6 research outputs found
New lichen species from Thailand, new combinations and new additions to the Thai lichen biota
Several collecting trips by the authors (alone or together) over the last ten years in twenty-one provinces of Thailand afforded new additions to the most recent Thai lichen checklist. These are from seven families with an emphasis on the Graphidaceae reflecting the current interest of the authors. Two species are described as new to science: Platygramme subcolubrosa which differs from P. colubrosa in having non-pruinose labia and discs and smaller, less-septate ascospores and Ramonia minima, which differs from R. kandleri in having smaller ascomata, a lower hymenium and a partly brown to blackish exciple. Constrictolumina leucostoma is a new finding for the Palaeotropics and the genera Pseudotopeliopsis, Ramonia and Sclerophyton are new reports for Thailand. New records of Thai species of Hemithecium are transferred to Allographa and Graphis. This necessitated the following new combinations: Allographa stictilabiata (equivalent to Graphina stictilabiata), Graphis aphaneomicrospora (equivalent to Hemithecium aphaneomicrosporum), G. balaghatensis (equivalent to Hemithecium balaghatense) and Graphis indica (a new name for Hemithecium norsticticum). A further new combination includes Traponora varians (equivalent to Lecidea varians). Acanthothecis consocians, Caloplaca bassiae, Chapsa pulchra, Leucodecton occultum, Phaeographopsis palaeotropica, Platygramme australiensis, P. commutabilis, P. discurrens, Sclerophyton seriale, Psudotopeliopsis longisporum, Traponora macrospora and Trinathotrema stictideum are further new additions to the Thai lichen biota. Working keys are presented to all known species of Phaeographopsis and Trinathotrema and to the Thai species of Platygramme
The lichen genera Allographa and Graphis (Ascomycota: Ostropales, Graphidaceae) in Thailand—eleven new species, forty-seven new records and a key to all one hundred and fifteen species so far recorded for the country
We provide an updated account on the genera Graphis s. str. and Allographa (formerly included in Graphis) from Thailand. Four species of Allographa are described as new to science, viz. A. atrocelatoides, which differs from A. atrocelata in having marginata-morph lirellae and a smooth, off-white to beige thallus; A. kansriana, which differs from A. aquilonia in having negrosina-morph lirellae and brownish ascospores; A. schummii, which is characterized in having large, muriform ascospores and an open disc with a cinnabar-red pruina, reacting K+ lemon yellow; and A. sitianoides, which differs from A. sitiana in having immersed to erumpent lirellae and longer ascospores with more numerous septa. Twenty-seven further species are being recombined in the genus Allographa, viz A. acharii, A. aquilonia, A. atrocelata, A. elongata, A. hossei, A. leptospora, A. lumbricina, A. macella, A. marginata, A. norvestitoides, A. nuda, A. pavoniana, A. phaeospora, A. rhizicola, A. rimulosa, A. rufopallida, A. rustica, A. sauroidea, A. seminuda, A. semirigida, A. striatula, A. subdisserpens, A. subdussii, A. trichospora, A. verminosa, A. vestitoides, and A. xanthospora. Seven new Graphis species are described, viz. G. albocarpa, which differs from G. glaucescens in having a laterally to completely carbonized exciple, larger ascospores, and a norstictic acid chemistry; G. emersella, which differs from G. emersa in having hossei-morph lirellae and smaller ascospores with fewer septa; G. khaojoneana, which differs from G. bungartzii in having immersed, unbranched lirellae and smaller ascospores with fewer septa; G. omiana, which differs from G. luluensis in having larger ascospores with more numerous septa and a more complex chemistry relating to the stictic acid aggregate; G. schummiana, which differs from G. anfractuosa in having a laterally to completely carbonized exciple and in the reddish brown pruinose, K+ purple disc; G. sublitoralis, which differs from G. litoralis in having scripta-morph lirellae and in lacking protocetraric acid; and G. subschroederi, which differs from G. schroederi in having smaller ascospores and a laterally carbonized exciple. Four new lirellae morphs are defined, viz. filiformis-morph, balaghatensis-morph, leptogramma-morph and schummiana-morph. After several collecting trips to nineteen provinces of the country, further forty-seven new records of the two genera are added to the most recent checklist of Thai lichens. A key is given to all Allographa and Graphis species so far known for Thailand, as well as close-up photographs of the newly described or newly