60 research outputs found

    Visualization and manipulation of repair and regeneration in biological systems using light

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    Tissue repair after an injury is a fundamental process in biomedicine. It can involve regeneration, which uses new growth to restore tissue function. The interest in repair and regeneration is motivated by the desire to treat injuries and diseases and has attracted researchers for centuries. In the last decades, it evolved in the field of regenerative medicine, which has the ultimate goal of providing strategies for regenerating human cells, tissues, or even organs, for instance, via engineering principles. Already since the first experiments on regeneration by Abraham Trembley, novel findings in biomedicine, repair, and regeneration have been enabled or accompanied by research in optics, for example, on the development of novel microscopy techniques. Nowadays, novel optical techniques are advancing, which allow to understand the role of single cells in tissue repair processes. Moreover, repair processes within cells can be visualized and manipulated. Ultimately, optics can provide enabling techniques for regenerative therapies. This habilitation thesis aims to present several of these advances. On a single cell level, femtosecond laser nanosurgery was used to target specific intracellular structures during concurrent imaging in vitro. The relation of femtosecond laser nanosurgery to the cell state and cellular staining was investigated. Manipulation of single Z-discs in cardiomyocytes using a femtosecond oscillator laser system was accomplished, which allows to better elucidate the role of a single Z-disc in cardiomyocyte function. In particular, measurements on cell survival, (calcium-) homeostasis, and morphology yielded only minor deviations from control cells after single Z-disc ablation. A reduction in force generation was elucidated via traction force microscopy and gene expression level changes, for instance, an upregulation of -actinin were examined. Additionally, light-based systems to influence single cells in their alignment or to trigger single cells, for example, to activate other cells via optogenetics were applied. On the tissue scale, imaging via confocal microscopy or multiphoton microscopy has been applied for various contexts of regenerative approaches. Furthermore, a fiber-based imaging approach, which could later be used for longitudinal imaging in vivo and builds upon a fluorescence microscope system and an imaging fiber bundle in combination with reconstruction via a neural network, was developed. As another imaging strategy, an abdominal imaging window served to image the mouse liver in vivo via multiphoton microscopy in successive imaging sessions. Manipulation in tissue was applied in colonoids, which resemble the structure of the colon on an in vitro scale, and revealed different cell dynamics dependent on the location of the damage. In particular, activation of the Wnt signaling pathway after crypt damage was observed. Cell ablation via a femtosecond laser amplifier system during concurrent two-photon microscopy was also established during in vivo liver imaging to study micro-regenerative processes. Furthermore, laser-based delivery processes with novel materials or in the context of genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology were investigated as enabling technologies for regenerative medicine. In conclusion, this thesis addresses the question of how optics can help to illuminate future directions in research on tissue repair and regeneration, as well as, regenerative therapies by addressing (longitudinal) imaging in a complex environment, sophisticated cell-manipulation strategies, and the application of novel materials for laser-based delivery

    Parameters for Optoperforation-Induced Killing of Cancer Cells Using Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized With the C-terminal Fragment of Clostridium Perfringens Enterotoxin

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    Recently, we used a recombinant produced C-terminus (D194-F319) of the Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (C-CPE) to functionalize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for a subsequent specific killing of claudin expressing tumor cells using the gold nanoparticle-mediated laser perforation (GNOME-LP) technique. For a future in vivo application, it will be crucial to know the physical parameters and the biological mechanisms inducing cell death for a rational adaptation of the system to real time situation. Regarding the AuNP functionalization, we observed that a relationship of 2.5 × 10−11 AuNP/mL to 20 µg/mL C-CPE maximized the killing efficiency. Regardingphysical parameters, a laser fluence up to 30 mJ/cm2 increased the killing efficiency. Independent from the applied laser fluence, the maximal killing efficiency was achieved at a scanning velocity of 5 mm/s. In 3D matrigel culture system, the GNOME-LP/C-CPE-AuNP completely destroyed spheroids composed of Caco-2 cells and reduced OE-33 cell spheroid formation. At the biology level, GNOME-LP/C-CPE-AuNP-treated cells bound annexin V and showed reduced mitochondria activity. However, an increased caspase-3/7 activity in the cells was not found. Similarly, DNA analysis revealed no apoptosis-related DNA ladder. The results suggest that the GNOME-LP/C-CPE-AuNP treatment induced necrotic than apoptotic reaction in tumor cells

