28 research outputs found

    Extracellular vesicle interactions with the external and internal exposome in mediating carcinogenesis

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    The influence of environmental factors on an individual, from conception onwards, is defined as the exposome. It can be categorized into the external exposome, which includes external factors such as air pollution, chemical contaminants, and diet, and the internal exposome, which is unique to an individual, and involves age, physiology, and their genetic profile. The effect of external exposures on the internal exposome, or genetic profile, can be determined through omics analyses. However, this is often compromised due to low sample quantity and cost. Therefore, identification of other factors that can provide an insight into the cellular profile of an individual, provides an exciting avenue, and an emerging field is that of extracellular vesicles (EVs). Recently, our understanding of how cells can communicate with each other has shifted to recognise the role of EVs. EVs are secreted by all living cells, and have been identified in all biological fluids studied so far. They transport bioactive molecules (e.g., proteins, miRNAs, and DNA), and their release can be regulated by the cellular microenvironment. Analysis of EVs in respond to environmental factors might provide novel insights into the role of tumour EVs in carcinogenesis. Not only will EVs give some insight into the tumour cells themselves but they will also provide a better understanding of how cells communicate with one another, contributing to cancer progression. Moreover, characterising the content and functions of tumour-derived EVs has the potential to overcome the current challenges to improve cancer patient outcomes. For example, the identification of EVs targets for therapeutic interventions and tumour EVs biomarkers could facilitate the development of early screening for several cancers. The aim of this review, thus, is to discuss the overall role of EVs in response to the various external and internal signals in cancer. We will specifically highlight the biogenesis, secretion, and content of EVs in response to oncogenic transformation and metabolic regulators in cancer

    Amiloride modifies the progression of lithium-induced renal interstitial fibrosis

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    Aim: Long-term administration of lithium has been associated with the development of a chronic interstitial fibrosis in addition to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). Earlier studies have demonstrated that amiloride, by blocking the epithelial sodium channel ENaC and thus preventing lithium uptake into the principal cells of the collecting ducts, can partially reverse lithium-induced NDI. However, there are no long-term studies examining whether or not amiloride also modifies the progressive chronic interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy often evident with long-term lithium exposure. Methods: Using an established animal model of lithium-induced chronic interstitial fibrosis, rats were treated with amiloride and lithium for 5\ua0months following 1\ua0month of exposure to lithium alone and compared with control animals and those given only lithium. Results and Conclusions: In this study, the 5\ua0months of amiloride therapy partially mitigated the lithium-induced NDI and limited the further progression of lithium-induced kidney fibrosis. This improvement was associated with decreased expression of the pro-fibrotic connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), along with reduced myofibroblast infiltration and decreased collagen deposition around the distended cortical collecting ducts. This may, in part, be mediated by modifying lithium-induced alterations in β-catenin activity through its effects on GSK-3β

    Epigenome erosion and SOX10 drive neural crest phenotypic mimicry in triple-negative breast cancer

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity is caused by genomic instability and phenotypic plasticity, but how these features co-evolve remains unclear. SOX10 is a neural crest stem cell (NCSC) specifier and candidate mediator of phenotypic plasticity in cancer. We investigated its relevance in breast cancer by immunophenotyping 21 normal breast and 1860 tumour samples. Nuclear SOX10 was detected in normal mammary luminal progenitor cells, the histogenic origin of most TNBCs. In tumours, nuclear SOX10 was almost exclusive to TNBC, and predicted poorer outcome amongst cross-sectional (p = 0.0015, hazard ratio 2.02, n = 224) and metaplastic (p = 0.04, n = 66) cases. To understand SOX10’s influence over the transcriptome during the transition from normal to malignant states, we performed a systems-level analysis of co-expression data, de-noising the networks with an eigen-decomposition method. This identified a core module in SOX10’s normal mammary epithelial network that becomes rewired to NCSC genes in TNBC. Crucially, this reprogramming was proportional to genome-wide promoter methylation loss, particularly at lineage-specifying CpG-island shores. We propose that the progressive, genome-wide methylation loss in TNBC simulates more primitive epigenome architecture, making cells vulnerable to SOX10-driven reprogramming. This study demonstrates potential utility for SOX10 as a prognostic biomarker in TNBC and provides new insights about developmental phenotypic mimicry—a major contributor to intratumoral heterogeneity

    Emerging Biomarkers for Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Brain Metastases—From Biology to Clinical Utility

