7 research outputs found

    Katalozi izložaba kao vid nakladničke djelatnosti u arhivima

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    Nezamislivo je da se ijedna ljudska djelatnost u današnjem društvu može odvijati bez protoka informacija. Iako danas svatko može objaviti određeni sadržaj, uloga nakladnika/izdavača neprocjenjiva je kad govorimo o kvaliteti i vrijednosti objavljenog sadržaja. Nakladnička djelatnost oduvijek je imala važnu ulogu u svim aspektima društva, a posebno u kulturnom i obrazovnom. Objavljivanjem sadržaju korisnici se upoznaju s publikacijom i postaju zainteresirani za nju . Prema tome, značajna je uloga nakladnika u nizu aktivnosti u procesnom lancu proizvodnje, od rukopisa do korisnika, s ciljem da objavljeni sadržaj bude što vredniji. Informacijske ustanove arhivi, knjižnice i muzeji, osim što čuvaju razne oblike sadržaja, od tiskanoga do elektroničkoga, kao redovnu razvijaju i izdavačku djelatnost. Arhivi su, kao posrednici između sačuvanih autentičnih izvora informacija i korisnika koji traže određenu informaciju, neiscrpan izvor istraživanja. Mnogi su načini kojima arhivi predstavljaju svoje gradivo široj korisničkoj zajednici, a jedan su od njih izdanja vezana uz izložbe organizirane u arhivima. U radu je provedeno istraživanje izdanja vezanih za izložbe organizirane u državnim arhivima u pet najvećih gradova u Hrvatskoj: Zagrebu, Splitu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Zadru, od 1998. do 2018. godine. Analizom prikupljenih podataka uočeno je da se u svim državnim arhivima posljednjih godina povećava broj organiziranih izložaba, kao i izdanih kataloga i deplijana izložaba. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da se arhivi prilagođavaju suvremenim društvenim kretanjima te sve više traže načine kako bi što kvalitetnije predstavili svoje gradivo užoj i široj korisničkoj zajednici

    Katalozi izložaba kao vid nakladničke djelatnosti u arhivima

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    Nezamislivo je da se ijedna ljudska djelatnost u današnjem društvu može odvijati bez protoka informacija. Iako danas svatko može objaviti određeni sadržaj, uloga nakladnika/izdavača neprocjenjiva je kad govorimo o kvaliteti i vrijednosti objavljenog sadržaja. Nakladnička djelatnost oduvijek je imala važnu ulogu u svim aspektima društva, a posebno u kulturnom i obrazovnom. Objavljivanjem sadržaju korisnici se upoznaju s publikacijom i postaju zainteresirani za nju . Prema tome, značajna je uloga nakladnika u nizu aktivnosti u procesnom lancu proizvodnje, od rukopisa do korisnika, s ciljem da objavljeni sadržaj bude što vredniji. Informacijske ustanove arhivi, knjižnice i muzeji, osim što čuvaju razne oblike sadržaja, od tiskanoga do elektroničkoga, kao redovnu razvijaju i izdavačku djelatnost. Arhivi su, kao posrednici između sačuvanih autentičnih izvora informacija i korisnika koji traže određenu informaciju, neiscrpan izvor istraživanja. Mnogi su načini kojima arhivi predstavljaju svoje gradivo široj korisničkoj zajednici, a jedan su od njih izdanja vezana uz izložbe organizirane u arhivima. U radu je provedeno istraživanje izdanja vezanih za izložbe organizirane u državnim arhivima u pet najvećih gradova u Hrvatskoj: Zagrebu, Splitu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Zadru, od 1998. do 2018. godine. Analizom prikupljenih podataka uočeno je da se u svim državnim arhivima posljednjih godina povećava broj organiziranih izložaba, kao i izdanih kataloga i deplijana izložaba. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da se arhivi prilagođavaju suvremenim društvenim kretanjima te sve više traže načine kako bi što kvalitetnije predstavili svoje gradivo užoj i široj korisničkoj zajednici


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    Natural zeolite – clinoptilolite (CLI) from Serbian deposit Slanci (near the capital city Belgrade) was investigated as adsorbent for the adsorption of antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) as a model organic micropollutant (OMP) present in wastewater. At 20 °C the adsorption capacity varies from 4.81 to 8.90 mg g-1 for the initial CIP solution concentration of 15 and 50 mg CIP dm–3, respectively. The adsorption isotherms at 10, 15 and 20 °C are best represented by the Langmuir model and the adsorption kinetics by the Lagergren's pseudosecond-order equation. The adsorption mechanism most probably involves an ion-exchange reaction occurred at the CLI surface and according to results of Weber-Morris model does not involve intra-particle diffusion


