87 research outputs found

    Magnesium Excretion in C. elegans Requires the Activity of the GTL-2 TRPM Channel

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    Systemic magnesium homeostasis in mammals is primarily governed by the activities of the TRPM6 and TRPM7 cation channels, which mediate both uptake by the intestinal epithelial cells and reabsorption by the distal convoluted tubule cells in the kidney. In the nematode, C. elegans, intestinal magnesium uptake is dependent on the activities of the TRPM channel proteins, GON-2 and GTL-1. In this paper we provide evidence that another member of the TRPM protein family, GTL-2, acts within the C. elegans excretory cell to mediate the excretion of excess magnesium. Thus, the activity of GTL-2 balances the activities of the paralogous TRPM channel proteins, GON-2 and GTL-1

    Real-time nanodiamond thermometry probing in vivo thermogenic responses

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    蛍光ナノダイヤモンドを用いた量子温度計により動物個体の発熱を捉えることに成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-09-25.Get diamonds, take temperature. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-10-06.Real-time temperature monitoring inside living organisms provides a direct measure of their biological activities. However, it is challenging to reduce the size of biocompatible thermometers down to submicrometers, despite their potential applications for the thermal imaging of subtissue structures with single-cell resolution. Here, using quantum nanothermometers based on optically accessible electron spins in nanodiamonds, we demonstrate in vivo real-time temperature monitoring inside Caenorhabditis elegans worms. We developed a microscope system that integrates a quick-docking sample chamber, particle tracking, and an error correction filter for temperature monitoring of mobile nanodiamonds inside live adult worms with a precision of ±0.22°C. With this system, we determined temperature increases based on the worms’ thermogenic responses during the chemical stimuli of mitochondrial uncouplers. Our technique demonstrates the submicrometer localization of temperature information in living animals and direct identification of their pharmacological thermogenesis, which may allow for quantification of their biological activities based on temperature

    The Roles and Acting Mechanism of Caenorhabditis elegans DNase II Genes in Apoptotic DNA Degradation and Development

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    DNase II enzymes are acidic endonucleases that have been implicated in mediating apoptotic DNA degradation, a critical cell death execution event. C. elegans genome contains three DNase II homologues, NUC-1, CRN-6, and CRN-7, but their expression patterns, acting sites, and roles in apoptotic DNA degradation and development are unclear. We have conducted a comprehensive analysis of three C. elegans DNase II genes and found that nuc-1 plays a major role, crn-6 plays an auxiliary role, and crn-7 plays a negligible role in resolving 3′ OH DNA breaks generated in apoptotic cells. Promoter swapping experiments suggest that crn-6 but not crn-7 can partially substitute for nuc-1 in mediating apoptotic DNA degradation and both fail to replace nuc-1 in degrading bacterial DNA in intestine. Despite of their restricted and largely non-overlapping expression patterns, both CRN-6 and NUC-1 can mediate apoptotic DNA degradation in many cells, suggesting that they are likely secreted nucleases that are retaken up by other cells to exert DNA degradation functions. Removal or disruption of NUC-1 secretion signal eliminates NUC-1's ability to mediate DNA degradation across its expression border. Furthermore, blocking cell corpse engulfment does not affect apoptotic DNA degradation mediated by nuc-1, suggesting that NUC-1 acts in apoptotic cells rather than in phagocytes to resolve 3′ OH DNA breaks. Our study illustrates how multiple DNase II nucleases play differential roles in apoptotic DNA degradation and development and reveals an unexpected mode of DNase II action in mediating DNA degradation

    Imbalanced Expression of Tau and Tubulin Induces Neuronal Dysfunction in C. elegans Models of Tauopathy

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    Tauopathy is a type of dementia defined by the accumulation of filamentous tau inclusions in neural cells. Most types of dementia in the elderly, including Alzheimer’s disease, are tauopathies. Although it is believed that tau protein abnormalities and/or the loss of its functions results in neurodegeneration and dementia, the mechanism of tauopathy remains obscure. Loss of microtubules and/or tubulin is a known consequence of tau accumulating in neurons in Alzheimer’s disease. In other words, there is an excess level of tau relative to tubulin in tauopathy neurons. To test whether this imbalance of tau and tubulin expression results in the neurotoxicity of tau, we developed several transgenic C. elegans lines that express human tau at various levels in pan-neurons. These worms showed behavioral abnormalities in a tau expression-dependent manner. The knockdown of a tubulin-specific chaperon, or a subset of tubulin, led to enhanced tau toxicity even in low-expressing tau-transgenic worms that showed no abnormal behaviors. In addition, the suppression of tau expression in tubulin knockdown worms rescued neuronal dysfunction. Thus, not only the overexpression of tau but also a reduction in tubulin can trigger the neurotoxicity of tau. Tau expressed in worms was also highly phosphorylated and largely bound to tubulin dimers rather than microtubules. Relative amount of tubulin-unbound tau was increased in high-expressing tau-transgenic worms showing tau toxicity. We further demonstrated that tau aggregation was inhibited by co-incubation of purified tubulin in vitro, meaning sufficient amounts of tubulin can protect against the formation of tau inclusions. These results suggest that the expression ratio of tau to tubulin may be a determinant of the tauopathy cascade

