12,037 research outputs found

    Induced pseudoscalar form factor of the nucleon at two-loop order in chiral perturbation theory

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    We calculate the imaginary part of the induced pseudoscalar form factor of the nucleon GP(t)G_P(t) in the framework of two-loop heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. The effect of the calculated three-pion continuum on the pseudoscalar constant gP=(mμ/2M)GP(t=−0.877mμ2)g_P = (m_\mu/2M) G_P(t=-0.877m_\mu^2) measurable in ordinary muon capture μ−p→νμn\mu^-p\to \nu_\mu n turns out to be negligibly small. Possible contributions from counterterms at two-loop order are numerically smaller than the uncertainty of the dominant pion-pole term proportional to the pion-nucleon coupling constant gπN=13.2±0.2g_{\pi N}= 13.2\pm 0.2. We conclude that a sufficiently accurate representation of the induced pseudoscalar form factor of the nucleon at low momentum transfers tt is given by the sum of the pion-pole term and the Adler-Dothan-Wolfenstein term: GP(t)=4gπNMfπ/(mπ2−t)−2gAM2/3G_P(t) = 4g_{\pi N} M f_\pi/ (m_\pi^2 -t)- 2g_A M^2 /3, with =(0.44±0.02) = (0.44 \pm 0.02) fm2^2 the axial mean square radius of the nucleon.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Three-body spin-orbit forces from chiral two-pion exchange

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    Using chiral perturbation theory, we calculate the density-dependent spin-orbit coupling generated by the two-pion exchange three-nucleon interaction involving virtual Δ\Delta-isobar excitation. From the corresponding three-loop Hartree and Fock diagrams we obtain an isoscalar spin-orbit strength Fso(kf)F_{\rm so}(k_f) which amounts at nuclear matter saturation density to about half of the empirical value of 9090 MeVfm5^5. The associated isovector spin-orbit strength Gso(kf)G_{\rm so}(k_f) comes out about a factor of 20 smaller. Interestingly, this three-body spin-orbit coupling is not a relativistic effect but independent of the nucleon mass MM. Furthermore, we calculate the three-body spin-orbit coupling generated by two-pion exchange on the basis of the most general chiral ππNN\pi\pi NN-contact interaction. We find similar (numerical) results for the isoscalar and isovector spin-orbit strengths Fso(kf)F_{\rm so}(k_f) and Gso(kf)G_{\rm so}(k_f) with a strong dominance of the p-wave part of the ππNN\pi\pi NN-contact interaction and the Hartree contribution.Comment: 8 pages, 4figure, published in : Physical Review C68, 054001 (2003

    Chiral 2Ï€2\pi-exchange NN-potentials: Two-loop contributions

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    We calculate in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory the local NN-potentials generated by the two-pion exchange diagrams at two-loop order. We give explicit expressions for the mass-spectra (or imaginary parts) of the corresponding isoscalar and isovector central, spin-spin and tensor NN-amplitudes. We find from two-loop two-pion exchange a sizeable isoscalar central repulsion which amounts to 62.362.3 MeV at r=1.0r=1.0 fm. There is a similarly strong isovector central attraction which however originates mainly from the third order low energy constants dˉj\bar d_j entering the chiral πN\pi N-scattering amplitude. We also evaluate the one-loop 2π2\pi-exchange diagram with two second order chiral ππNN\pi \pi NN-vertices proportional to the low energy constants c1,2,3,4c_{1,2,3,4} as well as the first relativistic 1/M-correction to the 2π2\pi-exchange diagrams with one such vertex. The diagrammatic results presented here are relevant components of the chiral NN-potential at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Novel approach to pion and eta production in proton-proton collisions near threshold

