11 research outputs found

    The aetiology of social deficits within mental health disorders:The role of the immune system and endogenous opioids

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    The American National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) has put out a set of research goals that include a long-term plan to identify more reliable endogenous explanations for a wide variety of mental health disorders (Insel, 2013). In response to this, we have identified a major symptom that underlies multiple mental health disorders – social bonding dysfunction. We suggest that endogenous opioid abnormalities can lead to altered social bonding, which is a symptom of various mental health disorders, including depression, schizophrenia and ASD. This article first outlines how endogenous opioids play a role in social bonding. Then we show their association with the body’s inflammation immune function, and review recent literature linking inflammation to mental health ‘immunophenotypes’. We finish by explaining how these immunophenotypes may be caused by alterations in the endogenous opioid system. This is the first overview of the role of inflammation across multiple disorders where we provide a biochemical explanation for why immunophenotypes might exist across diagnoses. We propose a novel mechanism of how the immune system may be causing ‘sickness-type’ behaviours (fatigue, appetite change, social withdrawal and inhibited motivation) in those who have these immunophenotypes. We hope that this novel aetiology can be used as a basis for future research in mental health

    Déclaration sur l’approche par l’archéologie sociale du changement climatique

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    Manifiesto sobre Arqueología Social del Cambio Climático aprobado en la Cumbre SACC celebrada en Kiel. Aprobado y firmado el 6 de septiembre de 2021.[ES] El SACC es un grupo independiente, constituido en Kiel, de investigadores e investigadoras que trabajan sobre cambio climático. El objetivo de SACC es reunir científicos y científicas internacionales y representantes de importantes organizaciones internacionales de las áreas de arqueología, paleoecología y gestión del patrimonio para con el fin de discutir y evaluar la contribución de la investigación arqueológica y paleo-ecológica para comprender la interrelación entre el cambio social, el cultural, el ecológico y el climático. Pretendemos resaltar cómo la arqueología, a través del estudio de la conducta adaptativa en el pasado, es capaz de reforzar tanto la resiliencia socio-ecológica de nuestras sociedades, como su capacidad adaptativa ante el actual cambio climático. Además, pretendemos contribuir a la comprensión del impacto del cambio climático en los yacimientos y sitios arqueológicos y patrimoniales, así como en los paisajes culturales, los museos, las colecciones y archivos patrimoniales. SACC celebrará cumbres cada dos años y emitirá una declaración o manifiesto al término de cada una de ellas. S ACC está organizada por un comité interino presidido por las personas convocantes del SACC 1.[EN] SACC is an independent group of researchers working on climate change in the past constituted in Kiel. The aim of SACC is to bring together international scientists and representatives of important international organisations in the fields of archaeology, paleoecology and heritage management to discuss and evaluate the contribution of archaeological and paleo-ecological research to understand the link between social, cultural, ecological and climatic change; and to highlight how archaeology, through the study of past adaptive behaviour, is able to enhance socio-ecological resilience of societies as well as their adaptive capacity to current climate change; furthermore, to contribute to the understanding of the impact of climate change on archaeological and heritage sites as well as on cultural landscapes, museums, collections, and archives. SACC will hold its summit every second year with a declaration at the end of each summit. SACC is organized by a steering committee chaired by the SACC 1 organisers.[FR] Le SACC est un groupe indépendant de chercheurs travaillant sur le changement climatique dans le passé, qui s’est formé à Kiel. L’objectif du S ACC est de réunir des scientifiques internationaux et des représentants d’organisations internationales importantes dans les domaines de l’archéologie, de la paléoécologie et de la gestion du patrimoine. Il a pour objectif de discuter et d’évaluer la contribution de la recherche archéologique et paléo-écologique à la compréhension du lien entre les changements sociaux, culturels, écologiques et climatiques et de souligner comment l’archéologie, par l’étude du comportement adaptatif du passé, est capable d’améliorer la résilience socioécologique des sociétés ainsi que leur capacité d’adaptation au changement climatique actuel. En outre, il contribue à la compréhension de l’impact du changement climatique sur les sites archéologiques et patrimoniaux ainsi que sur les paysages culturels, les musées, les collections et les archives. Le SACC tiendra son conseil tous les deux ans avec une déclaration à la fin de chaque conseil. Il est organisé par un comité de pilotage présidé par les organisateurs de SACC 1.Peer reviewe

    Ethnic attitudes as a function of ethnic presence.

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    Stochastic Optimisation for Allocation Problem with Shortfall Risk Constraints

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    One of the crucial aspects in asset allocation problems is the assumption concerning the probability distribution of asset returns. Financial managers generally suppose normal distribution, even if extreme realizations usually have an higher frequency than in the Gaussian case. The aim of this paper is to propose a general Monte Carlo simulation approach able to solve an asset allocation problem with shortfall constraint, and to evaluate the exact portfolio risk-level when managers assume a misspecified return behaviour. We assume that returns are generated by a multivariate skewed Student-t distribution where each marginal can have different degrees of freedom. The stochastic optimization allows us to value the effective risk for managers. In the empirical application we consider a symmetric and heterogeneous case, and interestingly note that a multivariate Student-t with heterogeneous marginal distributions produces in the optimization problem a shortfall probability and a shortfall return level that can be adequately approximated by assuming a multivariate Student-t with common degrees of freedom. Thus, the proposed simulation-based approach could be an important instrument for investors who require a qualitative assessment of the reliability and sensitivity of their investment strategies in the case their models could be potentially misspecified