779 research outputs found

    Novi Zakon o kaznenim djelima protiv tržišta kapitala

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    Hrvatski sabor je na sjednici 15. prosinca 2008. godine donio Zakon o kaznenim djelima protiv tržišta kapitala (ZKDTK). Zakon je stupio na snagu 1. siječnja 2009. godine. Zakonom o tržištu kapitala (ZTK), koji je također stupio na snagu 1. siječnja 2009., uređeni su: 1. uvjeti za osnivanje, poslovanje, nadzor i prestanak postojanja investicijskog društva, tržišnog operatera i operatera sustava prijeboja i namire u Republici Hrvatskoj, 2. uvjeti za pružanje investicijskih usluga i obavljanje investicijskih aktivnosti i s tim povezanih pomoćnih usluga, 3. pravila trgovanja na uređenom tržištu, 4. uvjeti za ponudu vrijednosnih papira javnosti i uvrštenje vrijednosnih papira na uređeno tržište, 5. obveze u svezi s objavljivanjem informacija koje se odnose na vrijednosne papire uvrštene na uređeno tržište, 6. zloporaba tržišta, 7. pohrana financijskih instrumenata i poravnanje i namira poslova s financijskim instrumentima, 8. ovlasti i postupanje Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga pri provođenju ZTK-a. Zakonom o tržištu kapitala uređeno je također područje poslovanja osoba ovlaštenih za obavljanje poslova s financijskim instrumentima, uvjeti za organizirano trgovanje financijskim instrumentima, postupak izdavanja vrijednosnih papira javnom ponudom, zaštita ulagatelja i nositelja prava iz vrijednosnih papira; uređeni su nematerijalizirani vrijednosni papiri te ustrojstvo i ovlaštenja središnjeg klirinško-depozitarnog društva (dosadašnje Središnje depozitarne agencije - SDA), također burze, uvedeni su i novi pojmovi te su uređena prava i obveze sudionika na tržištu kapitala. Zakon o kaznenim djelima protiv tržišta kapitala i Zakon o tržištu kapitala zamijenili su dosad važeći Zakon o tržištu vrijednosnih papira

    Trends and Changes in the National Association for Gifted Children\u27s Special Populations Network Annual Convention Presentations, 2001-2010

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    This qualitative study examines the trends and changes in the National Association for Gifted Children’s (NAGC) Special Populations Network annual convention presentations from the years 2001-2010. Factors examined include demographic information about the presenters, including gender, geographic location, and workplace represented, as well as the number of presentations and their topics. This content analysis is especially important when considering talented and gifted education in public schools across the United States, and what educators learn from these convention presentations that might impact priorities regarding special populations. After analyzing ten years of Special Populations Network presentations, it becomes apparent that while there have been changes in issues of importance related to special populations in gifted education, two main subjects appear throughout: minority student integration into talented and gifted classrooms, and twice-exceptional learners

    Methods of High-Fidelity, High-Efficiency Class-D Audio Amplification

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    Gallium nitride-based field effect transistors (FETs) have opened a path for full-frequency-range class-D audio amplifiers with low distortion and noise, thanks to their ability to switch at much higher frequencies than that of the upper range of human hearing. Compared to traditional silicon-based transistors, GaN-based transistors offer superior efficiencies, particularly at power levels below their maxima. Paired with an analog-to-digital converter, digital signal processor, and pulse-code modulation to pulse-width modulation converter, these transistors are used to design and implement a solid-state amplifier capable of generating 100 watts of output through speakers with an impedance of 8 ohms using a 1-volt line-level input. This digital signal processor, together with Analog Devices’s SigmaStudio development software, allows for equalization, filtering, and other modification of the signal in this design. Together, these equalization features, the use of GaN transistors, and various digital encoding methods are examined for their benefits in producing high-power, high-fidelity audio in small packages

