8 research outputs found

    Age-Related Differences in Intermuscular Coherence EMG-EMG of Ankle Joint Antagonist Muscle Activity during Maximal Leaning

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    Background: Intermuscular synchronization is one of the fundamental aspects of maintaining a stable posture and is of great importance in the aging process. This study aimed to assess muscle synchronization and postural stabilizer asymmetry during quiet standing and the limits of stability using wavelet analysis. Intermuscular synchrony and antagonistic sEMG-sEMG (surface electromyography) coherence asymmetry were evaluated in the tibialis anterior and soleus muscles. Methods: The study involved 20 elderly (aged 65 ± 3.6) and 20 young (aged 21 ± 1.3) subjects. The task was to perform a maximum forward bend in a standing position. The prone test was divided into three phases: quiet standing (10 s), dynamic learning, and maintenance of maximum leaning (20 s). Wavelet analysis of coherence was performed in the delta and beta bands. Results: Young subjects modulated interface coherences to a greater extent in the beta band. Analysis of postural stability during standing tasks showed that only the parameter R2b (the distance between the maximal and minimal position central of pressure), as an indicator for assessing the practical limits of stability, was found to be significantly associated with differences in aging. Conclusion: The results showed differences in the beta and delta band oscillations between young and older subjects in a postural task involving standing quietly and leaning forward

    Fall-related measures in elderly individuals and Parkinson's disease subjects.

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    Falls pose a serious problem in elderly and clinical populations. Most often, they lead to a loss of mobility and independence. They might also be an indirect cause of death. The aim of this study was to determine an objective predictor of the fear of falling and falls in elderly subjects (ESs) and Parkinson's disease (PD) subjects. Thirty-two ESs were examined in this study, of whom sixteen were diagnosed with PD. The testing procedures comprised force plate measurements (limit of stability test-LOS test) and clinical tests (Berg Balance Scale, Functional Reach Test, Timed Up and Go test, Tinetti test). The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) was used to evaluate the fear of falling. The range of the maximum forward lean was normalized to the length from the ankle joint to the head of the first metatarsal bone and was named the functional forward stability indicator (FFSI). The FFSI, derived from the LOS test, allowed us to demonstrate the real deficit in functional stability and individual safety margins. Moreover, the FFSI was highly correlated with the FES-I score and almost all clinical test results in elderly subjects (r>0,6; p0,6, p<0.05) was noted. The PD subjects presented a different balance strategy when close to their stability limits, which was also reflected in the lower values of sample entropy (t = (-2.40); p<0.05; d = 0.87). The FFSI might be a good predictor of the fear of falling in the group of elderly people. Additionally, the FFSI allows us to show real balance deficits both in PD subjects and in their healthy peers without the need for a reference group and norms. In conclusion, it is postulated that the popular clinical assessments of postural balance in PD subjects should be accompanied by reliable posturography measurements

    Step-Initiation Deficits in Children with Faulty Posture Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders during Infancy

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    BackgroundEarly detection of movement deficits during step initiation will facilitate the selection of the optimal physiotherapy management strategy. The main aim of the study was to assess potential differences in step initiation between 5- and 6-year-old children with faulty posture who had been diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders during infancy and healthy children.MethodsThe experimental group consisted of 19 children aged 5–6 years with faulty posture, who had been diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders during infancy and were given physiotherapy in the first year of their lives. The control group comprised 19 nursery school children aged 5–6 years with no postural defects, no history of postural control or movement deficits, and no physiotherapy interventions in the first year of their lives. Step initiation was performed on force platforms under various conditions, i.e., with and without an obstacle, stepping up onto a platform placed at a higher level, stepping down onto a platform placed on a lower level. The recording of center of foot pressure (COP) displacements was divided into three phases: phase 1 (P1)—quiet standing before step initiation, phase 2 (P2)—transit, phase 3 (P3)—quiet standing until measurement completion.ResultsThe Tukey post hoc test showed that the means of sway range (raCOP) and mean velocity (vCOP) in sagittal (AP) plane for phase 1 and vCOP in frontal (ML) plane for phase 3 registered in the step-up trial were significantly higher (p &lt; 0.05) in children with faulty posture compared to children with typical development. P1vCOPML, P3vCOPAP, P3raCOPML, and P3vCOPMLof the step-down trial were also significantly higher in children with faulty posture (p &lt; 0.05).ConclusionInclusion of functional movement exercises (stair-walking tasks) in physiotherapy interventions for children with postural defects seems well justified.The trial was registered in the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (no. ACTRN12617001068358)

    Step-Initiation Deficits in Children with Faulty Posture Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders during Infancy

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    The present investigation has been carried out with the purpose of applying the internal control system and establishing how it influences the liquidity of the MUEBLEHOGAR E.I.R.L. Our research is descriptive of pre-experimental design in terms of interview techniques, surveys and documentary analysis having as a population the Company and as a sample to the warehouse in 2017. After the application of the data collection techniques, findings were obtained as a consequence of deficiencies detected, which allowed us to conclude that the company has a poor internal control system, and we were able to demonstrate that the financial statements are rising towards the 2017, compared with 2016; once applied to the internal control system in the warehouse area, which led to an increase in liquidity in the entity. Our proposal was constituted by seven (07) technical elements that contribute to improve the liquidity of the company MUEBLEHOGAR E.I.R.LLa presente investigación se desarrolló con la finalidad de aplicar el sistema de control interno y establecer como incide en la liquidez de la Empresa MUEBLEHOGAR E.I.R.L. Nuestra investigación es descriptiva de diseño pre experimental en la cual se aplicaron técnicas de entrevistas, encuestas y análisis documentario teniendo como población a la empresa y como muestra al área de almacén en el año 2017. Después de la aplicación de las técnicas de recolección de datos, se obtuvieron hallazgos como consecuencia de deficiencias detectadas, lo que permitió concluir que la empresa cuenta con un sistema de control interno deficiente, así mismo logramos demostrar que los estados financieros se tornan ascendentes hacia el 2017, comparados con los del 2016; una vez aplicado el sistema de control interno en el área de almacén lo cual conllevó a incrementar la liquidez en la entidad. Nuestra propuesta estuvo constituida por siete (07) elementos técnicos que contribuyeron a mejorar la liquidez de la empresa MUEBLEHOGAR E.I.R.L