314 research outputs found

    Engraved gems from Andetrium in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb

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    This paper analyses 11 engraved gems from Gornji Muć. They belong to the collection of Roman engraved gems in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb and were acquired in the 19th century by Mijo Jerko Granić, the priest of Gornji Muć. These gems were found in Gornji Muć, which was the location of the Roman auxiliary fort of Andetrium, and therefore add to our knowledge of Roman gems from military sites in Croati

    The Development of Dental Medicine in Croatia

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    Suvremena stomatologija vuče korijen znanstvene medicinske grane od godine 1728., tj. otkako je objavljeno djelo Pierrea Faucharda pod naslovom “Le chirurgien dentiste où traité des dents”. Bolesti usne šupljine, osobito bolesti zuba, pratilje su čovjekova života od njegovih početaka. Isto su tako stara i nastojanja da se liječe bolesti usta i zuba. Stomatologija u Hrvatskoj razvijala se na usporediv način kao i u drugim europskim zemljama, a prema društvenim i materijalnim prilikama u nas. Primorski gradovi imali su još od 13. stoljeća u službi stalne liječnike fizike, kirurge, ljekarnike i brijače (niže kirurge), a Dubrovnik godine 1777. prvi osniva i zubno-liječničku službu kao zasebnu granu opće zdravstvene zaštite. U kopnenome dijelu Hrvatske stomatologija se razvija kasnije, te krajem 18. stoljeća i početkom 19. stoljeća, npr. u Zagrebu, ima osoba koje se isključivo bave zubarstvom, a u 19. stoljeću imenuju se i gradski zubari. Djelovanje školovanih stomatologa, u to doba pretežno stranaca, pojedinačno je, samostalno i temelji se na zaradi. Javna stomatološka služba brže se razvijala od dvadesetih godina prošloga stoljeća (školske, gradske, državne poliklinike). U velikim središtima (Osijeku, Splitu, Rijeci i Zagrebu) utemeljene su poliklinike, a samo u Zagrebu Stomatološka klinika (1931.). Specijalizacije pojedinih stomatoloških grana u Hrvatskoj počinju od 1959. godine, a bile su samo dvije. Danas bi doktor stomatologije mogao specijalzirati osam grana. K tome treba dodati i potrebu trajnog usavršavanja, koja je utkana u sadašnji Zakon o zdravstvu. Raširenost bolesti usta, usne šupljine, zuba i čeljusti u Hrvatskoj velika je. Početkom 1979. godine u Hrvatskoj se uvodi Međunarodna klasifikacija bolesti u stomatologiji (MKBS) za određene bolesti (karijes zuba, parodontopatije, ortodontske anomalije, zloćudne tumore usta, rascjepe usta i nepca...). Stomatološko školstvo začeto je osnutkom Katedre za stomatologiju i zubarstvo na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu godine 1922. s prvim nastavnikom Eduardom Radoševićem. Stomatološka klinika, premda osnovana 1931. godine, stvarno je otvorena 1939. u novoizgrađenoj zgradi na Širokom brijegu na Šalati, s predstojnikom Ivom Čuparom koji ju je vodio tri sljedeća desetljeća. U Splitu je 1945. bila osnovana Viša zubarska škola, istovrsna i u Zagrebu 1947., te 1948. godine Odontološki odsjek na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, koji je 1962. prerastao u samostalni Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Prvi dekan Fakulteta bi je Živko Bolf. Stomatološki studij na Rijeci utemeljen je u sklopu Medicinskog fakulteta 1973. godine. Znanstvenoistraživačka djelatnost u stomatologiji može se pratiti više od sto godina. U početku su to bili pojedinci, a danas je s porastom množine istraživača stvorena kritična masa za osnutak Centra za interdisciplinarnu djelatnost u stomatologiji. Pisana riječ traje već desetljećima u časopisima (Folia stomatologica, na žalost prestao izlaziti 1950. godine, Acta Stomatologica Croatica; u novije vrijeme Hrvatski stomatološki vjesnik), te brojnim skriptama, priručnicima, udžbenicima i u novije vrijeme internetskim stranicama. Društvena organiziranost struke krenula je godine 1903. osnutkom Zadruge hrvatskih stomatologa, a danas imamo Hrvatsko stomatološko društvo i niz specijalističkih društava u sklopu Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora, te od 1995. Hrvatsku stomatološku komoru. Nakon osnutka samostalnog Stomatološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu (1962.) bitno je poboljšana struktura visokoškolovanih kadrova u stomatologiji u Hrvatskoj, a šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća nastao je i veći “izvoz” stomatologa u europske zemlje (npr. SR Njemačku, Švicarsku). Danas se, na žalost, još uvijek ne možemo pohvaliti bitnim smanjenjem rasta zubnoga karijesa i njegovih posljedica u hrvatskom pučanstvu.The roots of modern dental medicine, as a scientific medical branch, go back to 1728, when Pierre Fauchard published his paper entitled “Le chirurgien dentists où traité des dents”. Diseases of the oral cavity, particularly diseases of the teeth, have plagued man from his very beginning, as have attempts to treat diseases of the mouth and teeth. Dental medicine in Croatia developed in a similar way to other European countries, and in accordance with the social and material conditions in the country. As early as the 13th century coastal towns had services with permanent physicians physics, surgeons, pharmacists and barbers (lower surgeons). In 1777 Dubrovnik was first to establish a dental-medical service as a separate branch of general health protection. Dental medicine developed later in the interior of Croatia. For example, in Zagreb at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century one could come across people engaged exclusively in dentistry, and in the 19th century a town dentist was appointed. At that time foreigners carried out the work of educated dentists, and it was individual, independent and based on profit. With effect from the 1920s the public service of dental medicine rapidly developed (school, town and national polyclinics). In large centres (Osijek, Split, Rijeka and Zagreb) polyclinics were founded, and in Zagreb, in 1931, a Dental Clinic. In 1959, it was possible to specialise in two branches of dental medicine in Croatia. Today dentists can specialise in eight branches. The need for permanent training should be stressed, which is included in the Law on Health. The prevalence of diseases of the mouth, oral cavity, teeth and jaws in Croatia is high. At the beginning of 1979 International Classification of Disease in Dental Medicine (ICDD) was introduced in Croatia for a determined number of diseases (dental caries, periodontopathy, orthodontic anomalies, malignant tumours of the mouth, cleft palate ...) Education in dental medicine commenced in 1922 with the establishment of the Department of Dental Medicine and Dentistry at the Medical School in Zagreb, with the first teacher, Eduard Radoπević. Although founded in 1931 the Dental Clinic actually opened in 1939 in a newly erected building at Široki brijeg, Šalata, with Ivo Čupar as Head. He was Head of the Dental Clinic for thirty years. In 1945 the Higher Dental School was founded in Split and in 1947 a similar school in Zagreb. In 1948 the Odontological Section was established at the School of Medicine in Zagreb, which later became the independent School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb in 1962. The first Dean of the School was Živko Bolf. In 1973 the study of dental medicine was established within the framework of the Medical Faculty in Rijeka. Scientific-research in dental medicine has continued for more than 100 years. Initially by individuals, today the increased number of investigators has created a critical mass for the establishment of a Centre for Interdisciplinary Activity in Dental Medicine. The written word has been present for decades in journals (Folia stomatologica, which sadly ceased to be published in 1950, Acta Stomatologica Croatia, with effect from 1966 and the Croatian Dental Herald since1993) and in numerous scripts, manuals, textbooks and more recently the Internet pages. The social organisation of the profession started in 1903 with the founding of the Society of Croatian Dentists. Today we have the Croatian Dental Society and several specialist societies within the framework of the Croatian Medical Association, and with effect from 1995 the Croatian Dental Chamber. Following the founding of the independent School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb in 1962 the structure of highly educated staff in dental medicine improved in Croatia, and during the 1960s and 1970s there was a significant “export” of dentists to European countries (e.g. Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland). Today, unfortunately, we still cannot claim a significant reduction in dental caries and its consequences in the population of Croatia

    Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Western Australia

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    Početkom prosinca 2002. godine posjetio sam Stomatološki fakultet u Perthu u Zapadnoj Australiji. Grad Perth osnovan je godine 1829. i leži na ušću rijeke Swan na obali Indijskoga oceana. Grad danas ima oko 1.200.000 tisuća stanovnika, koji zapravo žive u nizu satelitskih gradova, i gospodarsko je i administrativno središte Države Zapadne Australije, koja ukupno ima oko 2.200.000 tisuća stanovnika. Preko trideset tisuća su Hrvati ili njihovi potomci, koji su najvećim dijelom podrijetlom iz Dalmacije, s otoka ili iz Dalmatinske zagore. Medicinski i stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta Zapadne Australije u Perthu, u kojem inače djeljuje ukupno pet sveučilišta, jedinstvena je ustanova od 1. siječnja 1994. godine. Stomatološki fakultet, izvorno Fakultet stomatološke znanosti, utemeljen je godine 1946., a Medicinski fakultet 1956. i oba su u sastavu Sveučilišta Zapadne Australije.At the beginning of December 2002 I visited the School of Dentistry in Perth, Western Australia. The town of Perth was founded in 1829 and lies on the mouth of the river Swan on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Today the town has around 1.200.000 inhabitants, who live in several satellite towns. Economically it is the administrative centre for the State of Western Australia, which has approximately 2.200.000 inhabitants. More than 30.000 of them are Croats or their descendants, and most originate from Dalmatia, the islands or from the Dalmatian hinterland. The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Western Australia in Perth, which encompasses five universities, became an integrated institution on 1st January 1994. The School of Dentistry, originally the School of Dental Science, was established in 1946, and the School of Medicine in 1956. Both are included in the structure of the University of Western Australia