    Connecting Confidence to College Mathematics and High School Ability Tracks

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    Ability tracking within mathematics education is commonplace in American high schools. Some feel that students’ ability tracks act as a predictor for their success in university mathematics. Research has shown that many factors, such as socioeconomic status and more, have substantial effects on student success. The purpose of this study was to further investigate variables related to success in university mathematics. Confidence in mathematics is one factor in student performance that is particularly under-researched. This research investigated the relationship between ability tracking in high school mathematics, student confidence level, and performance in university mathematics. Data was gathered via a survey. Findings indicated that high school ability tracks and collegiate mathematics performance were positively correlated with a correlation coefficient of .38. Furthermore, there was a correlation between confidence and performance, as well as ability tracking and confidence, with a correlation coefficient of .56 and .40 respectively. This means that students’ ability tracks, confidence levels, and performance all increase with each other. There was a stronger correlation between confidence levels and performance than ability tracks and performance. Because of this, there is no definitive evidence of what begets success. Still, ability tracking is not the ultimate precursor to success and there is more than mathematical content, specifically confidence, that teachers need to nourish in their students. All in all, confidence, ability tracking, and performance have positive relationships with each other, meaning that students need to learn mathematical content but also establish healthy levels of confidence in order to be successful

    A two-step mutual authentication protocol based on randomized hash-lock for small RFID networks

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    RFID has been widely used in today's commercial and supply chain industry, due to the significant advantages it offers and the relatively low production cost. However, this ubiquitous technology has inherent problems in security and privacy. This calls for the development of simple, efficient and cost effective mechanisms against a variety of security threats. This paper proposes a two-step authentication protocol based on the randomized hash-lock scheme proposed by S. Weis in 2003. By introducing additional measures during the authentication process, this new protocol proves to enhance the security of RFID significantly, and protects the passive tags from almost all major attacks, including tag cloning, replay, full-disclosure, tracking, and eavesdropping. Furthermore, no significant changes to the tags is required to implement this protocol, and the low complexity level of the randomized hash-lock algorithm is retained

    Ustavne promjene iz 2010. u odnosu na pravosuđe

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    Hrvatski sabor je na temelju članka 145. Ustava Republike Hrvatske na sjednici 16. lipnja 2010. godine donio odluku kvalificiranom dvotrećinskom većinom o promjeni Ustava Republike Hrvatske kojaje objavljena u Narodnim novinama br. 76/10. od 18. lipnja 2010. godine. Nakon toga Odbor za Ustav, Poslovnik i politički sustav Hrvatskoga sabora je na sjednici dana 6. srpnja 2010. godine utvrdio pročišćeni tekst Ustava Republike Hrvatske (URH). Posljednja promjena Ustava RH učinjena je 28. ožujka 2001. godine. Dio izmjena odnosi se i na pravosuđe u užem smislu, i to: sudove, Državno sudbeno vijeće (DSV) te Državno odvjetništvo i Drzavnoodvjetničko vijeće (DOV). Također izmjene uređuju nezastarijevanje kaznenih djela u vezi s pretvorbom i privatizacijom, te s ratnim profiterstvom za vrijeme Domovinskog rata. Drugi dio izmjena odnosi se na pravosuđe u širem smislu riječi, i to na Ustavni sud RH kao sud sui generis, pučkog pravobranitelja te pristup informacijama koje se odnose i na pravosuđe. Ostale izmjene se odnosne na lokalnu i područnu samoupravu, te referendum. Dio dopuna Ustava RH odnosi se na Europsku uniju primjerice, pravna osnova članstva i prijenos ustavnih ovlasti, sudjelovanje u institucijama Europske unije, pravo Europske unije i pravo građana Europske unije. Detaljnije izmjene odnose se na Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske, pravo na pristup informacijama, obvezatnost i besplatnost obrazovanja, donošenje državnog proračuna. Kako referendum o pristupanju mora osigurati legitimnost takve odluke kao osnove članstva u Europskoj uniji, potrebno je osigurati da na referendumu dođe do izražaja stvarna volja biračkog tijela. Promjene odredbe članka 141. URH-a osiguravaju taj cilj propisivanjem donje granice najnižeg odaziva birača koji jamči legitimnost referenduma da referendumu mora pristupiti većina od ukupnog broja birača, s tim što se na referendumu odlučuje većinom birača koji su glasovali u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Unraveling the Roles of Crayfish Ectosymbionts

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    Undergraduate Basi