1,402 research outputs found

    Discovery of an Unusual High State in the Long-Term Light Curve of AM Herculis

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    The magnetic cataclysmic variable archetype AM Herculis is known to display high and low photometric states, in which it switches from Roche lobe-overflow accretion (high) to wind accretion (low). The origin of this behavior is still unknown (although it is believed to be linked to the presence of starspots located near the L1 point on the secondary star), as are the specifics of duration and frequency of the two states. During the recent (2007) transition from an exceptionally long period of persistent low state behavior back to the high state, AM Her entered a short (~2 month) intermediate state, in which its brightness remained at ~0.5 mag fainter than the normal high-state level. Within the recorded history of AM Her, this was the first time the system displayed such behavior. Using data from the American Association of Variable Star Observers, we compare the characteristics of this faint high state to the subsequent normal high state, and a prior "failed high state," in which the system briefly reached a brightness level near that of the normal high state before rapidly returning to the low state. The distribution of magnitude values attained during each state, along with the shapes of the orbital light curve in each state, support a scenario in which the specific configuration of the accretion flow between the secondary star and the white dwarf must be rapidly established at the end of a low state, even before the mass transfer rate has reached the normal high-state level

    QU Carinae: a SNeIa progenitor?

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    Optical spectra obtained in 2006-07 of the nova-like cataclysmic variable QU Car are studied for radial velocities, line profiles, and line identifications. We are not able to confirm the reported 10.9 hr orbital period from 1982,partly because our sampling is not ideal for this purpose and also, we suspect, because our radial velocities are distorted by line profile changes due to an erratic wind. P-Cygni profiles are found in several of the emission lines, including those of C IV. Carbon lines are abundant in the spectra, suggesting a carbon enrichment in the doner star. The presence of [O III] 5007\AA and [N II] 6584\AA is likely due to a diffuse nebula in the vicinity of the system. The wind signatures in the spectra and the presence of nebular lines are in agreement with the accretion wind evolution scenario that has been suggested to lead to SNeIa. We argue that QU Car is a member of the V Sge subclass of CVs, and a possible SNeIa progenitor. It is shown that the recent light curve of QU Car has ~1 mag low states, similar to the light curve of V Sge, strengthening the connection of QU Car with V Sge stars, supersoft x-ray sources, and SNeIa progenitors.Comment: Accepted in the Astronomical Journal. 11 pages, 3 tables, 5 figure

    What’s Cool About Hot Stars? Cataclysmic Variables in the Mid-Infrared

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    We review recent results from mid-infrared observations of cataclysmic variables with the Spitzer Space Telescope. In general, these observations have revealed mid-infrared excesses, above the level expected from the stellar and accretion components, in numerous systems. This excess can be modeled as originating from circumstellar and/or circumbinary dust. We present an overview of spectral energy distributions spanning the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared, as well as mid-infrared light curves, of disk-accreting and magnetic cataclysmic variables. Physically realistic models constructed to reproduce these data indicate that the mid-infrared luminosity of many cataclysmic variables is dominated by emission from warm (T < 2000 K) dust. The presence and characteristics of dust in cataclysmic variables has potentially important implications for the secular evolution scenario for interacting binary stars

    Observations of V592 Cas -— an Outflow at Optical Wavelengths

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    We present new red optical spectra of V592 Cas aimed at exploring the properties of the outflow of this system in a spectral region where the underlying white dwarf and the accretion disk do not contribute significantly to the observed absorption components of the Hα and He I line profiles. We use the Hα emission line to study the wind, which appears as pronounced blueshifted P Cygni absorption troughs whose low velocity end contaminates the blue side of the emission line profile. The wind appears to be episodic in nature, with multiple events reaching velocities of 5000 km s^–1 in Hα. Similar (but weaker) wind signatures appear in the He I 5876 Å line but are absent in He I 6678 Å. Our data suggest that during wind episodes the wind is phase dependent and is visible for half of the orbit of the system. Considering that V592 Cas is viewed almost face-on, the symmetry axis of the outflow cannot be orthogonal to the disk and/or the outflow must have some other inherent asymmetry in outflow geometry. A possible origin of the wind is in a disk hotspot, either at the initial impact point of the accretion stream on the disk edge or as a result of disk overflow (similar to SW Sextantis stars). Simultaneous optical photometry during one night of our spectroscopic observations indicate that there is no clear relationship between the optical brightness variations and the strength of the outflow in this system

