38 research outputs found

    Amino acid substitution and chemical characterization of a Japanese variant of carbonic anhydrase I: CA I Hiroshima-1 (86 Asp → Gly)

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    An electrophoretic variant of red cell carbonic anhydrase I, designated CA I Hiroshima-1, has been observed in 12 apparently unrelated individuals during a survey of 13,019 individuals from the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Analyses of tryptic and chymotryptic peptide patterns of this CA I variant purified from 8 of the 12 individuals revealed the same altered peptides in each case. Examination of the amino acid sequence of an altered tryptic peptide purified from one of the variants showed that the aspartic acid residue at position 86 was replaced by a glycine residue. Thermostability studies demonstrated that all samples of CA I Hiroshima-1 were less stable than normal CA I. The specific esterase ( p -nitrophenyl acetate) activities of the normal and variant CA I isozymes were essentially the same. The difference spectra of the normal and variant enzymes were essentially the same. The isoelectric focusing patterns of CA I Hiroshima-1 showed a different pattern of minor bands to those produced by normal CA I. The relative amounts of the normal and variant enzymes purified from single heterozygous individuals were similar.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44139/1/10528_2004_Article_BF00484625.pd

    Genetic variation in the carbonic anhydrase isozymes of macaque monkeys. IV. Degradation by heat and proteolysis of normal and variant carbonic anhydrase isozymes of Macaca nemestrina

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    Studies were undertaken on the heat denaturation and proteolytic degradation by [alpha]-chymotrypsin of the normal red cell carbonic anhydrase isozyme, CA II, and two electrophoretic variants of carbonic anhydrase I, CA Ia and CA Ib, of the pigtail macaque. The heat degradation results showed a difference of about 40-fold in the rate constants between CA Ia and CA Ib, which is due to the marked thermostability of CA Ib compared to CA Ia. The enthalpies and entropies of activation were calculated from the heat denaturation constants. These values were compared, on enthalpy-entropy compensation plots, with those values previously determined for the human CA I and CA II isozymes. They were highly correlated and clearly fell into two distinct clusters, separated by about 200 kJ mol-1; one group comprising the macaque and human CA I isozymes and the other the CA II isozymes. The proteolytic degradation results showed that CA Ia is degraded about 2.5 times more rapidly than CA Ib by [alpha]-chymotrypsin. Thus, the characteristic 3/1 ratio of CA Ib/CA Ia in mature red cells could be accounted for by the greater susceptibility of CA Ia to degradation at some stage in red cell development.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24854/1/0000281.pd

    Reactivation and immunological studies on a japanese variant of red cell carbonic anhydrase I, CA I hiroshima-1

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    1. 1. Under certain conditions, CA I HIR-1++ (86 Asp--> Gly) was inactivated in Gnd-HCl more rapidly than normal CA I.2. 2. After denaturation in 5.0 M Gnd [middle dot] HC1, CA I HIR-1 was reactivated more slowly than normal CA I.3. 3. CA I HIR-1 was precipitated by purified anti-CA I antibodies, under certain conditions, more rapidly than normal CA I.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24126/1/0000383.pd

    Tulžies latakų akmenligė: ligos įtarimas, diagnozė, gydymas

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    Bile duct stones are a quite common (10–18%) complication of gallstone disease or an autonomous condition. New noninvasive diagnostic methods established in the last decades allow to confirm suspected choledocholithiasis with minimal risk of iatrogenic complications.In this literature review we discuss various scores for choledocholithiasis risk degree, different diagnostic investigations and management approaches including timing for invasive procedures.Tulžies latakų akmenys – gana dažna (10–18 %) tulžies pūslės akmenligės komplikacija ar savarankiška patologija. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais atsiradę nauji neinvaziniai diagnostikos metodai leidžia patikslinti įtariamą tulžies latakų akmenligės diagnozę minimalizavus jatrogeninių komplikacijų riziką.Šioje literatūros apžvalgoje aptariamos rizikos vertinimo sistemos, leidžiančios apsispręsti dėl papildomų tyrimų tikslingumo, pristatomi įvairūs diagnostiniai metodai, skirtingos gydymo ir tyrimo taktikos, aptariamas gydymo laiko pasirinkimas

    Heterogeneity of mitochondrial creatine kinase

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