    The Comparison of Molar Traits in Krapina Hominids and Contemporary Humans

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    Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi morfološke značajke okluzalnih ploha trajnih molara u krapinskoga hominida (KH) te dobivene rezultate usporediti s nalazima današnje populacije koja je činila kontrolnu skupinu (KS). Klasifikacija značajki okluzalnih ploha molara određena je prema standardima za karakterizaciju morfoloških varijanti trajnih zuba po ASU (Arizona State University) - Dentoantropološki sustav Državnog sveučilišta u Arizoni). Ukupno je obrađeno 77 molara KH, od toga 34 gornja i 43 donja. U KS ukupno je obrađeno 4836 molara, od toga 2548 gornjih i 2288 donjih. Raščlambom okluzalnih ploha molara utvrđeno je : u trećih i drugih gornjih molara KS smanjenje čestoće distolingvalne kvržice; nestankom ili redukcijom veličine distolingvalne kvržice nastala je promjena obrisa okluzalne plohe iz romboidnog u trokutast, te gubitka H-sustava brazdi, koji je znatno češći nalaz u KH (p < 0,05). Na prvome gornjem molaru nađeno je najmanje razlika između dviju promatranih skupina. Samo po obilježju Carabellijevo svojstvo nađena je znatna razlika u zastupljenosti i to s većom čestoćom u KH (p < 0,01). U donjih molara (M1, M2, M3) KS utvrđena je smanjena čestoća distalne kvržice (p < 0,01). Na M3 i M2 u objema promatranim skupinama najzastupljeniji crtež brazdi je oblika +. Oblik X postoji samo u KS. Na M1 dominantan crtež brazdi u objema skupinama je oblika Y. Na osnovi navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je u današnjega čovjeka na molarima nastala redukcija broja kvržica i promjena oblika okluzalnih ploha, što je dovelo do smanjenja ukupne žvačne površine zuba. Kako je prema stajalištima antropologa crtež brazdi oblika Y najkonzervativniji, a oblik X najrazvijeniji, može se zaključiti da je M1 najkonzervativniji i da u evolutivnom smislu nije postignuo gotovo nikakav napredak. U M2 dominantan crtež brazdi je oblika +. Kako crtež brazdi oblika + predstavlja razvojni međuoblik i može se uzeti kao najviši evolutivni stadij oblika Y, tj. kao početak oblika X, taj zub glede evolutivnih procesa spada u prijelaznu razvojnu fazu. Oblik X na M2 nađen je samo u KS, što potvrđuje da je u evolutivnom smislu taj zub postignuo znatan napredak u odnosu prema KH. Dominantan crtež brazdi na M3 u objema skupinama je oblika +. Crtež brazdi X nije nađen ni na jednome M3 u KH, za razliku od KS gdje crtež brazdi X postoji u preko četvrtine zuba. Takav nalaz upućuje na zaključak da je od svih donjih molara KS u evolutivnom smislu M3 dosegnuo najvišu razvojnu razinu.The aim of this study was to investigate morphological characteristics of occlusal surfaces of permanent molars in Krapina hominid (KH) and to compare them with the findings in the modern population (control group, CG). ASU (Arizona State University Dentoanthropological System) standards for the characterization of morphological variants of permanent molars were used for classification of occlusal molar surface characteristics. A total number of 77 KH molars, among them 34 upper and 43 lower, as wel as 4836 CG molars, among them 2548 upper and 2288 lower ones was analysed. The analysis of occlusal molar surfaces revealed a lower incidence of distolingual cusps in CG third and second upper molars. The disappearance of reduction in size of distolingual cusp resulted in a change in occlusal surface contour from rhomboid to triangular and H-shaped grooves were lost; these characteristics were more grequently present in KH (p < 0.05). The least difference was found in the first upper molar; the only significant difference was the Carabelli trait, present significantlly more frequently in KH (p < 0.01). In lower KH molars (M1, M2, M3) the incidence of distal cusp was reduced (p < 0.01). In both study groups the most frequent groove shape in M3 and M2 was + shape. X-shape was seen only in CG. The predominanat groove shape in M1 was Y-shape in both study groups. Based on these results, it may be concluded that the number of cusps was reduced ond the shape of occlusal surface was changed in modern humans, leading to a reduction in the tital masticatory surface. Since Y-shape is considered most conservative and X-shape considered the most advanced by athropologist, we conclude that M1 remained the most conservative and did not undergo any progression in tooth evolution. The dominant groove shape in M2 was +shape. Since the +shaped groove is considered intermediate stage the highest evolutionary stage of Y-shape, i.e. the initial stage in X-shape formation, this tooth can be considered the transitional stage in tooth evolutionary development. X-shape was found only in CG, indicating the significant advancement in tooth evolutionary development in comparisom with KH. The dominant groove shape in M3 was +shape in both study groups. X-shape was not found in any of KH M3 in contrast to CG, where it was found in more than one fourth of teeth. This finding indicates that M3 reached the highest developmental stage among all lower molars in CG

    Characteristics of the Occlusal Surfaces of Lower Molars in a Sample of the Croatian Population