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    We evaluate the threshold matrix-element for the reaction pp→ppπ0pp \to pp\pi^0 in a fully relativistic Feynman diagrammatic approach. We employ a simple effective range approximation to take care of the S-wave pppp final-state interaction. The experimental value for the threshold amplitude A=(2.7−i0.3){\cal A} = (2.7 - i 0.3) fm4^4 can be reproduced by contributions from tree level chiral (long-range) pion exchange and short-range effects related to vector meson exchanges, with ω\omega exchange giving the largest individual contribution. Pion loop effects appear to be small. We stress that the commonly used heavy baryon formalism is not applicable in the NN-system above the pion production threshold due to the large external momentum, ∣p⃗∣≃Mmπ|\vec p | \simeq \sqrt {Mm_\pi}, with MM and mπm_\pi the nucleon and the pion mass, respectively. We furthermore investigate the reaction pp→pnπ+pp\to p n \pi^+ near threshold within the same approach. We extract from the data the triplet threshold amplitude as B=(2.8−i1.5){\cal B}= (2.8 -i 1.5) fm4^4. Its real part can be well understood from (relativistic) tree level meson-exchange diagrams. In addition, we investigate the process pp→ppηpp \to pp \eta near threshold. We use a simple factorization ansatz for the ppηpp\eta final-state interaction and extract from the data the modulus of the threshold amplitude, ∣C∣=1.32|{\cal C}| = 1.32 fm4^4. With gηN=5.3g_{\eta N}=5.3, this value can be reproduced by (relativistic) tree level meson-exchange diagrams and η\eta-rescattering, whose strength is fixed by the ηN\eta N scattering length. We also comment on the recent near threshold data for η′\eta'-production.Comment: 28 pp, LaTeX, 9 figs, uses epsf, updated version. To be published in Eur. Phys. J. A (1999). **Title changed again*

    Chiral 3Ï€\pi-exchange NN-potentials: Results for dominant next-to-leading order contributions

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    We calculate in (two-loop) chiral perturbation theory the local NN-potentials generated by the three-pion exchange diagrams with one insertion from the second order chiral effective pion-nucleon Lagrangian proportional to the low-energy constants c1,2,3,4c_{1,2,3,4}. The resulting isoscalar central potential vanishes identically. In most cases these 3π3\pi-exchange potentials are larger than the ones generated by the diagrams involving only leading order vertices due to the large values of c3,4c_{3,4} (which mainly represent virtual Δ\Delta-excitation). A similar feature has been observed for the chiral 2π2\pi-exchange. We also give suitable (double-integral) representations for the spin-spin and tensor potentials generated by the leading-order diagrams proportional to gA6g_A^6 involving four nucleon propagators. In these cases the Cutkosky rule cannot be used to calculate the spectral-functions in the infinite nucleon mass limit since the corresponding mass-spectra start with a non-vanishing value at the 3π3\pi-threshold. Altogether, one finds that chiral 3π3\pi-exchange leads to small corrections in the region r≥1.4r\geq 1.4 fm where 1π1\pi- and chiral 2π2\pi-exchange alone provide a very good strong NN-force as shown in a recent analysis of the low-energy pp-scattering data-base.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to be published in The Physical Review

    Chiral π\pi-exchange NN-potentials: Results for diagrams proportional to g_A^4 and g_A^6

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    We calculate in (two-loop) chiral perturbation theory the local NN-potentials generated by the three-pion exchange diagrams proportional to g_A^4 and g_A^6. Surprisingly, we find that the total isoscalar central 3Ï€3\pi-exchange potential vanishes identically. The individually largest 3Ï€3\pi-exchange potentials are of isoscalar spin-spin, isovector central and isoscalar tensor type. For these potentials simple analytical expressions can be given. The strength of these dominant 3Ï€3\pi-exchange potentials at r=1.0 fm is 4.6 MeV, 2.9 MeV and 1.4 MeV, respectively. Furthermore, we observe that the spin-spin and tensor potentials due to the diagrams proportional to g_A^6 do not exist in the infinite nucleon mass limit.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Comment about constraints on nanometer-range modifications to gravity from low-energy neutron experiments

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    A topic of present interest is the application of experimentally observed quantum mechanical levels of ultra-cold neutrons in the earth's gravitational field for searching short-range modifications to gravity. A constraint on new forces in the nanometer-range published by Nesvizhevsky and Protasov follows from inadequate modelling of the interaction potential of a neutron with a mirror wall. Limits by many orders of magnitude better were already derived long ago from the consistency of experiments on the neutron-electron interaction.Comment: three page
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