24 research outputs found

    Effect of lead intoxication and D-penicillamine treatment on hematological indices in rats

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    Lead is one of the most important environmental pollution which is toxic to many organ systems. D-penicillamine (D-P) is a chelator drug which is used for treatment of lead toxicity for several years. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of D-P in reducing the effects of lead on hematological indices. This study was done on 36 male adult, 6-8 weeks albino Wistar rats in Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. At first male adult rats were exposed to lead acetate in their drinking water. After 8 weeks, 6 rats were selected and blood samples were prepared to assess the effects of lead toxicity. The remained lead exposed rats were divided into recovery and treatment groups where distilled water and D-P was administered for them, respectively. After lead exposure, red blood cell count increased slightly, but hemoglobin and hematocrite were decreased. Also MCV and MCH were significantly decreased (P<0.05). RDW, PDW and MPV were significantly higher in lead exposed rats (P<0.05). After recovery period, most of parameters were close to normal while there were no significant differences between recovery and treatment groups. This study showed that hematologic effects of lead are reversible and D-P administration do not play an important role in subchronic lead intoxication

    Risk factors of esophageal cancer in Turkmen Sahra of Iran

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    Present study was carried out in three years' duration (2002-2004) to investigate the risk factors of esophageal cancer in Iranian Turkmens (Northeast of Iran; where the esophageal cancer is the most common world wide). Concerning registered cases of esophageal cancer in the region, 139 cases were selected. Controls matching in terms of age and sex were 500 healthy individuals. Furthermore, a questionnaire was designated with several questions including: personal characteristics, family history of cancer, possible disease background, and addiction to cigarettes or drugs, and presence of any particular dietary habits. The questionnaires filled with free will (voluntarily) by cases and controls. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 10.0 software. The mean age of people under study was 60 years. The studied cases were significantly correlated with their first line relatives in term of cancer contraction (P=0.001 and OR=7.6). It was also significant in second and third line relatives (P=0.042 and OR=3.38). There was a significant correlation considering the consumption of stale food and butter with esophageal cancer. As a conclusion, in addition to mentioned risk factors, some other factors as mode of nourishment, employment status, special hygienic habits and inheritance were important factors in esophageal cancer etiology among the studied subjects

    Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever: Case series from a medical center in golestan province, Northeast of Iran (2004-2006)

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a widely distributed lethal disease, worldwide. Humans are usually infected with CCHF virus through a tick bite or close contact with viral contaminated tissues or with blood of domestic animals or of infected patients. The present study reports six cases of CCHF, who were in contact with both infected tissues and blood from sheep. In some regions like Golestan province (North of Iran), clinician suspicion may have an important role in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Conservative therapy (intensive monitoring) and prescription of antiviral medication (Ribavirin) accompanied with corticosteroids, was useful at the early stage of CCHF

    Relationship between malondialdehyde level and glutathione peroxidase activity in diabetic rats

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    Background: This investigation describes the relationship between glutathione peroxidase activities, an antioxidant enzyme, and the oxidative status in diabetic rat blood. Methods: Malondialdehyde level and glutathione peroxidase activity were measured by spectrophotometric techniques. Results and conclusions: Malondialdehyde content in the diabetic rats group was increased compared to that in the controls [3.08±0.32 (mean±S.E.) vs. 1.15±0.29 mmol/g hemoglobin, P>0.01]. Glutathione peroxidase activity in the diabetic rats group was increased compared to that in the control [10.27±1.39 (mean±S.E.) vs. 3.14±0.38 μmol NADPH/min/g hemoglobin, P>0.01]. Our results show a positive correlation between serum glutathione peroxidase and malondialdehyde concentration in diabetic rats. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Haematologic indices in pesticides factory workers