    Intracellular Cargo Delivery Induced by Irradiating Polymer Substrates with Nanosecond-Pulsed Lasers

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    There is a great need in the biomedical field to efficiently, and cost-effectively, deliver membrane-impermeable molecules into the cellular cytoplasm. However, the cell membrane is a selectively permeable barrier, and large molecules often cannot pass through the phospholipid bilayer. We show that nanosecond laser-activated polymer surfaces of commercial polyvinyl tape and black polystyrene Petri dishes can transiently permeabilize cells for high-throughput, diverse cargo delivery of sizes of up to 150 kDa. The polymer surfaces are biocompatible and support normal cell growth of adherent cells. We determine the optimal irradiation conditions for poration, influx of fluorescent molecules into the cell, and post-treatment viability of the cells. The simple and low-cost substrates we use have no thin-metal structures, do not require cleanroom fabrication, and provide spatial selectivity and scalability for biomedical applications

    Probing interneuronal cell communication via optogenetic stimulation

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    This study uses an all-optical approach to probe interneuronal communication between spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) and neurons of other functional units, in this case cortex neurons (CNs) and hippocampus neurons (HNs), for the first time. We combined a channelrhodopsin variant (CheRiff) with a red genetically encoded calcium indicator (jRCaMP1a), enabling simultaneous optical stimulation and recording from spatially separated small neuronal populations. Stimulation of SGNs was possible with both optogenetic manipulated HNs and CNs, respectively. Furthermore, a dependency on the pulse duration of the stimulating light in regard to the evoked calcium response in the SGNs was also observed. Our results pave the way to enable innovative technologies based on “biohybrid” systems utilizing the functional interaction between different biological (eg, neural) systems. This can enable improved treatment of neurological and sensorineural disorders such as hearing loss

    Evaluation of laser induced sarcomere microdamage: Role of damage extent and location in cardiomyocytes

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    Whereas it is evident that a well aligned and regular sarcomeric structure in cardiomyocytes is vital for heart function, considerably less is known about the contribution of individual elements to the mechanics of the entire cell. For instance, it is unclear whether altered Z-disc elements are the reason or the outcome of related cardiomyopathies. Therefore, it is crucial to gain more insight into this cellular organization. This study utilizes femtosecond laserbased nanosurgery to better understand sarcomeres and their repair upon damage. We investigated the influence of the extent and the location of the Z-disc damage. A single, three, five or ten Z-disc ablations were performed in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. We employed image-based analysis using a self-written software together with different already published algorithms. We observed that cardiomyocyte survival associated with the damage extent, but not with the cell area or the total number of Z-discs per cell. The cell survival is independent of the damage position and can be compensated. However, the sarcomere alignment/orientation is changing over time after ablation. The contraction time is also independent of the extent of damage for the tested parameters. Additionally, we observed shortening rates between 6-7% of the initial sarcomere length in laser treated cardiomyocytes. This rate is an important indicator for force generation in myocytes. In conclusion, femtosecond laser-based nanosurgery together with image-based sarcomere tracking is a powerful tool to better understand the Z-disc complex and its force propagation function and role in cellular mechanisms. Copyright

    Characterization of tissue engineered endothelial cell networks in composite collagen-agarose hydrogels

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    Scaffolds constitute an important element in vascularized tissues and are therefore investigated for providing the desired mechanical stability and enabling vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. In this study, supplementation of hydrogels containing either Matrigel™ and rat tail collagen I (Matrigel™/rCOL) or human collagen (hCOL) with SeaPlaque™ agarose were analyzed with regard to construct thickness and formation and characteristics of endothelial cell (EC) networks compared to constructs without agarose. Additionally, the effect of increased rCOL content in Matrigel™/rCOL constructs was studied. An increase of rCOL content from 1 mg/mL to 3 mg/mL resulted in an increase of construct thickness by approximately 160%. The high rCOL content, however, impaired the formation of an EC network. The supplementation of Matrigel™/rCOL with agarose increased the thickness of the hydrogel construct by approximately 100% while supporting the formation of a stable EC network. The use of hCOL/agarose composite hydrogels led to a slight increase in the thickness of the 3D hydrogel construct and supported the formation of a multi-layered EC network compared to control constructs. Our findings suggest that agarose/collagen-based composite hydrogels are promising candidates for tissue engineering of vascularized constructs as cell viability is maintained and the formation of a stable and multi-layered EC network is supported. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Gold nanoparticle-mediated laser stimulation causes a complex stress signal in neuronal cells

