14 research outputs found
Raw material requirements planning in fruit juice production
The primary purpose of this research is to determine the production capacity requirements of a model fruit juice producer. In addition to fruit processing capacities, the company is in possession of its own land devoted to orchards. The research was conducted on the basis of a balance method, which has been used in fruit production for the planning of processing capacity requirements, i.e. the striking of a harmonious balance between the land capacity utilisation via orchards and the industry of fruit processing. For the planned production of 33,280 tonnes of raw materials, at average yields, the producer should be in possession of an area of 2,344 ha. For the processing capacity of 160 tonnes of raw materials a day, the producer should be in possession of the following diversity and spatial distribution of cultivated fruit species: strawberries (516 ha), raspberries (332 ha), sour cherries (361 ha), apricots (71 ha), peaches (178 ha), blueberries (320 ha), plums (50 h), pears (89 ha), apples (137 h.), quinces (50 ha), and grapes (240 ha)
Komparacija ekonomskih pokazatelja različitih načina uzgoja višnje (Prunus cerasus L.) na porodičnom gazdinstvu
The research presented in this paper, the economic analysis of production of sour cherry on conventional and organic way. Based on survey data collected from growers sour cherry on family farms and professional technical and technological standard to all appropriate farming technologies, are prepared starting economic parameters. There identified investments in cherry plantation on an area per hectare. Then, they made calculations of average income and expenses for a representative year and based on their income statements prepared for the future exploitation of five years. With the application of static method calculated indicators of the economic feasibility of cherries. Were established the average net profit rate of accumulation, the period of return on capital in the production of cherries and others. And finally, there was a comparison of economic indicators at different ways of growing cherries, which is the primary goal of this research. Based on these results, it was concluded that the production of cherries profitable in both ways, whether favorable economic results achieved in organic compared to conventional production.Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je ekonomska analiza proizvodnje višnje na konvencionalni i organski način. Na bazi prikupljenih podataka anketom od uzgajivača višnje na porodičnim gazdinstvima i stručnih tehničko-tehnoloških normativa za odovarajuće tehnologije uzgoja, sastavljeni su polazni ekonomski parametri. Utvrđena su investiciona ulaganja u podizanje zasada višnje na površini od 1 ha. Zatim, sastavljene su kalkulacije prosečnih prihoda i rashodi za reprezentatívne godine proizvodnje i na bazi njih sastavljeni bilansi uspeha za naredni period eksploatacije od pet godina. Uz primenu statičkih metoda, izračunati su pokazatelji ekonomske opravdanosti proizvodnje višnje. Utvrđeni su: prosečna neto dobit, stopa akumulativnosti, vremenski period povraćaja kapitala u proizvodnji višnje i dr. I na kraju, izvršena je komparacija ekonomskih pokazatelja pri različitim načinima uzgoja višnje, što je i osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je, da je proizvodnja višnje na oba načina profitabilna, ali se povoljniji ekonomski rezultati postižu u organskoj u odnosu na konvencionalnu proizvodnju. I pored ispoljenih snaga, mogućnosti i slabosti u proizvodnji višnje u Republici Srbiji, najveće pretnje su, da se zbog visokih cena inputa za organski uzgoj, proizvođači mogu preusmeriti na konvencionalnu proizvodnju višnje, nedovoljna kontrola uvoza i 'gušenje ' domaće organske proizvodnje, pad platežne sposobnosti građana, a samim tim i tražnje za proizvodima organskog porekla, kao i nedovoljni podsticaji u sektoru prerade organskih proizvoda
Oranizacija i troškovi otkupa, transporta, skladištenja i čuvanja plodova maline
