106 research outputs found

    Efficient State Read-out for Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Many quantum machine learning (QML) algorithms that claim speed-up over their classical counterparts only generate quantum states as solutions instead of their final classical description. The additional step to decode quantum states into classical vectors normally will destroy the quantum advantage in most scenarios because all existing tomographic methods require runtime that is polynomial with respect to the state dimension. In this Letter, we present an efficient readout protocol that yields the classical vector form of the generated state, so it will achieve the end-to-end advantage for those quantum algorithms. Our protocol suits the case that the output state lies in the row space of the input matrix, of rank rr, that is stored in the quantum random access memory. The quantum resources for decoding the state in ℓ2\ell_2-norm with ϵ\epsilon error require poly(r,1/ϵ)\text{poly}(r,1/\epsilon) copies of the output state and poly(r,κr,1/ϵ)\text{poly}(r, \kappa^r,1/\epsilon) queries to the input oracles, where κ\kappa is the condition number of the input matrix. With our read-out protocol, we completely characterise the end-to-end resources for quantum linear equation solvers and quantum singular value decomposition. One of our technical tools is an efficient quantum algorithm for performing the Gram-Schmidt orthonormal procedure, which we believe, will be of independent interest.Comment: Comments are welcome

    Preoperative ultrasound identification and localization of the inferior parathyroid glands in thyroid surgery

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    IntroductionThe parathyroid glands are important endocrine glands for maintaining calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and they are vulnerable to accidental injuries during thyroid cancer surgery. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the application of high-frequency ultrasound imaging for preoperative anatomical localization of the parathyroid glands in patients with thyroid cancer and to analyze the protective effect of this technique on the parathyroid glands and its effect on reducing postoperative complications.Materials and methodsA total of 165 patients who were operated for thyroid cancer in our hospital were included. The patients were assigned into two groups according to the time period of surgery: Control group, May 2018 to February 2021 (before the application of ultrasound localization of parathyroid in our hospital); PUS group, March 2021 to May 2022. In PUS group, preoperative ultrasound was used to determine the size and location of bilateral inferior parathyroid glands to help surgeons identify and protect the parathyroid glands during operation. We compared the preoperative ultrasound results with the intraoperative observations. Preoperative and first day postoperative serum calcium and PTH were measured in both groups.ResultsOur preoperative parathyroid ultrasound identification technique has more than 90% accuracy (true positive rate) to confirm the location of parathyroid gland compared to intraoperative observations. Postoperative biochemical results showed a better Ca2+ [2.12(0.17) vs. 2.05(0.31), P=0.03] and PTH [27.48(14.88) vs. 23.27(16.58), P=0.005] levels at first day post-operation in PUS group compared to control group. We also found a reduced risk of at least one type of hypoparathyroidism after surgery in control group:26 cases (31.0%) vs. 41 cases (50.6%), p=0.016.ConclusionUltrasound localization of the parathyroid glands can help in the localization, identification and in situ preservation of the parathyroid glands during thyroidectomy. It can effectively reduce the risk of hypoparathyroidism after thyroid surgery

    Th17 i IL-17 osiągają wyższe stężenia w przebiegu martwicy głowy kości udowej i są dodatnio skorelowane z nasileniem bólu

