8 research outputs found

    Mielenterveyskuntoutujien kokemuksia etÀpalveluiden hyödyistÀ COVID-19-aikakaudella:laadullinen kuvaileva tutkimus

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    TiivistelmĂ€ Suomessa on yllĂ€pidetty ennennĂ€kemĂ€ttömiĂ€ sosiaalisen etĂ€isyyden toimenpiteitĂ€ COVID-19-epidemian leviämisen estämiseksi. EtĂ€isyyden pitĂ€minen voi heikentÀÀ mielenterveyttĂ€ ja lisĂ€tĂ€ yksinĂ€isyyttĂ€ erityisesti mielenterveyskuntoutujilla. Tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten viestintĂ€palvelut sekĂ€ etĂ€yhteydellĂ€ toteutetut sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut tukevat mielenterveyskuntoutumista COVID-19-epidemian aikana. TutkimusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ oli kuvaileva laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto koostui mielenterveyskuntoutujien (n=12) puolistrukturoiduista yksilöhaastatteluista. Haastateltavat rekrytoitiin kolmannen sektorin palveluista ympĂ€ri Suomen. Haastattelut toteutettiin puhelimitse COVID-19-epidemian toisen aallon aikana marraskuusta 2020 helmikuuhun 2021. Litteroidut haastattelut analysoitiin induktiivisella sisĂ€llönanalyysilla. EtĂ€palvelut mahdollistivat kuntoutujille sosiaalisen verkostoitumisen, mielenterveyden tukemisen, yksinĂ€isyyden lievittĂ€misen, sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden saamisen kotiin ja palveluihin helpottuneen pÀÀsyn. Henkilökohtaiset syyt, kuten digitaidot tai koetut haasteet sosiaalisissa tilanteissa, sekĂ€ etĂ€palveluiden helppokĂ€yttöisyys ja onnistunut toteutus lisĂ€sivĂ€t kokemuksia hyödyistĂ€. Toisaalta taas haasteet kĂ€ytĂ€nnön toteutuksessa, kĂ€ytettĂ€vyydessĂ€ ja vuorovaikutuksellisuudessa estivĂ€t hyötymistĂ€ etĂ€palveluista. Haasteista huolimatta etĂ€palvelut ovat voineet lievittÀÀ COVID-19-epidemian haittavaikutuksia tukemalla kuntoutujien mielenterveyttĂ€ ja yksinĂ€isyyttĂ€. COVID-19-epidemian jĂ€lkeisessĂ€ yhteiskunnassa etĂ€palveluista saattavat hyötyĂ€ etenkin ne, jotka kokevat sosiaaliset tilanteet vaikeina. Palveluita kehittĂ€essĂ€ on otettava huomioon, ettĂ€ onnistuneet etĂ€palvelut ovat helppokĂ€yttöisiĂ€, vuorovaikutteisia ja tietoturvallisia sekĂ€ edellyttĂ€vĂ€t yksityisyyttĂ€ kotioloissa. Fyysisten palveluiden ohella sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluita pitĂ€isi voida hyödyntÀÀ monipuolisin tavoin etĂ€yhteydellĂ€, mikĂ€ voisi tukea eroja yksilöiden soveltuvuudessa ja valmiudessa kĂ€yttÀÀ etĂ€palveluita. Asiakassegmentointia tehostamalla voitaisiin paremmin tunnistaa haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien erilaisia tarpeita ja kohdentaa palveluiden toteutusta tarpeiden mukaisesti.Abstract Virtanen, L., Kaihlanen, A-M., Isola, A-M., Laukka, E., Heponiemi, T. Experiences of mental health rehabilitees on the benefits of remote services during the COVID-19 era: A qualitative descriptive study. SosiaalilÀÀketieteellinen aikakauslehti — Journal of Social Medicine 2021: 58: 266–283. Finland, along with the other countries in the world, has taken unprecedented social distancing measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing can affect mental health and increase loneliness for which mental health rehabilitees are particularly vulnerable. Our study aimed to describe how communication services and remote social and health services support mental health rehabilitation during the COVID-19 era. In a qualitative descriptive study, we interviewed mental health rehabilitees (n=12) recruited from third sector services across Finland. We analysed the data with an inductive content analysis. Remote services promoted the health and wellbeing of the interviewees by enabling social networking, mental health support, alleviation of loneliness, access at home, and easier access. Personal reasons, such as digital skills friendliness were elements promoting perceived benefits. Challenges in usability, interaction, and practical implementation, such as lack of privacy at home, hampered benefitting from remote services. Our results suggest that remote services may mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic on mental health rehabilitees. However, the usability, interactivity, and security of services should be developed. Differences in the suitability and ability of individuals to use remote services highlight the need for providing services in various methods of remote delivery alongside physical services

