method enables homogeneous volumetric heating of bulk samples throughout the entire supercooled liquid region at high rates (~10^5 K/s) sufficient to bypass crystallization throughout. The crystallization onsets at temperatures in the vicinity of the “crystallization nose” were identified and a Time-Temperature-Transformation diagram is constructed, revealing a “critical heating rate” for the metallic glass of ~1000 K/s. Thermoplastic process windows in the optimal viscosity range of 10^0–10^4 Pa·s are identified, being confined between the glass relaxation and the eutectic crystallization transition. Within this process window, near-net forging of a fine precision metallic glass part is demonstrated

    Glassy steel optimized for glass-forming ability and toughness

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    An alloy development strategy coupled with toughness assessments and ultrasonic measurements is implemented to design a series of iron-based glass-forming alloys that demonstrate improved glass-forming ability and toughness. The combination of good glass-forming ability and high toughness demonstrated by the present alloys is uncommon in Fe-based systems, and is attributed to the ability of these compositions to form stable glass configurations associated with low activation barriers for shear flow, which tend to promote plastic flow and give rise to a toughness higher than other known Fe-based bulk-glass-forming systems

    Investigation of Capacitive Discharge Heating of Metallic Glasses

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    In recent years, the discovery of bulk metallic glasses with exceptional properties has generated much interest. One of their most intriguing features is their capacity for viscous flow above the glass transition temperature. This characteristic allows metallic glasses to be formed like plastics at modest temperatures. However, crystallization of supercooled metallic liquids in the best bulk metallic glass-formers is much more rapid than in most polymers and silicate glass-forming liquids. The short times to crystallization impairs experimentation on and processing of supercooled glass-forming metallic liquids. A technique to rapidly and uniformly heat metallic glasses at rates of 105 to 106 kelvin per second is presented. A capacitive discharge is used to ohmically heat metallic glasses to temperatures in the super cooled liquid region in millisecond time-scales. By heating samples rapidly, the most time-consuming step in experiments on supercooled metallic liquids is reduced orders of magnitude in length. This allows for experimentation on and processing of metallic liquids in temperature ranges that were previously inaccessible because of crystallization. A variety of forming techniques, including injection molding and forging, were coupled with capacitive discharge heating to produce near net-shaped metallic glass parts. In addition, a new forming technique, which combines a magnetic field with the heating current to produce a forming force, was developed. Viscosities were measured in previously inaccessible temperature ranges using parallel plate rheometry combined with capacitive discharge heating. Lastly, a rapid pulse calorimeter was developed with this technique to investigate the thermophysical behavior of metallic glasses at these rapid heating rates.</p

    Description of millisecond Ohmic heating and forming of metallic glasses

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    A quantitative description of the millisecond capacitive discharge heating and forming process built on a finite-element simulation platform is introduced. The platform incorporates thermodynamic and rheological models that extend beyond the supercooled liquid regime accessible by conventional calorimetry and rheology, accessing the regime that has just recently been uncovered via millisecond Ohmic heating. For the first time, a description of the dynamic glass transition is introduced and incorporated into the platform. The platform accurately simulates the process evolution and the thermodynamic and rheological response of the metallic glass, providing excellent agreement with experiments. Features such as the rapid temperature response, a dynamic glass-transition accommodated by a broad enthalpy recovery, a remarkable temperature and deformational uniformity, and an enthalpy trend that validates the adiabatic constraint, are accurately simulated. The platform is considered a useful tool for modeling the dynamic response and process evolution of metallic glasses under rapid uniform heating