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    Objective: Synovitis associated with osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is responsible for several clinical symptoms. However, the mechanisms underlying synovitis and the inflammatory environment remain unclear. This study analyzed the proinflammatory mediation expression of IL-17 and Th17, which perform key functions in regulating inflammatory processes in the inflamed synovium and peripheral blood in ONFH. Methods: Synovial fluid from the hips of 23 patients and 5 controls was collected during surgery, and peripheral blood samples were obtained from 34 patients and 9 controls. The expression of IL-17 in the synovium was detected by immunohistochemistry, and the levels of Th17 and IL-17 in the blood were measured by flow cytometry and ELISA. Pain assessment was performed for all the patients and controls. Results: An inflamed synovium was characterized by increased leukocyte infiltration and IL-17 expression in comparison with the control. Preoperative levels of Th17 and IL-17 were significantly higher in the peripheral blood of the ONFH group than those in the controls. The symptoms were also positively correlated with the Th17 levels of the ONFH patients. Conclusion: Th17 cells were recruited to an inflamed synovium, and inflammatory cytokine IL-17 was expressed at an increased level in the hip synovium of ONFH patients, which possibly contributed to clinical syndrome development. Overall, this study will help in identifying new therapeutic strategies for ONFH, especially the targeting of IL-17 to decrease inflammation and pain. Wstęp: Zapalenie błony maziowej związane z martwicą głowy kości udowej (osteonecrosis of the femoral head; ONFH) odpowiada za kilka objawów klinicznych, jednak mechanizmy leżące u podstaw zapalenia błony maziowej oraz środowisko zapalne pozostają niejasne. W niniejszym badaniu poddano analizie ekspresję mediatora zapalenia IL-17 na limfocytach Th17, które pełnią kluczową rolę w regulowaniu procesów zapalnych w objętej stanem zapalnym błonie maziowej i krwi obwodowej w przebiegu ONFH. Materiał i metody: Podczas zabiegów operacyjnych pobrano maź stawową ze stawów biodrowych 23 pacjentów i 5 osób z grupy kon­trolnej, natomiast próbki krwi obwodowej uzyskano od 34 pacjentów i 9 osób z grupy kontrolnej. Ekspresję IL-17 w błonie maziowej wykrywano za pomocą metody immunohistochemicznej, a stężenie Th17 i IL-17 we krwi mierzono metodą cytometrii przepływowej i metodą ELISA. U wszystkich pacjentów i osób z grupy kontrolnej oceniono parametr bólu. Wyniki: Cechą charakterystyczną objętej stanem zapalnym błony maziowej był wzrost nacieczenia limfocytarnego i ekspresji IL-17 w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stężenie Th17 i IL-17 przed wykonaniem zabiegów operacyjnych było znacząco wyższe we krwi obwodowej pacjentów z martwicą głowy kości udowej niż grupy kontrolnej. Również objawy były u tych pacjentów dodatnio skorelowane z poziomem Th17. Wnioski: Limfocyty Th17 były rekrutowane do objętej stanem zapalnym błony maziowej, a cytokina zapalna IL-17 ulegała ekspresji na zwiększonym poziomie w błonie maziowej stawu biodrowego pacjentów z martwicą głowy kości udowej, co prawdopodobnie przyczyniło się do rozwoju zespołu objawów klinicznych. Uogólniając, niniejsze badanie może pomóc zidentyfikować nowe strategie terapeutyczne w martwicy głowy kości udowej, w szczególności ukierunkowane na IL-17 w celu zmniejszenia stanu zapalnego i bólu

    CTVIS: Consistent Training for Online Video Instance Segmentation

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    The discrimination of instance embeddings plays a vital role in associating instances across time for online video instance segmentation (VIS). Instance embedding learning is directly supervised by the contrastive loss computed upon the contrastive items (CIs), which are sets of anchor/positive/negative embeddings. Recent online VIS methods leverage CIs sourced from one reference frame only, which we argue is insufficient for learning highly discriminative embeddings. Intuitively, a possible strategy to enhance CIs is replicating the inference phase during training. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective training strategy, called Consistent Training for Online VIS (CTVIS), which devotes to aligning the training and inference pipelines in terms of building CIs. Specifically, CTVIS constructs CIs by referring inference the momentum-averaged embedding and the memory bank storage mechanisms, and adding noise to the relevant embeddings. Such an extension allows a reliable comparison between embeddings of current instances and the stable representations of historical instances, thereby conferring an advantage in modeling VIS challenges such as occlusion, re-identification, and deformation. Empirically, CTVIS outstrips the SOTA VIS models by up to +5.0 points on three VIS benchmarks, including YTVIS19 (55.1% AP), YTVIS21 (50.1% AP) and OVIS (35.5% AP). Furthermore, we find that pseudo-videos transformed from images can train robust models surpassing fully-supervised ones.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 2023. The code is available at https://github.com/KainingYing/CTVI

