90 research outputs found

    Improved Techniques for Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Diffusion ODEs

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    Diffusion models have exhibited excellent performance in various domains. The probability flow ordinary differential equation (ODE) of diffusion models (i.e., diffusion ODEs) is a particular case of continuous normalizing flows (CNFs), which enables deterministic inference and exact likelihood evaluation. However, the likelihood estimation results by diffusion ODEs are still far from those of the state-of-the-art likelihood-based generative models. In this work, we propose several improved techniques for maximum likelihood estimation for diffusion ODEs, including both training and evaluation perspectives. For training, we propose velocity parameterization and explore variance reduction techniques for faster convergence. We also derive an error-bounded high-order flow matching objective for finetuning, which improves the ODE likelihood and smooths its trajectory. For evaluation, we propose a novel training-free truncated-normal dequantization to fill the training-evaluation gap commonly existing in diffusion ODEs. Building upon these techniques, we achieve state-of-the-art likelihood estimation results on image datasets (2.56 on CIFAR-10, 3.43/3.69 on ImageNet-32) without variational dequantization or data augmentation.Comment: Accepted in ICML202

    DPM-Solver-v3: Improved Diffusion ODE Solver with Empirical Model Statistics

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    Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have exhibited excellent performance for high-fidelity image generation while suffering from inefficient sampling. Recent works accelerate the sampling procedure by proposing fast ODE solvers that leverage the specific ODE form of DPMs. However, they highly rely on specific parameterization during inference (such as noise/data prediction), which might not be the optimal choice. In this work, we propose a novel formulation towards the optimal parameterization during sampling that minimizes the first-order discretization error of the ODE solution. Based on such formulation, we propose DPM-Solver-v3, a new fast ODE solver for DPMs by introducing several coefficients efficiently computed on the pretrained model, which we call empirical model statistics. We further incorporate multistep methods and a predictor-corrector framework, and propose some techniques for improving sample quality at small numbers of function evaluations (NFE) or large guidance scales. Experiments show that DPM-Solver-v3 achieves consistently better or comparable performance in both unconditional and conditional sampling with both pixel-space and latent-space DPMs, especially in 5∼\sim10 NFEs. We achieve FIDs of 12.21 (5 NFE), 2.51 (10 NFE) on unconditional CIFAR10, and MSE of 0.55 (5 NFE, 7.5 guidance scale) on Stable Diffusion, bringing a speed-up of 15%∼\sim30% compared to previous state-of-the-art training-free methods. Code is available at https://github.com/thu-ml/DPM-Solver-v3.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    An Adaptive Incremental Gradient Method With Support for Non-Euclidean Norms

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    Stochastic variance reduced methods have shown strong performance in solving finite-sum problems. However, these methods usually require the users to manually tune the step-size, which is time-consuming or even infeasible for some large-scale optimization tasks. To overcome the problem, we propose and analyze several novel adaptive variants of the popular SAGA algorithm. Eventually, we design a variant of Barzilai-Borwein step-size which is tailored for the incremental gradient method to ensure memory efficiency and fast convergence. We establish its convergence guarantees under general settings that allow non-Euclidean norms in the definition of smoothness and the composite objectives, which cover a broad range of applications in machine learning. We improve the analysis of SAGA to support non-Euclidean norms, which fills the void of existing work. Numerical experiments on standard datasets demonstrate a competitive performance of the proposed algorithm compared with existing variance-reduced methods and their adaptive variants