Due to its characteristic, apart from nutritive and medical significance, raspberry is particularly important for our country in social and economic terms, since its export attracts foreign currency inflow. Since the quality of raspberry decreases rapidly after picking, it is utterly important that the whole process, from picking to cold storage of fruit, should be rationally organized, thus finally reducing the costs and increasing the production value. For these reasons precisely the research deals with organization of the entire process, from repurchase to cold storage of raspberry fruits, as well as the analysis of pertaining costs. Necessary information for the preparation of the paper has been obtained from cold storage plants engaged in raspberry storage and preservation. Necessary information has been gathered using several methods, viz: observation, interview and content analysis methods. Furthermore, analysis, comparison and calculation methods have also been used in the preparation of the paper. The raspberry fruit repurchase, transport and storage costs range from 1,6 to 1,8 EUR per kg, exclusive of storage (store-housing). To this one should add store-housing costs ranging from 0,009 to 0,013 EUR per kg on a monthly basis. Modern organization of production and communication between producers, repurchasers, processors and exporters is essential in order to decrease fluctuations in repurchase and sales price of fresh raspberry and its products and the improvement of overall financial effect of all links within the chain of this economy activity. Cold storage plants, even if of minor capacities, are beneficial not only for the immediate participants in the producer-buyer chain, but it also makes an important stimulating factor for rural development and economy of the country.Malina, zahvaljujući osobina kojima se odlikuje, pored nutritivnog i zdravstvenog, kroz devizni priliv koji se ostvaruje njenim izvozom, za našu zemlju ima i naročit društveni i ekonomski značaj. S obzirom na činjenicu da kvalitet maline rapidno opada nakon berbe, od izuzetnog je značaja da čitav proces od berbe do skladištenja voća u hladnjačama bude racionalno organizovan, što bi u krajnjoj liniji trebalo da se odrazi i na smanjenje troškova i povećanje vrednosti proizvodnje. Iz tih razloga je predmet istraživanja u radu upravo organizacija čitavog procesa, od otkupa do čuvanja plodova malina u hladnjačama, kao i analiza troškova koji nastaju prilikom realizacije istog. Podaci za izradu rada dobijeni su iz hladnjača koje se bave skladištenjem i čuvanjem maline. Za prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za izradu rada korišćeno je nekoliko metoda i to: metod posmatranja, metod intervjua i metod analize sadržaja. Pored njih, u izradi rada, korišćene su još i metod analize, metod poređenja i metod kalkulacije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se troškovi otkupa, transporta i skladištenja plodova maline kreću se od od 1,6 do 1,8 evra po kg, bez čuvanja. Na to se dodaju troškovi lagerovanja koji se kreću od 0,009 do 0,013 evra po kg na mesečnom nivou. Savremena organizacija proizvodnje, kao i komunikacija između proizvođača, otkupljivača, prerađivača i izvoznika, od presudnog je značaja za smanjenje fluktuacije otkupnih i prodajnih cena sveže maline i njenih proizvoda i poboljšanje opšteg finansijskog efekta svih karika koje čine lanac ove privredne aktivnosti. Hladnjače za čuvanje maline, čak i one manjeg kapaciteta, nisu od koristi samo neposrednim učesnicima u lancu od proizvođača do kupca, već predstavljaju i značajan faktor podsticanja ruralnog razvoja i ekonomije zemlje u celini
Uticaj različitog položaja grozdova na rodnom lastaru na rezultate proizvodnje klonova sorte Kaberne Sovinjon
In this paper the differences were examined between clones of Cabernet sauvignon (clones ISV-F-V5, ISV-F-V6 and R5), i.e. the difference between uvological properties of grape clusters and grape berries, based on the different positions on the bearing shoot. Tests were conducted at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture 'Radmilovac'. Standard ampelographic methods were used in numerous analyses of grape yield, as well as uvological properties of clones. All data were statistically analyzed and processed by the method of two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measuring of one factor (height) and Tukey HSD test. Analysis of variance showed no significant differences between clones. The best results were achieved with grape clusters positioned in the base of bearing shoot. The first positioned grape clusters on the bearing shoot had the highest share in the total grape yield, the highest amount of sugar, and the highest positioned grape clusters had higher content of total acids. The differences determined between examined clones were in regard to productivity and quality of grapes which reflected also on production value.U radu su utvrđene razlike između klonova sorte Kaberne Sovinjon, odnosno razlike između uvoloških svojstava grozda i bobice, na osnovu različitog položaja na lastaru. Za brojne analize prinosa grožđa, uvoloških svojstava klonova korišćene su standardne ampelografske metode. Svi podaci su statistički obrađeni po metodi dvofaktorske analize varijanse sa ponovljenim merenjima jednog faktora (visine) i Tukey HSD testa. Najbolji rezultati su postignuti kod grozdova u osnovi rodnog lastara. Prvi grozdovi po položaju na lastaru imaju najveće učešće u ukupnom prinosu grožđa, najveću količinu šećera, a najviši grozdovi imaju veći sadržaj ukupnih kiselina. Između ispitivanih klonova su utvrđene razlike u pogledu produktivnosti i kvaliteta grozdova što se odrazilo i na vrednost proizvodnje