    Locus-specific integration of extrachromosomal transgenes in C. elegans with the CRISPR/Cas9 system

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    We established a method to generate integration from extrachromosomal arrays with the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Multi-copy transgenes were integrated into the defined loci of chromosomes by this method, while a multi-copy transgene is integrated into random loci by previous methods, such as UV- and gamma-irradiation. The effects of a combination of sgRNAs, which define the cleavage sites in extrachromosomes and chromosomes, and the copy number of potential cleavable sequences were examined. The relative copy number of cleavable sequences in extrachromosomes affects the frequency of fertile F1 transgenic animals. The expression levels of the reporter gene were almost proportional to the copy numbers of the integrated sequences at the same integration site. The technique is applicable to the transgenic strains abundantly stored and shared among the C. elegans community, particularly when researchers use sgRNAs against common plasmid sequences such as β-lactamase

    The Tumor Suppressor BCL7B Functions in the Wnt Signaling Pathway.

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    Human BCL7 gene family consists of BCL7A, BCL7B, and BCL7C. A number of clinical studies have reported that BCL7 family is involved in cancer incidence, progression, and development. Among them, BCL7B, located on chromosome 7q11.23, is one of the deleted genes in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome. Although several studies have suggested that malignant diseases occurring in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome are associated with aberrations in BCL7B, little is known regarding the function of this gene at the cellular level. In this study, we focused on bcl-7, which is the only homolog of BCL7 gene family in Caenorhabditis elegans, and analyzed bcl-7 deletion mutants. As a result, we found that bcl-7 is required for the asymmetric differentiation of epithelial seam cells, which have self-renewal properties as stem cells and divide asymmetrically through the WNT pathway. Distal tip cell development, which is regulated by the WNT pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans, was also affected in bcl-7-knockout mutants. Interestingly, bcl-7 mutants exhibited nuclear enlargement, reminiscent of the anaplastic features of malignant cells. Furthermore, in KATOIII human gastric cancer cells, BCL7B knockdown induced nuclear enlargement, promoted the multinuclei phenotype and suppressed cell death. In addition, this study showed that BCL7B negatively regulates the Wnt-signaling pathway and positively regulates the apoptotic pathway. Taken together, our data indicate that BCL7B/BCL-7 has some roles in maintaining the structure of nuclei and is involved in the modulation of multiple pathways, including Wnt and apoptosis. This study may implicate a risk of malignancies with BCL7B-deficiency, such as Williams-Beuren syndrome

    <i>Clostridium butyricum</i> MIYAIRI 588 Increases the Lifespan and Multiple-Stress Resistance of <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>

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    Clostridium butyricum MIYAIRI 588 (CBM 588), one of the probiotic bacterial strains used for humans and domestic animals, has been reported to exert a variety of beneficial health effects. The effect of this probiotic on lifespan, however, is unknown. In the present study, we investigated the effect of CBM 588 on lifespan and multiple-stress resistance using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model animal. When adult C. elegans were fed a standard diet of Escherichia coli OP50 or CBM 588, the lifespan of the animals fed CBM 588 was significantly longer than that of animals fed OP50. In addition, the animals fed CBM588 exhibited higher locomotion at every age tested. Moreover, the worms fed CBM 588 were more resistant to certain stressors, including infections with pathogenic bacteria, UV irradiation, and the metal stressor Cu2+. CBM 588 failed to extend the lifespan of the daf-2/insulin-like receptor, daf-16/FOXO and skn-1/Nrf2 mutants. In conclusion, CBM 588 extends the lifespan of C. elegans probably through regulation of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) pathway and the Nrf2 transcription factor, and CBM 588 improves resistance to several stressors in C. elegans