    Leadership in digital health services:protocol for a concept analysis

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    Abstract Background: Due to the rapid digitalization of health care, leadership is becoming more complex. Leadership in digital health services is a term that has been used in the literature with various meanings. Conceptualization of leadership in digital health services is needed to deliver higher quality digital health services, update existing leadership practices, and advance research. Objective: The aim of this study is to outline a concept analysis that aims to clarify and define the concept of leadership in digital health services. Methods: The concept analysis will be performed using the Walker and Avant model, which involves eight steps: concept selection, determination of aims, identification of uses, determination of defining attributes, construction of a model case, construction of additional cases, identification of antecedents and consequences, and definition of empirical referents. A scoping literature search will be performed following the search protocol for scoping reviews by the Joanna Briggs Institute to identify all relevant literature on leadership in digital health services. Searches will be conducted in 6 scientific databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, ProQuest, Web of Science, and the Finnish database Medic), and unpublished studies and gray literature will be searched using Google Scholar, EBSCO Open Dissertations, and MedNar. Results: An initial limited search of MEDLINE was undertaken on October 19, 2020, resulting in 883 records. The results of the concept analysis will be submitted for publication by July 2021. Conclusions: A robust conceptualization of leadership in digital health services is needed to support research, leadership, and education. The concept analysis model of Walker and Avant will be used to meet this need. As leadership in digital health services appears to be an interprofessional and intersectoral collaboration, defining this concept may also facilitate collaboration between professionals and sectors. The concept analysis to be conducted will also expand our understanding of leadership in digital health services

    The effects of digitalisation on health and social care work:a qualitative descriptive study of the perceptions of professionals and managers

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    Abstract Background: Today, digitalisation is strongly present in health and social care, and it increasingly affects the organisation of work, work requirements, tasks and tools. Due to the constant change in work, up-to-date knowledge is needed about these micro-level effects of digitalisation and how professionals experience the effects in their work. Furthermore, even though managers play a key role in implementing new digital services, their perceptions of the effects of digitalisation and whether they match the views of professionals remain unknown. This study examined how health and social care professionals and managers perceive the effects of digitalisation on the work of professionals. Methods: We used a qualitative approach and conducted eight semi-structured focus group interviews with health and social care professionals (n = 30) and 21 individual interviews with managers in 2020 in four health centres in Finland. The qualitative content analysis included both an inductive and a deductive approach. Results: Digitalisation was perceived to have changed professionals’ 1) workload and pace, 2) the field and nature of work, 3) work community communication and interaction, and 4) information flow and security. Both professionals and managers identified effects such as accelerated work, reduction in workload, constant learning of technical skills, complicated work due to vulnerable information systems, and reduction in face-to-face encounters. However, managers did not bring up all the effects that professionals considered important, such as the creation of new work tasks, increased and duplicated work, or insufficient time to get acquainted with the systems. Conclusions: The findings suggest that some of the effects of digitalisation on professionals’ work and changes in the workplace may receive too little or no recognition from managers. This increases the risk that the potential negative effects may be overlooked and that managers will adopt systems that do not support the work of professionals. To reach a common understanding of the effects of digitalisation, continuous discussions between employees and different management levels are required. This contributes to professionals’ well-being and adaptation to changes, as well as the provision of quality health and social services

    The association between using a mobile version of an electronic health record and the well-being of nurses:cross-sectional survey study

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    Abstract Background: Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are increasingly being used in health care in many developed countries. Nurses form the largest group in health care that uses electronic health records (EHRs) and their mobile versions. Mobile devices are suggested to promote nurses’ workflow, constant updating of patient information, and improve the communication within the health care team. However, little is known about their effect on nurses’ well-being. Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between using a mobile version of the EHR and nurses’ perceived time pressure, stress related to information systems, and self-rated stress. Moreover, we examined whether mobile device use modifies the associations of EHR usability (ease of use and technical quality), experience in using EHRs, and number of systems in daily use with these well-being indicators. Methods: This was a cross-sectional population-based survey study among 3610 Finnish registered nurses gathered in 2020. The aforesaid associations were examined using analyses of covariance and logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, and employment sector (hospital, primary care, social service, and other). Results: Nurses who used the mobile version of their EHR had higher levels of time pressure (F1,3537=14.96, P<.001) and stress related to information systems (F1,3537=6.11, P=.01), compared with those who did not use mobile versions. Moreover, the interactions of mobile device use with experience in using EHRs (F1,3581=14.93, P<.001), ease of use (F1,3577=10.16, P=.001), and technical quality (F1,3577=6.45, P=.01) were significant for stress related to information systems. Inexperience in using EHRs, low levels of ease of use, and technical quality were associated with higher stress related to information systems and this association was more pronounced among those who used mobile devices. That is, the highest levels of stress related to information systems were perceived among those who used mobile devices as well as among inexperienced EHR users or those who perceived usability problems in their EHRs. Conclusions: According to our results, it seems that at present mobile device use is not beneficial for the nurses’ well-being. In addition, mobile device use seems to intensify the negative effects of usability issues related to EHRs. In particular, inexperienced users of EHRs seem to be at a disadvantage when using mobile devices. Thus, we suggest that EHRs and their mobile versions should be improved such that they would be easier to use and would better support the nurses’ workflow (eg, improvements to problems related to small display, user interface, and data entry). Moreover, additional training on EHRs, their mobile versions, and workflow related to these should be provided to nurses

