10 research outputs found

    Die Dunkle Triade in einer deutschen reprÀsentativen Stichprobe

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    Die "NiedertrĂ€chtigen Neun" ist eine psychometrisch optimierte deutsche Version des "Dreckigen Dutzends" zur Erfassung der Dunklen Triade. In dieser Studie betrachten wir diverse psychometrische Eigenschaften der NiedertrĂ€chtigen Neun mit einer reprĂ€sentativen deutschen Stichprobe. Es wurden verschiedene Faktorstrukturen miteinander verglichen sowie Messinvarianzanalysen ĂŒber das Geschlecht und ĂŒber das Alter anhand von konfirmatorischen Faktoranalysen und lokal gewichteten Strukturgleichungsmodellen durchgefĂŒhrt. Außerdem stellen wir Normwerte zur individualdiagnostischen Interpretation von Rohwerten zur VerfĂŒgung. Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die NiedertrĂ€chtigen Neun durch Bifaktor-Modelle mit Machiavellismus als inhaltlicher Anker des allgemeinen Faktors (dem "dunklen Kern") am besten reprĂ€sentiert wird. Über das Geschlecht ergaben sich EinschrĂ€nkungen der metrischen Invarianz, die hauptsĂ€chlich auf Indikatoren von Psychopathie zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. Partielle metrische Invarianz konnte jedoch belegt werden. Über das Alter konnte metrische Invarianz belegt werden, jedoch ergaben sich EinschrĂ€nkungen der skalaren und strikten Invarianz. Implikationen fĂŒr die Erfassung der Dunklen Triade mit der NiedertrĂ€chtigen Neun oder dem Dreckigen Dutzend werden diskutiert.The so-called "Naughty Nine" is a psychometrically optimized German version of the "Dirty Dozen", a scale designed to assess the Dark Triad. This article examines different psychometric features of the Naughty Nine using a representative German sample. We compared several factor structures discussed in the literature and investigated measurement invariance across sex and age, using confirmatory factor analyses and locally weighted structural equation models. Further, we provide reference values for the Naughty Nine to rank individual raw values relative to a German reference population. The results show that bifactor models with Machiavellianism as the reference construct that defines the content of the general factor (the "Dark Core") best represent the Naughty Nine. We found limitations of metric invariance across sex, which can mainly be attributed to indicators of psychopathy. Partial metric invariance was supported. Across age, we found evidence for metric invariance but also found limitations of scalar and strict invariance. Finally, we discuss the implications of investigating the Dark Triad using the Naughty Nine or the Dirty Dozen

    The interplay of domain- and life satisfaction in predicting life events

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    To better understand the occurrence of major changes in people®s lives like job changes or relocations, we test a model of motivational consequences of life and domain satisfaction using data of the German socio-economic panel study (SOEP) (waves 2005–2015; Ns between 2,201 and 28,720). We examined job and location changes as outcomes that people may actively initiate as a result of dissatisfaction with these domains. One of our results indicates that for similar levels of job satisfaction, individuals with higher levels of life satisfaction were more likely to report a subsequent job change, presumably because they possess necessary resources to actively initiate such a major life change. The patterns were similar for relocation satisfaction and subsequent relocation, but not all effects were significant. Generally, the effects of life satisfaction and domain satisfaction on life events were independent of affective well-being. Contrary to what we expected based on life-span theories, perceived control did not significantly moderate the tested mechanisms. These findings furthermore show that examining life satisfaction and domain satisfaction in isolation can lead to theoretically and empirically false conclusions. Contrary to previous research, high life satisfaction appears to not be a general driver for stability but rather should be seen as an indicator of resourcefulness that allows people to strive for changes in specific life domains

    Poverty and child behavioral problems

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    The detrimental impact of poverty on child behavioral problems is well-established, but the mechanisms that explain this relationship are less well-known. Using data from the Families in Germany Study on parents and their children at ages 9-10 (middle childhood), this study extends previous research by examining whether or not and to what extent different parenting styles and parents’ subjective well-being explain the relationship between poverty and child behavior problems. The results show that certain parenting styles, such as psychological control, as well as mothers’ life satisfaction partially mediate the correlation between poverty and child behavioral problems

    Nothing going on?

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    Objective\bf Objective Missed events are defined as the nonoccurrence of expected major life events within a specified time frame. We examined whether missed events should be studied in research on growth by exploring the role of missed events for changes in subjective well-being (SWB) and the Big Five personality traits. Method\bf Method The samples were selected from two nationally representative panel studies, the German Socioeconomic Panel Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS, total N\it N = 6,638) and the Dutch Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences panel (LISS, Ns between 4,262 and 5,749). Rank-order stability and mean-level change were analyzed using regression and mixed models. Type I error probability was reduced by using conservative thresholds for level of significance and minimal effect size. Results\bf Results Expected but missed events were more frequent than actually experienced events. For SWB, rank-order stability tended to be lower among those who experienced a missed event than among those who did not. For the Big Five personality traits, significant differences between those who did and those who did not experience a missed event were rare and unsystematic. Conclusion\bf Conclusion Missed events merit more attention in future research on growth and personality change, but the effects are probably weak

    Immunopathology of Malignant Disease in Mice Leukemias and Lymphomas, Stalking-Horses for Human Counterparts

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    The clearance of dying cells: table for two

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    Additional file 4 of Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000–2018

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    Additional file 4: Supplemental results.1. README. 2. Prevalence range across districts. 3. Prevalence range between sexes. 4. Prevalence range between ages. 5. Age-specific district ranges


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