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    The use of antibiotics constantly increases which has a notable negative impact on water bodies. Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is widely applied antibiotic in both human and veterinary medicine, as well as in a livestock breeding. Due to its extensive use, CIP has been found in wastewater effluents in a wide concentration range from ng to mg dm^(–3). An extremely high concentration of up to 50 mg dm^(–3) has been found near drug manufacturing plants [1]. Since CIP, as well as many other pharmaceuticals, cannot be efficiently removed from wastewater streams by conventional wastewater treatments, it is of a great importance to find an acceptable method for their removal. This study reports the use of natural calcium-rich clinoptilolite (CLI) for the adsorption of CIP and regeneration of the spent adsorbent (CLI-CIP) by non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma (NTP). The results show that the CLI possesses a high adsorption efficiency in removal of CIP at 283, 288 and 293 K in a slightly acidic medium (pH= 5) for the initial concentrations from 15 to 75 mg dm^(–3). The CIP adsorption by CLI follows the Lagergren’s pseudo-second-order kinetics and it can be described well by the Langmuir isotherm model. For all studied temperatures and initial concentrations more than 85% of the CIP is removed within the first 10 minutes. The results also indicate that the CIP adsorption mechanism includes two phenomena: 1) electrostatic interactions between negatively charged aluminosilicate lattice and cationic form of CIP species and 2) ion-exchange reaction. The use of NTP for the regeneration of CLI-CIP was based on the assumption that NTP generates highly reactive species which can induce a cleavage of the bonds formed between active sites on the CLI surface and CIP, and also induce the CIP decomposition. The NTP treatment was performed for a short time, with a low energy consumption, and without using the additional chemicals. All these make the procedure acceptable not only from economical point of view but also regarding environmental issues [2]. A surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma source was used for the treatment of CLI-CIP. The regeneration study was consisted of five successive adsorption/NTP cycles. Powder X-ray diffraction and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analyses confirmed that the plasma treatment did not influence the CLI lattice nor its textural properties. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed that the NTP reduces carbon content in the regenerated CLI for more than 90% and that the plasma reactive species are involved in the CLI regeneration process. The obtained results strongly support the applicability of the NTP treatment in regeneration of zeolite-based adsorbents used in pharmaceutical removal from wastewater

    Regeneration of the ciprofloxacin-loaded clinoptilolite by non-thermal atmospheric plasma

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    Natural clinoptilolite (CLI) exhibited a high efficacy in ciprofloxacin (CIP) removal from aqueous solution by adsorption. However, the regeneration of the spent adsorbent was a challenge since the adsorption occurred via electrostatic interactions and ion-exchange reaction. Herein, the feasibility of non-thermal plasma (NTP) was studied for the regeneration of ciprofloxacin-containing clinoptilolite (CIP-CLI) in five successive adsorption/NTP regeneration cycles. The NTP treatments were performed using a surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) operating at atmospheric pressure in air. Plasma discharge gap, sample mass, and electrode surfaces were varied to find optimal regeneration parameters. For the plasma source with an electrode surface of 37.2 cm2, the 2 mm electrode gap and 20 min of plasma treatment were found as optimal parameters (sample mass of 0.2 g). The plasma treatment did not affect clinoptilolite features which were concluded from a study of textural properties and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed a decrease of total carbon content with around 10% of carbon residual left on the surface. The CLI adsorption capacity can be regenerated to at least 90% of its initial capacity during the five successive cycles, showing the involvement of plasma reactive species in decomposition of adsorbed CIP

    Use of Natural Clinoptilolite in the Preparation of an Efficient Adsorbent for Ciprofloxacin Removal from Aqueous Media

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    The adsorption of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) from an aqueous solution by natural zeolite, the calcium-rich clinoptilolite (CLI), and magnetite-coated CLI (MAG-CLI) was investigated. Both CLI and MAG-CLI showed a high adsorption affinity towards CIP at 283, 288 and 293 K at a pH of 5. Adsorption kinetics studied for the initial concentrations of 15-75 mg CIP dm(-3) follow Lagergren's pseudo-second order equation and the adsorption is best represented by the Langmuir model. The adsorption mechanism involves strong electrostatic interactions between negatively charged aluminosilicate lattice and the cationic form of CIP accompanied by an ion-exchange reaction. Magnetite coverage (approx. 12 wt.%) induces magnetism, which can facilitate the separation process. The coverage does not influence the adsorption activity of CLI. The leaching test showed that the MAG coating protects the adsorbent from CIP leaching. This is ascribed to interactions between the CIP carboxyl groups and magnetite nano-particles. Antibacterial tests showed strong antibacterial activity of the ciprofloxacin-containing adsorbents towards pathogenic E. coli and S. aureus