    How to implement digital services in a way that they integrate into routine work:qualitative interview study among health and social care professionals

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    Abstract Background: Although the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly boosted the implementation of digital services worldwide, it has become increasingly important to understand how these solutions are integrated into professionals’ routine work. Professionals who are using the services are key influencers in the success of implementations. To ensure successful implementations, it is important to understand the multiprofessional perspective, especially because implementations are likely to increase even more. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine health and social care professionals’ experiences of digital service implementations and to identify factors that support successful implementations and should be considered in the future to ensure that the services are integrated into professionals’ routine work. Methods: A qualitative approach was used, in which 8 focus group interviews were conducted with 30 health and social care professionals from 4 different health centers in Finland. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The resulting categories were organized under the components of normalization process theory. Results: Our results suggested 14 practices that should be considered when implementing new digital services into routine work. To get professionals to understand and make sense of the new service, (1) the communication related to the implementation should be comprehensive and continuous and (2) the implementation process should be consistent. (3) A justification for the service being implemented should also be given. The best way to engage the professionals with the service is (4) to give them opportunities to influence and (5) to make sure that they have a positive attitude toward the service. To enact the new service into professionals’ routine work, it is important that (6) the organization take a supportive approach by providing support from several easy and efficient sources. The professionals should also have (7) enough time to become familiar with the service, and they should have (8) enough know-how about the service. The training should be (9) targeted individually according to skills and work tasks, and (10) it should be diverse. The impact of the implementation on the professionals’ work should be evaluated. The service (11) should be easy to use, and (12) usage monitoring should happen. An opportunity (13) to give feedback on the service should also be offered. Moreover, (14) the service should support professionals’ work tasks. Conclusions: We introduce 14 practices for organizations and service providers on how to ensure sustainable implementation of new digital services and the smooth integration into routine work. It is important to pay more attention to comprehensive and continuing communication. Organizations should conduct a competence assessment before training in order to ensure proper alignment. Follow-ups to the implementation process should be performed to guarantee sustainability of the service. Our findings from a forerunner country of digitalization can be useful for countries that are beginning their service digitalization or further developing their digital services

    The interplay of work, digital health usage, and the perceived effects of digitalization on physicians’ work:network analysis approach

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    Abstract Background: In health care, the benefits of digitalization need to outweigh the risks, but there is limited knowledge about the factors affecting this balance in the work environment of physicians. To achieve the benefits of digitalization, a more comprehensive understanding of this complex phenomenon related to the digitalization of physicians’ work is needed. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine physicians’ perceptions of the effects of health care digitalization on their work and to analyze how these perceptions are associated with multiple factors related to work and digital health usage. Methods: A representative sample of 4630 (response rate 24.46%) Finnish physicians (2960/4617, 64.11% women) was used. Statements measuring the perceived effects of digitalization on work included the patients’ active role, preventive work, interprofessional cooperation, decision support, access to patient information, and faster consultations. Network analysis of the perceived effects of digitalization and factors related to work and digital health usage was conducted using mixed graphical modeling. Adjusted and standardized regression coefficients are denoted by b. Centrality statistics were examined to evaluate the relative influence of each variable in terms of node strength. Results: Nearly half of physicians considered that digitalization has promoted an active role for patients in their own care (2104/4537, 46.37%) and easier access to patient information (1986/4551, 43.64%), but only 1 in 10 (445/4529, 9.82%) felt that the impact has been positive on consultation times with patients. Almost half of the respondents estimated that digitalization has neither increased nor decreased the possibilities for preventive work (2036/4506, 45.18%) and supportiveness of clinical decision support systems (1941/4458, 43.54%). When all variables were integrated into the network, the most influential variables were purpose of using health information systems, employment sector, and specialization status. However, the grade given to the electronic health record (EHR) system that was primarily used had the strongest direct links to faster consultations (b=0.32) and facilitated access to patient information (b=0.28). At least 6 months of use of the main EHR was associated with facilitated access to patient information (b=0.18). Conclusions: The results highlight the complex interdependence of multiple factors associated with the perceived effects of digitalization on physicians’ work. It seems that a high-quality EHR system is critical for promoting smooth clinical practice. In addition, work-related factors may influence other factors that affect digital health success. These factors should be considered when developing and implementing new digital health technologies or services for physicians’ work. The adoption of digital health is not just a technological project but a project that changes existing work practices