3 research outputs found

    Comparative study of Valeriana Officinalis root extract¸diazepam and ketamin on CNS depressive effects in cats

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    Valeriana officinalis is a medicinal plant used in alternative medicine for its sedative and anxiolytic properties. It acts trough GABA receptors increases GABA in synaptic space and stimulates GABA receptors. Ketamine and diazepam also acts trough GABA mechanism but with a different pathway. The purpose of our study was to investigate the sedative effects on cats of valerian extract that extremely beloved by cats in combination with ketamine, and evaluate the possibility of its usage in cats and change the routine methods of anti-anxiety and restraining method. 24 healthy short haired mature male cats randomly selected, fed with standard ration and water ad libitum , were divided into three groups G1, G2, G3, received ketamine(11mg/kg), ketamine-diazepam(1mg/kg), and ketamine-valerian (1250 µg/kg PO) respectively. Rate of CNS depression were evaluated by; onset time of effects, peak score, and duration of peak score, total time of effects and highest recorded score. Scores obtained by ataxia, time at which falling recumbent and pinch test over anus, tail and Achilles tendon. This experiment was conducted as blind. Statistical analysis made by variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey test, at a significance level of 5% (

    Effects of Tribulus tertesris extract on body weight, testis histopathology and size in rats

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    Tribulus terrestris (TT) is a flowering plant, traditionally being used as an aphrodisiac agent. Studies shown that TT extract increases testosterone levels and produces aphrodisiac effects. Nowadays is a major ingredient of most aphrodisiac drugs but there is no document about its testicular pathology in long term use. The purpose of our study was to identify the effects in rats of oral TT on body weight, testicular histopathology and weight at normal and double doses to presume its probable negative effects in human while using exaggerated for long period of time. 30 male mature SD rats were used, kept in individual cages, fed with standard ration and water ad libitum, divided into 3 groups (G); c, a and b received placebo and oral doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg of TT, SID for 8weeks .Rats were weighted at day 1, and At the end of the study, all were weighted, anaesthetized and the left testis excised. Testicular weigh with and without epididymis was recorded then histopathologic slides prepared with H&E and Masson trichrome, and focused on seminiferous tube diameter, epithelial layer thickness, interstitial space length, testicular capsule thickness. All stages of the experiment were conducted as blind. Data statistically analyzed by variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey test, at a significance level of 5% (