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of pesticides on blood indices of subjects which are exposed to organophosphate toxins. This research was a cohort study which was carried out during 2005 on the employee of a pesticide factory in Golestan province (North of Iran). In this study the sampling from 63 subjects was carried out for two sessions in days 1 and 90. CBC and hematologic indices performed by cell counter instrument. The mean of MCV in phase 1 was 82.8±7.1 fl and in second phase the MCV was 80.3±6.7 fl. This drop in MCV statistically was meaningful (paired t-test, mean = 2.5, 95% CI=2.0-2.9, p<0.001). Erythrocyte number, hemoglobin, HCT and MCHC increase in second phase compared to first phase statistically was meaningful. There was not any significant relation between the place of work and variation of red blood cell indices. In regard to the changes in hematologic indices in workers of pesticide factory in a three months period, it seems logical to set up a program to have a routine check on the hematologic indices in working personal engaging in such occupations. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Lymphomas in Golestan province of Iran: Results of a population-based cancer registry

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    Introduction: Malignancies of lymphoid cells can be divided into Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) on the basis of pathologic features, clinical manifestations and treatment. In this paper we present data on lymphomas in Golestan province, in the northeast of Iran, during 2004-2006, using three years results of the Golestan population-based cancer registry (GPCR), a voting member of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR). Methods: GPCR started collecting data on all cancers from all public and private diagnostic and therapeutic centers (hospitals, specialist physicians' offices, pathology, laboratory, and imaging centers) of Golestan province in 2004. Here, we used the Iranian national census data to identify the population characteristics of this geographical area. The last census was done in 2006 and the next one will be done in 2011. The population data for years between the national census intervals are retrieved from provincial census done annually by health deputy of Golestan University of Medical Sciences (GOUMS). Results: A total of 5,076 cancer cases were diagnosed in the GPCR between 2004 and 2006. Of these, 237 (4.67 %) were lymphomas, among the ten top cancers of this area, the patients having a mean (±SD) age of 45.2 (±20.9) years. The number of cases, frequency, age specific rates, crude rates and age standardized incidence rates (ASR) (per 100,000 personyears) for lymphomas in males and females are presented. Conclusion: It could be concluded that according to available therapies for HL and NHL, the outcome of the patients could be improved in this area, due to the better diagnostic and therapeutic methods now available

    Seroepidemiology of rubella, measles, HBV, HCV and B19 virus within women in child bearing ages (Saravan City of Sistan and Bloochastan Province)

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    Present survey basically focused on women between 15-45 years of age resident in a town of Sistan and Baluchistan province named as Saravan city located in border of Pakistan-Iran in order to find out the seropositivity against the viruses in child bearing ages in the above stated under study community. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried-out from 2001 up to 2002. Saravan town was divided into 4 geographical areas and each area was further sub-divided into 10 blocks and in each block 10 families were chosen randomly. In the next step by referring to each family from the chosen married women with specified age i.e., 15-45 years, 5 mL blood was collected. Serum was then separated and stored at -20°C before the assay. ELISA kit was employed to detect anti B19, anti rubella, anti measles, anti HBV and anti HCV antibody. Furthermore during samples collection a questionnaire filled for each woman under study. This study showed that 89.6% of women understudy were seropositive against measles, rubella (96.2%), B19 (59.2%), HCV (0.8%) and HBV (19.8%), respectively. According to the results of no serious problem with rubella in this area; But, about measles, the present immunity against measles in this area is insufficient. It seems that incidence of B19 infection in this region is same as other places in Iran. The rate of seropositivity against HBV and HCV indicated of these viruses circulating in the population in this area. © 2007 Academic Journals

    Hepatitis B/C virus co-infection in Iran: A seroepidemiological study

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    Background/aims: As hepatitis B and C virus have the same transmission routes, dual infection may occur. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of HCV in HBsAg-positive subjects. Methods: 139 HBsAg-positive subjects were enrolled in the study. Serum samples were tested using ELISA method for anti-HCV antibodies. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used to compare the proportions. Results: There were 68 (48.9%) males and 71 (51.1%) females. The mean age was 41.89±11.30 years. One case was excluded because of inadequate blood sampling. Anti-HCV antibody was positive in 17 (12.3%) of the 138 remaining subjects. Seropositivity of HCV was similar between female and male patients (p=0.69). Conclusion: The seroprevalence of co-infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus in our study was higher than such reports from some countries (Italy), but was in line with worldwide prevalence (>10%)