    Accretion and activity on the post-common-envelope binary RR~Cae

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    Current scenarios for the evolution of interacting close binaries - such as cataclysmic variables (CVs) - rely mainly on our understanding of low-mass star angular momentum loss (AML) mechanisms. The coupling of stellar wind with its magnetic field, i.e., magnetic braking, is the most promising mechanism to drive AML in these stars. There are basically two properties driving magnetic braking: the stellar magnetic field and the stellar wind. Understanding the mechanisms that drive AML therefore requires a comprehensive understanding of these two properties. RRCae is a well-known nearby (d=20pc) eclipsing DA+M binary with an orbital period of P=7.29h. The system harbors a metal-rich cool white dwarf (WD) and a highly active M-dwarf locked in synchronous rotation. The metallicity of the WD suggests that wind accretion is taking place, which provides a good opportunity to obtain the mass-loss rate of the M-dwarf component. We analyzed multi-epoch time-resolved high-resolution spectra of RRCae in search for traces of magnetic activity and accretion. We selected a number of well-known activity indicators and studied their short and long-term behavior. Indirect-imaging tomographic techniques were also applied to provide the surface brightness distribution of the magnetically active M-dwarf, and reveals a polar feature similar to those observed in fast-rotating solar-type stars. The blue part of the spectrum was modeled using a atmosphere model to constrain the WD properties and its metal enrichment. The latter was used to improve the determination of the mass-accretion rate from the M-dwarf wind. The presence of metals in the WD spectrum suggests that this component arises from accretion of the M-dwarf wind. A model fit to the WD gives Teff=(7260+/-250)K and logg=(7.8+/-0.1) dex with a metallicity of =(-2.8+/-0.1)dex, and a mass-accretion rate of dotMacc=(7+/-2)x1e-16Msun/yr.Comment: 14 pages, 7 Figures, 6 Table

    The Amazing Old Nova Q Cygni: A Far Ultraviolet Synthetic Spectral Analysis

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    Q Cygni (Nova Cygni 1876) is the third oldest old novae (after WY Sge and V841 Oph) with a long orbital period of 10.08 hours and spectroscopic peculiarities in the optical including the presence of variable wind outflow revealed by optical P Cygni profiles in the HeI lines and H alpha beta (Kafka et al. 2003). We have carried out a synthetic spectral analysis of a far ultraviolet IUE archival spectrum of Q Cygni using our optically thick, steady state, accretion disk models and model white dwarf photospheres. We find that the accretion light of a luminous accretion disk dominates the FUV flux of the hot component with a rate of accretion 2-3 1.E-9 Msun/yr. We find that Q Cygni lies at a distance of 741 \pm 110 pc . The implications of our results for theoretical predictions for old novae are presented.Comment: PASP, August 201

    Orbit-resolved photometry and echelle spectroscopy of the cataclysmic variable ST LMi during a 2007 high state

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    We present high-resolution echelle spectra and contemporaneous photometry of the polar ST LMi during a high state in 2007 March. Emission lines at Hα, He I λ5876, and He I λ7065 show similar line profiles over orbital phase and have narrow and broad components. These profile changes with phase are very similar to those reported in earlier high-state studies of ST LMi. The radial velocity curves from double Gaussian fits to the line profiles are interpreted as two crossing curves, neither of which is coincident with the orbital motion of the secondary star. We attribute one component to infall motions near the white dwarf and the other to a gas streaming along magnetic field lines connecting the two stars

    Apparent multiple Delta m^2_32 in muon anti-neutrino and muon neutrino survival oscillations from non-standard interaction matter effect

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    Neutrinos propagating through matter may participate in forward coherent neutral-current-like scattering arising from non-standard interactions as well as from the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein matter potential VeV_e. We show that at fixed long baselines through matter of constant density, the non-standard interaction potential ϵμτVe\epsilon_{\mu\tau} V_e can contribute an additional term to the oscillation phase whose sign differs for \anumu versus \numu propagation in matter. Its presence can cause different apparent Δm2\Delta m^2 to be erroneously inferred on the basis of oscillations in vacuum, with values lying above (for \anumu) or below (for \numu) the actual Δm322\Delta m^2_{32} for the case where ϵμτ\epsilon_{\mu\tau} is predominantly real-valued and of sign opposite to Δm322\Delta m_{32}^2. An NSI scenario invoking only ℜ(ϵμτ)\Re(\epsilon_{\mu\tau}) is shown to be capable of accounting for a disparity recently reported between oscillation survival for \anumu and \numu fluxes measured at 735 km735~\mathrm{km} by the MINOS experiment. Implications for mantle traversal by atmospheric neutrinos are examined. The NSI matter potential with non-maximal mixing could evade conventional atmospheric neutrino analyses which do not distinguish \numu from \anumu on an event-by-event basis.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review
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