reported species. The following ten names are removed from the most recent Thai checklist: Graphis concolor = Diorygma junghuhnii, G. fissurinoidea = Diorygma confluens, G. glaucocinerea = Graphis aphanes, G. glaucorufa = Allographa rufopallida, G. irosina = Acanthothecis dialeuca, G. longispora = G. koratensis, Graphis nuda (probably a misidentification), G. ochrocheila = Dyplolabia ochrocheila, G. persimilis = Phaeographis hypoglauca, and G. subrigida = Platygramme platyloma. Graphis siamensis does not belong in this genus but is likely a species of Phlyctis. Graphis diplocheila has a clear hymenium and is a younger synonym of G. streblocarpa and G. dracaenae produces norstictic acid and must therefore kept apart from G. geraensis
New Coenogonium species (Ostropales: Coenogoniaceae) from Thailand, new reports and a revised key to the species occurring in the country
A revision of 159 Coenogonium collections from Thailand preserved in RAMK, herb. K. Kalb and herb. K. & J. Kalb is presented. 18 species (including 1 doubtful) could be delimited, three of which are described as new to science, namely C. convexum which differs from the similar C. nepalense by smaller and convex apothecia already at a very early stage of development, C. subborinquense which has larger apothecia (almost double the size) than the similar C. borinquense and C. verrucimarginatum which differs from C. coronatum by having denticulate-verrucose margins of the apothecia. Coenogonium barbatum, C. epiphyllum, C. frederici, C. leprieurii and C. queenslandicum are new additions to the Thai lichen biota. C. disciforme is synonymized with C. isidiiferum. The peculiar vegetative propagules in this species, hitherto named isidia, are described as thallodiscs. Photographs showing the habitus of the species as well as characteristic structures are given and a dichotomous key for the identification of all species is provided
‘Missing links’ alive? Novel taxa represent morphological transitions between distinctive phenotypes among extant Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales)
We provide an updated account on the species of the Cruentotrema-Dyplolabia clade in Graphidaceae subfamily Fissurinoideae, describing three new species: Cruentotrema lirelliforme J. Kalb, Polyiam & K. Kalb, differing from Cruentotrema thailandicum in the lirelliform ascomata; Dyplolabia chumphonensis J. Kalb & K. Kalb, differing from Dyplolabia oryzoides by smaller ascospores; and Dyplolabia dalywaiana Rivas Plata, Bawingan & Lucking, differing from other Dyplolabia species in the angular, erumpent asomata with broadly exposed disc and irregular pseudocolumella. In addition, two further species are recognized as new combinations: Cruentotrema puniceum (Mull. Arg.) J. Kalb & K. Kalb (Bas.: Arthothelium puniceum Mull. Arg.; syn.: Thelotrema rhododiscum Homchant. & Coppins) and Dyplolabia ochrocheila (Vain.) Rivas Plata & Lucking (Bas.: Graphis ochrocheila Vain.). Cruentotrema kurandense is reported as new to Thailand. Altogether, 11 species are now recognized in the two genera, six in Cruentotrema and five in Dyplolabia. In view of the disparate morphology of the two genera, the discovery of two of the three new species is highlighted as phenotypically transitional taxa, so-called 'missing links', and the phylogeny of this clade is revised
A new checklist of lichenized fungi occurring in Thailand
A new revised checklist of lichenized fungi in Thailand is presented, including 1,292 species. Recent work on the taxonomy of these organisms in Thailand resulted in an enormous increase in our knowledge of the lichen biota of the country – the current checklist includes more than twice as many species as the previous catalogue published 15 years ago – and phylogenetic studies resulted in numerous changes in the generic classification of lichenized fungi. Hence, a new checklist is here presented summarizing the current knowledge of lichens in Thailand. Six new records are reported, viz. Acanthothecis salazinica, Bactrospora metabola, Buellia parastata, Diploschistes cinereocaesius, Rolfidium coccocarpioides, and Trapelia placodioides. Five previously recorded species, namely Lecanora carpinea, Platismatia glauca, P. lacunosa, P. tuckermanii and Roccella phycopsis are shown to be based on misidentifications and are excluded from the checklist. Three new combinations of species previously placed in Pertusaria to Lepra are proposed: L. bulolensis (A.W.Archer, Elix & Streimann) Schmitt & Lumbsch, L. patellifera (A.W.Archer) Schmitt & Lumbsch, and L. subventosa (Malme) Schmitt & Lumbsch. Asia, biodiversity, lichens, new records, taxonom