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    Gold nanoparticle mediated laser stimulation of neuronal cells allows for cell activation on a single-cell level. It could therefore be considered an alternative to classical electric neurostimulation. The physiological impact of this new approach has not been intensively studied so far. Here, we investigate the targeted cell's reaction to a laser stimulus based on its calcium response. A complex cellular reaction involving multiple sources has been revealed. © 2017 SPIE-OSA

    Viscosity effects and confined cochlea-like geometry in laser-induced cavitation dynamics

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    On the path to an optoacoustic hearing implant for stimulation of residual hearing, one possibility for tone generation in liquids is the concatenation of acoustic click events, which can be realized i. a. by the acoustic transients that accompany an optical breakdown. The application of a viscous gel is helpful in this context, as this results in an attenuation of the distortion of tone quality caused by higher harmonic components. To further understand the underlying cavitation bubble dynamics both in the viscous gel and in a confined volume that is dimensioned similarly to the human cochlea, a numerical model built in OpenFOAM was adapted and compared to additional experiments. Experimentally, the acoustic transients were generated by optical breakdown by nanosecond laser pulses with a pulse duration of 0.7 ns and a wavelength of 1064 nm. The pulses were focused on a viscous gel inside a water container. The pressure transients were measured by a needle hydrophone. The comparison of the bubble dynamics in different viscosities between the model and the experiment shows that, except for high viscosities, the experimental observations could be modeled by the simulation. We assume that the maximum size of the cavitation bubble strongly decreases with increasing viscosity, which can be used for high-frequency attenuation as reported in our previous research. In conclusion, this study aims at an application-oriented realization of the numerical cavitation bubble dynamics model to understand the experimental findings on the pathway to an optoacoustic hearing implant

    Mimicking acute airway tissue damage using femtosecond laser nanosurgery in airway organoids

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    Airway organoids derived from adult murine epithelial cells represent a complex 3D in vitro system mimicking the airway epithelial tissue’s native cell composition and physiological properties. In combination with a precise damage induction via femtosecond laser-based nanosurgery, this model might allow for the examination of intra- and intercellular dynamics in the course of repair processes with a high spatio-temporal resolution, which can hardly be reached using in vivo approaches. For characterization of the organoids’ response to single or multiple-cell ablation, we first analyzed overall organoid survival and found that airway organoids were capable of efficiently repairing damage induced by femtosecond laser-based ablation of a single to ten cells within 24 h. An EdU staining assay further revealed a steady proliferative potential of airway organoid cells. Especially in the case of ablation of five cells, proliferation was enhanced within the first 4 h upon damage induction, whereas ablation of ten cells was followed by a slight decrease in proliferation within this time frame. Analyzing individual trajectories of single cells within airway organoids, we found an increased migratory behavior in cells within close proximity to the ablation site following the ablation of ten, but not five cells. Bulk RNA sequencing and subsequent enrichment analysis revealed the differential expression of sets of genes involved in the regulation of epithelial repair, distinct signaling pathway activities such as Notch signaling, as well as cell migration after laser-based ablation. Together, our findings demonstrate that organoid repair upon ablation of ten cells involves key processes by which native airway epithelial wound healing is regulated. This marks the herein presented in vitro damage model suitable to study repair processes following localized airway injury, thereby posing a novel approach to gain insights into the mechanisms driving epithelial repair on a single-cell level

    Epithelial restitution in 3D - Revealing biomechanical and physiochemical dynamics in intestinal organoids via fs laser nanosurgery

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    Intestinal organoids represent a three-dimensional cell culture system mimicking the mammalian intestine. The application of single-cell ablation for defined wounding via a femtosecond laser system within the crypt base allowed us to study cell dynamics during epithelial restitution. Neighboring cells formed a contractile actin ring encircling the damaged cell, changed the cellular aspect ratio, and immediately closed the barrier. Using traction force microscopy, we observed major forces at the ablation site and additional forces on the crypt sides. Inhibitors of the actomyosin-based mobility of the cells led to the failure of restoring the barrier. Close to the ablation site, high-frequency calcium flickering and propagation of calcium waves occured that synchronized with the contraction of the epithelial layer. We observed an increased signal and nuclear translocation of YAP-1. In conclusion, our approach enabled, for the first time, to unveil the intricacies of epithelial restitution beyond in vivo models by employing precise laser-induced damage in colonoids