373 research outputs found

    Anomalous Hall conductivity of clean Sr2RuO4 at finite temperatures

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    Building on previous work, we calculate the temperature- and frequency-dependent {\it anomalous} Hall conductivity for the putative multiband chiral superconductor \Sr using a simple microscopic two-orbital model without impurities. A Hall effect arises in this system without the application of an external magnetic field due to the time-reversal-symmetry breaking chiral superconducting state. The anomalous Hall conductivity is nonzero only when there is more than one superconducting order parameter, involving inter- as well as intra-band Cooper pairing. We find that such a multiband superconducting state gives rise to a distinctive resonance in the frequency-dependence of the Hall conductivity at a frequency close to the inter-orbital hopping energy scale that describes hopping between Ru dxzd_{xz} and dyzd_{yz} orbitals. The detection of this feature, robust to temperature and impurity effects in the superconducting phase, would thus constitute compelling evidence in favour of a multiband origin of superconductivity in \Sr, with strong superconductivity on the α\alpha and β\beta bands. The temperature dependence of the Hall conductivity and Kerr rotation angle are studied within this model at the one-loop approximation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Invited submission, proceedings of M2S 2012. Published versio

    Impurity scattering and localization in dd-wave superconductors

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    Strong evidence is presented for the localization of low energy quasiparticle states in disordered dd-wave superconductors. Within the framework of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) theory applied to the extended Hubbard model with a finite concentration of non-magnetic impurities, we carry out a fully self-consistent numerical diagonalization of the BdG equations on finite clusters containing up to 50×5050\times 50 sites. Localized states are identified by probing their sensitivity to the boundary conditions and by analyzing the finite size dependence of inverse participation ratios.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX with 2 embedded .ps figures; submitted to PRB as Rapid Communicatio

    Extended Hubbard model on a C20_{20} molecule

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    The electronic correlations on a C20_{20} molecule, as described by an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian with a nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction of strength VV, are studied using quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization methods. For electron doped C20_{20}, it is known that pair-binding arising from a purely electronic mechanism is absent within the standard Hubbard model (V=0). Here we show that this is also the case for hole doping for 0<U/t≤30<U/t\leq 3 and that, for both electron and hole doping, the effect of a non-zero VV is to work against pair-binding. We also study the magnetic properties of the neutral molecule, and find transitions between spin singlet and triplet ground states for either fixed UU or VV values. In addition, spin, charge and pairing correlation functions on C20_{20} are computed. The spin-spin and charge-charge correlations are very short-range, although a weak enhancement in the pairing correlation is observed for a distance equal to the molecular diameter.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Possible Néel Orderings of the Kagomé Antiferromagnet

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    Possible Néel orderings of antiferromagnetically coupled spins on a kagomé lattice are studied using linear-spin-wave theory and high-temperature expansions. Spin-wave analysis, applied to q=0 (three spins per magnetic unit cell) and to √3 × √3 (nine spins per cell) Néel orderings yield identical excitation spectra with twofold-degenerate linear modes and a dispersionless zero-energy mode. This dispersionless mode is equivalent to an excitation localized to an arbitrary hexagon of nearest-neighbor spins. Second- (J2) and third- (J3) neighbor interactions are shown to stabilize the q=0 state for J2\u3eJ3 and the √3 × √3 state for J23. A high-temperature expansion of the spin-spin susceptibility χαβ(q) is performed to order 1/T8, for n-component, classical spins with nearest-neighbor interactions only. To order 1/T7 the largest eigenvalue of the susceptibility matrix is found to be independent of wave vector with an eigenvector that corresponds to the dispersionless mode of the ordered phase. This degeneracy is removed at order 1/T8. For n=0, the q=0 mode is favored; for n=1, the band is flat; and, for n\u3e1, the maximum susceptibility is found for a √3 × √3 excitation. Similar results are found for the three-dimensional pyrochlore lattice. The high-temperature expansion is used to interpret experimental data for the uniform susceptibility and powder-neutron-diffraction spectrum for the kagomé-lattice system SrCr8−xGa4+xO19

    Order in a Spatially Anisotropic Triangular Antiferromagnet

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    The phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic triangular lattice of weakly coupled chains, a model relevant to Cs2CuCl4, is investigated using a renormalization group analysis, which includes marginal couplings important for connecting to numerical studies of this model. In particular, the relative stability of incommensurate spiral spin-density order and collinear antiferromagnetic order is studied. While incommensurate spiral order is found to exist over most of the phase diagram in the presence of a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, at small interchain and extremely weak DM couplings, collinear antiferromagnetic order can survive. Our results imply that Cs2CuCl4 is well within the part of the phase diagram where spiral order is stable. The implications of the renormalization group analysis for numerical studies, many of which have found spin-liquidlike behavior, are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, minor edits and reference adde
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