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    Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi značajke okluzalnih ploha donjih molara na uzorku hrvatske populacije. Klasifikacija značajki okluzalnih ploha molara određena je prema standardima za karakterizaciju morfoloških varijanti trajnih zuba po ASU (Arizona State University - Dentoantropološki sustav Državnoga sveučilišta u Arizoni). Na temelju dobivenih rezultata oblika brazdi u donjih molara, glede evolutivnog procesa kod tih zuba, može se zaključiti da je prvi donji molar najkonzervativniji. Kod drugoga donjeg molara znakovita je pojava visoke čestoće oblika +. Kako se oblik + može uzeti kao najviši evolucijski stadij konzervativnog oblika Y, ili pak kao početak najrazvijenijeg oblika X, za drugi donji molar može se reći da je u prijelaznome stadiju, s tim što je s postignutom evolucijskom razinom svakako bliži donjemu trećem molaru. Treći donji molar dosegnuo je najviši razvojni oblik u oblikovanju okluzalne plohe donjih molara.The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the occlusal surfaces of lower molars in a sample of the Croatian population. Classification of the characteristics of the occlusal surface of molars was determined according to the standards for characterisation of morphological variants of permanent teeth, of ASU (Arizona State University - Dentoanthropological System of the State University of Arizona). On the basis of the obtained results of the shape of grooves in lower molars, with regard to the evolutive process in these teeth, it can be concluded that the first lower molar is the most conservative. The high frequency of + shape was significant in the second lower molar. As + shape can be taken as the highest evolutive stage of the conservative Y shape, i.e. the beginning of the most developed X shape, the second lower molar can be said to be in the transitive stage, and thus with its attained evolutive level it is definitely closer to the lower third molar. The third molar reached the highest developmental shape in the formation of the occlusal surfaces of lower molars

    The effect of sex and age at slaughter on some carcass and meat quality traits of Boer kids

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    This study investigated some carcass and meat quality traits of Boer kids (17 male and 17 female) at two different average slaughter ages (83 and 139 days). Jointed cuts of half carcasses arranged from the greatest to the smallest were: hind leg (28.5%), rib and flank (21.2%), shoulder (19.3%), back (8.5%), loin (7.9%), neck (7.6%) and chuck (3.4%). Male kids had significantly higher percentage of the neck cuts (p≤0.001) while females had significantly higher percentage of rib and flank cuts (p≤0.05). At higher slaughter ages neck (p≤0.05) and chuck (p≤0.001) percentages significantly decreased and rib and flank (p≤0.001) percentage significantly increased. On average, hind leg had 72.2 % of muscle, 8.6 % of fat and 18.8 % of bone. Female kids had higher muscle and lower bone hind leg content than males (p≤0.01). Hind leg bone content significantly decreased at higher slaughter age (p≤0.01). Meat from male kids displayed significantly higher cie L*(p≤0.001) and b*(p≤0.05) values than females. At higher slaughter age L* values significantly decreased (p≤0.01) while a* and b* values significantly increased (p≤0.001; p≤0.01)

    Biliary brush cytology for the diagnosis of malignancy: a single center experience [Citološki razmazi brisa četkicom u dijagnostici malignih promjena bilijarnog stabla: naše iskustvo]

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    Differentiation between benign and malignant biliary strictures is critical to the provision of adequate treatment. Brush cytology during the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the most commonly used method for obtaining tissue confirmation of the nature of biliary strictures. It’s specificity is remarkably high but reported sensitivities for the diagnosis of malignancy are low. Aim of our study was to assess sensitivity and specificity of biliary brush cytology in our institution, to find out main causes of false negative diagnoses and to confirm impression that the team approach has impact on sensitivity. Gold standard for diagnosis was definitive surgical histology or adequate clinical follow up for minimum of six month. Direct smears made by cytotechnician at the endoscopy room, and stained according to Papanicolaou and May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG) were examined for well-recognized features of malignancy on conventional smears as a part of diagnostic routine. Cytologic diagnoses were benign, atypical/reactive, suspicious for malignancy and malignant. Of 143 brushings with available definitive diagnosis 36 (25%) had malignant cytologic diagnosis and 91(63.6%) were classified as benign, 3 were atypical/reactive and 13 suspicious for malignancy with 20 »false-negative« cases. When specimens with atypical and suspicious cytology were excluded from data analysis sensitivity was 64% and specificity was 100% and when suspicious findings were taken into account as true positives sensitivity rose to 71%. We find that biliary brush cytology, although mainly depending on the skill of endoscopist, as well as the experience of the cytologist, is a valuable method for obtaining accurate tissue diagnosis of biliary strictures, thus solving eternal diagnostic dilemma: benign or malignant