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    Primary malignancies of the lung, skin (melanoma), and breast have higher propensity for metastatic spread to the brain. Advances in molecular tumour profiling have aided the development of targeted therapies, stereotactic radiotherapy, and immunotherapy, which have led to some improvement in patient outcomes; however, the overall prognosis remains poor. Continued research to identify new prognostic and predictive biomarkers is necessary to further impact patient outcomes, as this will enable better risk stratification at the point of primary cancer diagnosis, earlier detection of metastatic deposits (for example, through surveillance), and more effective systemic treatments. Brain metastases exhibit considerable inter- and intratumoural heterogeneity—apart from distinct histology, treatment history and other clinical factors, the metastatic brain tumour microenvironment is incredibly variable both in terms of subclonal diversity and cellular composition. This review discusses emerging biomarkers; specifically, the biological context and potential clinical utility of tumour tissue biomarkers, circulating tumour cells, extracellular vesicles, and circulating tumour DNA

    Emerging Biomarkers for Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Brain Metastases—From Biology to Clinical Utility

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    Primary malignancies of the lung, skin (melanoma), and breast have higher propensity for metastatic spread to the brain. Advances in molecular tumour profiling have aided the development of targeted therapies, stereotactic radiotherapy, and immunotherapy, which have led to some improvement in patient outcomes; however, the overall prognosis remains poor. Continued research to identify new prognostic and predictive biomarkers is necessary to further impact patient outcomes, as this will enable better risk stratification at the point of primary cancer diagnosis, earlier detection of metastatic deposits (for example, through surveillance), and more effective systemic treatments. Brain metastases exhibit considerable inter- and intratumoural heterogeneity—apart from distinct histology, treatment history and other clinical factors, the metastatic brain tumour microenvironment is incredibly variable both in terms of subclonal diversity and cellular composition. This review discusses emerging biomarkers; specifically, the biological context and potential clinical utility of tumour tissue biomarkers, circulating tumour cells, extracellular vesicles, and circulating tumour DNA

    Ovarian-Cancer-Associated Extracellular Vesicles: Microenvironmental Regulation and Potential Clinical Applications

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the most diagnosed gynecological cancers in women. Due to the lack of effective early stage screening, women are more often diagnosed at an advanced stage; therefore, it is associated with poor patient outcomes. There are a lack of tools to identify patients at the highest risk of developing this cancer. Moreover, early detection strategies, therapeutic approaches, and real-time monitoring of responses to treatment to improve survival and quality of life are also inadequate. Tumor development and progression are dependent upon cell-to-cell communication, allowing cancer cells to re-program cells not only within the surrounding tumor microenvironment, but also at distant sites. Recent studies established that extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate bi-directional communication between normal and cancerous cells. EVs are highly stable membrane vesicles that are released from a wide range of cells, including healthy and cancer cells. They contain tissue-specific signaling molecules (e.g., proteins and miRNA) and, once released, regulate target cell phenotypes, inducing a pro-tumorigenic and immunosuppressive phenotype to contribute to tumor growth and metastasis as well as proximal and distal cell function. Thus, EVs are a “fingerprint” of their cell of origin and reflect the metabolic status. Additionally, via the capacity to evade the immune system and remain stable over long periods in circulation, EVs can be potent therapeutic agents. This review examines the potential role of EVs in the different aspects of the tumor microenvironment in OC, as well as their application in diagnosis, delivery of therapeutic agents, and disease monitoring

    Three-dimensional models as a new frontier for studying the role of proteoglycans in the normal and malignant breast microenvironment

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides cues to direct mammogenesis, tumourigenesis and metastatic processes. Over the past several decades, two-dimensional (2D) culture models have been invaluable in furthering our understanding of the tumor microenvironment (TME), however, they still do not accurately emulate the associated biological complexities. In contrast, three-dimensional (3D) culture models provide a more physiologically relevant platform to study relevant physicochemical signals, stromal-epithelial cell interactions, vascular and immune components, and cell-ECM interactions in the human breast microenvironment. A common thread that may weave these multiple interactions are the proteoglycans (PGs), a prominent family of molecules in breast tissue. This review will discuss how these PGs contribute to the breast cancer TME and provide a summary of the traditional and emerging technologies that have been utilized to better understand the role of PGs during malignant transformation. Furthermore, this review will emphasize the differences that PGs exhibit between normal tissues and tumor ECM, providing a rationale for the investigation of underexplored roles of PGs in breast cancer progression using state-of-the-art 3D culture models

    Recent advances in breast cancer research impacting clinical diagnostic practice : Breast cancer research - where are we now?

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    During the last decade, the genomics revolution has driven critical advances in molecular oncology and pathology, and a deeper appreciation of heterogeneity that is beginning to reshape our thinking around diagnostic classification. Recent developments have seen existing classification systems modified and improved where possible, gene-based diagnostics implemented and tumour-immune interactions modulated. We present a detailed discussion of this progress, including the advances in understanding of breast tumour classification, for example mixed ductal-lobular tumours and the spectrum of triple-negative breast cancer. The latest information on clinical trials and implementation of gene-based diagnostics, including MammaPrint and Oncotype Dx and others, is synthesized, and emerging targeted therapies as well as the burgeoning immuno-oncology field, and their relevance in breast cancer, are discussed