Primena GIS tehnologije u poboljšanju ratarske proizvodnje na teritoriji grada Beograda
The issue of improving agricultural production is certainly one of the most important problems of the Serbian economy. Our country has a lot of potential for development of all branches of agriculture and proven human resources in terms of professional and hardworking people, but it itself is not enough and requires a whole series of regulations, laws and innovation in order to successfully reach our final results. The application of up-to date technology is crucial in the world for a long time and not just in this area. Investments are higher, but the impact of increasing economic stability on one hand and environmental protection on the other hand is evident. GIS technology is one of the most interesting, because it represents the key to the solution of problems in every area we can think of. In Serbia, the application of this technology is still in the stage of theory, but we have to consider all the aspects and proposals for and against, in order to design and plan in detail the future development of agriculture of each region in our country.Pitanje poboljšanja poljoprivredne proizvodnje je svakako jedan od bitnijih problema srpske privrede. Naša zemlja poseduje mnoštvo potencijala za razvoj svih grana poljoprivrede i dokazane ljudske potencijale u smislu stručnih i vrednih ljudi, ali to samo po sebi nije dovoljno i zahteva čitav niz propisa, zakona i inovacija kako bi se što uspešnije došlo do cilja. Primena najsavremenijih tehnologija je nešto što je u svetu aktuelno duže vreme i to ne samo u ovoj oblasti. Ulaganja jesu veća, ali uticaj na povećanje ekonomske stabilnosti sa jedne i zaštitu životne sredine sa druge strane je evidentan. GIS tehnologija je jedna od najinteresantnijih, jer upravo predstavlja ključ za rešenje problema u svakoj oblasti koju možemo da zamislimo. Kod nas je primena ove tehnologije još u fazi teorije, ali svakako da se moraju razmotriti svi aspekti i predlozi za i protiv, kako bi se projektovao i do detalja isplanirao razvoj i budućnost poljoprivrede svakog regiona u našoj zemlji
Raw material requirements planning in fruit juice production
The primary purpose of this research is to determine the production capacity requirements of a model fruit juice producer. In addition to fruit processing capacities, the company is in possession of its own land devoted to orchards. The research was conducted on the basis of a balance method, which has been used in fruit production for the planning of processing capacity requirements, i.e. the striking of a harmonious balance between the land capacity utilization via orchards and the industry of fruit processing. For the planned production of 33,280 tons of raw materials, at average yields, the producer should be in possession of an area of 2,344 ha. For the processing capacity of 160 tons of raw materials a day, the producer should be in possession of the following diversity and spatial distribution of cultivated fruit species: strawberries (516 ha), raspberries (332 ha), sour cherries (361 ha), apricots (71 ha), peaches (178 ha), blueberries (320 ha), plums (50 ha), pears (89 ha), apples (137 ha), quinces (50 ha), and grapes (240 ha)
Promene u strukturi vinogradarske proizvodnje Republike Srbije
Even the Republic of Serbia has very favorable natural conditions for the vineyard growing, the possible level of the utilization of these conditions is not satisfying, which is comforted by the decreasing of vineyard capacities. The transition processes, which are remarkable in last 10 years, have had unfavorable influence on vineyard production. Total area of vineyard was decreased in the analyzed period (1991-2002), for 20%, while in private sector the decrease is for 14.5%. As a result of the vineyard area decrease it is evident the decrease of the total number of vines. Total number of vines, as well as, the number of vines of productive age show the tendency of the decrease, which is illustrated by the rate of 25.0%. In the future period it is possible to expert the decrease of total grape production and its' decrease on private sector.Mada u Srbiji postoje veoma povoljni prirodni uslovi za uspevanje vinove loze, mogući nivo iskorišćenosti ovih uslova još nije postignut, što potvrđuju i kapaciteti vinograda