    Efficient Private SCO for Heavy-Tailed Data via Clipping

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    We consider stochastic convex optimization for heavy-tailed data with the guarantee of being differentially private (DP). Prior work on this problem is restricted to the gradient descent (GD) method, which is inefficient for large-scale problems. In this paper, we resolve this issue and derive the first high-probability bounds for the private stochastic method with clipping. For general convex problems, we derive excess population risks \Tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/7}\sqrt{\ln\frac{(n \epsilon)^2}{\beta d}}}{(n\epsilon)^{2/7}}\right) and \Tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/7}\ln\frac{(n\epsilon)^2}{\beta d}}{(n\epsilon)^{2/7}}\right) under bounded or unbounded domain assumption, respectively (here nn is the sample size, dd is the dimension of the data, β\beta is the confidence level and ϵ\epsilon is the private level). Then, we extend our analysis to the strongly convex case and non-smooth case (which works for generalized smooth objectives with Ho¨\ddot{\text{o}}lder-continuous gradients). We establish new excess risk bounds without bounded domain assumption. The results above achieve lower excess risks and gradient complexities than existing methods in their corresponding cases. Numerical experiments are conducted to justify the theoretical improvement

    Convolutional Embedding for Edit Distance

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    Edit-distance-based string similarity search has many applications such as spell correction, data de-duplication, and sequence alignment. However, computing edit distance is known to have high complexity, which makes string similarity search challenging for large datasets. In this paper, we propose a deep learning pipeline (called CNN-ED) that embeds edit distance into Euclidean distance for fast approximate similarity search. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to generate fixed-length vector embeddings for a dataset of strings and the loss function is a combination of the triplet loss and the approximation error. To justify our choice of using CNN instead of other structures (e.g., RNN) as the model, theoretical analysis is conducted to show that some basic operations in our CNN model preserve edit distance. Experimental results show that CNN-ED outperforms data-independent CGK embedding and RNN-based GRU embedding in terms of both accuracy and efficiency by a large margin. We also show that string similarity search can be significantly accelerated using CNN-based embeddings, sometimes by orders of magnitude.Comment: Accepted by the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 202

    Positional Information Matters for Invariant In-Context Learning: A Case Study of Simple Function Classes

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    In-context learning (ICL) refers to the ability of a model to condition on a few in-context demonstrations (input-output examples of the underlying task) to generate the answer for a new query input, without updating parameters. Despite the impressive ICL ability of LLMs, it has also been found that ICL in LLMs is sensitive to input demonstrations and limited to short context lengths. To understand the limitations and principles for successful ICL, we conduct an investigation with ICL linear regression of transformers. We characterize several Out-of-Distribution (OOD) cases for ICL inspired by realistic LLM ICL failures and compare transformers with DeepSet, a simple yet powerful architecture for ICL. Surprisingly, DeepSet outperforms transformers across a variety of distribution shifts, implying that preserving permutation invariance symmetry to input demonstrations is crucial for OOD ICL. The phenomenon specifies a fundamental requirement by ICL, which we termed as ICL invariance. Nevertheless, the positional encodings in LLMs will break ICL invariance. To this end, we further evaluate transformers with identical positional encodings and find preserving ICL invariance in transformers achieves state-of-the-art performance across various ICL distribution shiftsComment: Ongoing work; preliminary versio

    Does Invariant Graph Learning via Environment Augmentation Learn Invariance?

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    Invariant graph representation learning aims to learn the invariance among data from different environments for out-of-distribution generalization on graphs. As the graph environment partitions are usually expensive to obtain, augmenting the environment information has become the de facto approach. However, the usefulness of the augmented environment information has never been verified. In this work, we find that it is fundamentally impossible to learn invariant graph representations via environment augmentation without additional assumptions. Therefore, we develop a set of minimal assumptions, including variation sufficiency and variation consistency, for feasible invariant graph learning. We then propose a new framework Graph invAriant Learning Assistant (GALA). GALA incorporates an assistant model that needs to be sensitive to graph environment changes or distribution shifts. The correctness of the proxy predictions by the assistant model hence can differentiate the variations in spurious subgraphs. We show that extracting the maximally invariant subgraph to the proxy predictions provably identifies the underlying invariant subgraph for successful OOD generalization under the established minimal assumptions. Extensive experiments on datasets including DrugOOD with various graph distribution shifts confirm the effectiveness of GALA.Comment: NeurIPS 2023, 34 pages, 35 figure
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