    Computational modeling of the cephalic arch with jugulocephalic vein variant predicts hemodynamic profiles in patients with brachiocephalic fistula

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    Background: The cephalic vein is often used in for arteriovenous fistula creation; however, the cephalic vein variation is common. This study will propose new theoretical explanations for a new discovered variation of cephalic vein draining into external jugular vein with “T-junction” shape by means of 3D computational hemodynamic modeling, which may provide reference for clinical practice. Methods: The precise measurements were conducted for the variant right cephalic vein draining into external jugular vein and for a normal right cephalic vein as a control. After processing the anatomical data, 3D geometrical model was reconstructed. Then, the influent field inside the variant jugulocephalic vein was mathematically modeled to get a detailed description of hemodynamic environment. Results: The anatomical parameters of the “T-junction” jugulocephalic vein variant were much more different from the normal right cephalic vein. The wall shear stress of variant cephalic vein at the corresponding position was higher and changed more rapidly than that of normal cephalic vein. The shear rate contour lines are disordered in several areas of the variant cephalic vein, indicating that the hemodynamic parameters in these areas are unstable. The hemodynamic characteristics at the confluence of the variant cephalic vein are more complex, with more areas where hemodynamic parameters are disrupted. Conclusions: The variation of cephalic arch in a “T-junction” with external jugular vein largely altered the fluid dynamics, especially in hemodialysis patients with brachiocephalic fistula in terms of the simulating flow in 3D computational model. This computational model provides hemodynamic profiles for stabilizing or modulating fluid dynamics in patients with jugulocephalic vein variant after brachiocephalic fistula

    Characterization of the Autocrine/Paracrine Function of Vitamin D in Human Gingival Fibroblasts and Periodontal Ligament Cells

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    Background: We previously demonstrated that 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3, the precursor of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3, is abundant around periodontal soft tissues. Here we investigate whether 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 is converted to 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 in periodontal soft tissue cells and explore the possibility of an autocrine/paracrine function of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 in periodontal soft tissue cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: We established primary cultures of human gingival fibroblasts and human periodontal ligament cells from 5 individual donors. We demonstrated that 1 alpha-hydroxylase was expressed in human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells, as was cubilin. After incubation with the 1 alpha-hydroxylase substrate 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3, human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells generated detectable 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 that resulted in an up-regulation of CYP24A1 and RANKL mRNA. A specific knockdown of 1 alpha-hydroxylase in human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells using siRNA resulted in a significant reduction in both 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 production and mRNA expression of CYP24A1 and RANKL. The classical renal regulators of 1 alpha-hydroxylase (parathyroid hormone, calcium and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3) and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide did not influence 1 alpha-hydroxylase expression significantly, however, interleukin-1 beta and sodium butyrate strongly induced 1 alpha-hydroxylase expression in human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells. Conclusions/Significance: In this study, the expression, activity and functionality of 1 alpha-hydroxylase were detected in human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells, raising the possibility that vitamin D acts in an autocrine/paracrine manner in these cells.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000305781700070&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701Multidisciplinary SciencesSCI(E)PubMed13ARTICLE6e39878

    Design of Service Framework Based on the Trip Experience of the Elderly – Take the cultural and historical scenic spot as an example

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    The tourism market that serves the aged is already being paid more and more attention to with the trend of population aging, but there is still no suitable mode for the tourism of the old in the view of sightseeing, visiting, nostalgia and other qualities. Based on existing relevant research, the author adopts questionnaire and interview survey, this paper analyzes the present travel intention and pain point of the elderly and then investigates the historical and cultural sights of the city with large passenger flow through field investigation method. By summarizing the common characteristics of individual cases, this paper analyzes the common problems existing in our country's humanistic and historical tourist attractions and constructs a service framework suitable for the elderly to visit the cultural and historical scenic spots to improve the existing deficiencies
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