koji se smanjuju. Procesi tranzicije, koji su posebno izraženi u poslednjih desetak godina, takođe su ispoljili nepovoljan uticaj na ovu proizvodnju. U ispitivanom periodu (1991-2002) ukupne površine vinograda se smanjuju za 20%, a površine vinograda na privatnom sektoru za 14,5%. Kao rezultat smanjenja površina vinograda smanjuje se i broj čokota. Ukupan broj čokota, kao i broj rodnih čokota ispoljava tendenciju smanjenja, koje se u ispitivanom periodu kreće na nivou od oko 25%. Daljim smanjenjem proizvodnih kapaciteta vinogradarske proizvodnje Srbije (površine vinograda i broja čokota) može se očekivati i dalje smanjenje, ukupne proizvodnje grožđa, osobito smanjenje proizvodnje na privatnom sektoru
Economic aspects of walnut seedling production on a family farm
There are profitable conditions for walnut production in Serbia. However, there is a trade gap of this fruit Recently, a demand for walnut seedlings is in growth. The cause of this is new walnut orchards establishment, but large investments discourage producers.
The subject of this paper is the economic analysis of walnut seedling production on a family farm, with the aim at observing the influence of production factor to the economic indexes.
Solving problems and tasks set during the research required the use of appropriate methods, including: methods for determining costs, analytical calculations for plant production and methods for determining indicators of economic success of family farms. In addition to these methods was used and the method of comparative analysis.
Data on farm production for the years 2006 and 2007 have been used for this paper as well as the results of the former researches as the basis for a detail study of specific problems.
On the basis of calculated and analyzed economic indexes, the family farm ran business successfully in both years and managed to have positive financial result, which confirms walnut production profitable, although it has been set on a small area of the family farm
Difficult and long-term process of transition which the Republic of Serbia went through in the last more than twenty years, globalization, wars and embargo in the nineties of the 20th century and finally, world economic crisis that began in 2008 have contributed to changes in standard of living, unemployment rate and migration.
Under the given circumstances, fruit production represents a potential for mitigating and perhaps even overcoming the unemployment crisis, rural depopulation and increase of income of rural population.
Accordingly, there is a need to consider the condition realistically and to identify existing problems, their causes, some possibilities and further tendencies of resources and activities in the fruit production sector in order to develop a highly profitable agricultural branch in our country.
Data bases of the Statistical Bureau of the Republic of Serbia, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Statistical Office of the European Union (Faostat) as well as scientific and research literature from the areas directly or indirectly related to the topic will be used as the sources of data for writing the work.
Several methods will be used in the work: content analysis method, descriptive statistics, comparation method and hypothetical-deductive method
Značaj i analiza troškova podizanja i rada ULO hladnjače za čuvanje voća
Small agricultural producers have a very important role in production and trading of fruits. Due to low buying and selling prices, as well as strong competitiveness they had to find the way to preserve and sell their products at the moment when it is possible to achieve the highest selling prices on the market. In order to provide long-term preservation and good quality of fruits until the moment of placing on the market they decided to set up ULO cold storage facility. The paper presents construction costs of ULO cold storage facility on the example of the cooperative 'Slankamenka' from Slankamen, as well as the advantages of this kind of cold storage in comparison to classical kind of cold storage facility for fruits preservation.Mali poljoprivredni proizvođači imaju značajnu ulogu u proizvodnji i prometu voća. Zbog niskih otkupnih i prodajnih cena, kao i zbog velike konkurencije oni su morali naći način da svoje proizvode sačuvaju i prodaju u momentu kada mogu da postignu najviše prodajne cene na tržištu. Da bi obezbedili dugotrajno i kvalitetno čuvanje plodova voća sve do momenta plasmana na tržište pristupili su izgradnji ULO hladnjače. U radu je dat prikaz troškova podizanja ULO hladnjače na primeru zadruge 'Slankamenka' iz Slankamena, kao i prednosti ove vrste u odnosu na klasičan tip hladnjača za čuvanje voća