553 research outputs found

    Protective Action of Xymedon on the Morphological Structures of the Pancreas of the Rat in Ischemia

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    Β© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Pathologic processes associated with the effect of ischemia on the pancreas are not yet fully investigated and searching for ways of reduction of the damaging effect of ischemia for providing full organ regeneration are of certain interest. Protective properties of xymedone with regard to pathologic processes in pancreas were studied on a model of total ischemia created by ligation of the coeliac and cranial mesenteric artery for 0 to 90Β min. Pathologic structural changes in the pancreas in case of ischemia lasting up to 30Β min are minor and therefore fully reversible. On the contrary, ischemia duration of more than 60Β min in the group of animals not injected with xymedone can be seen as critical. We conclude that prior intraperitoneal injection of xymedone in the dose of 3.3Β mg/kg helps to delay the development of pathologic processes in pancreatic parenchyma by approximately 30Β min

    Isotope (Ξ΄13C and Ξ΄18O) compositions of dolomites from the Permian evaporitic sequences of the Eastern Russian Plate: Evidence from the Syukeevo gypsum deposit

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    Carbon and oxygen isotope compositions has been studied in dolomites of the Syukeevo gypsum deposit located in the Eastern Russian Plate. Values of Ξ΄13C in the dolomites vary from 0.3 to 6.6 ‰; Ξ΄18O, from 28.0 to 36.6‰. It is shown that the dolomites were formed in the epicontinental evaporitic basin in different paleoecological settings. This led to the formation of diverse lithological types of dolomites with peculiar isotope-geochemical features. Β© 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Spatial structure of phosphorus-containing heterocycles - Communication 28. Conformation of phenyl radical in 5-phenyl-5-oxo-1,3,5-dioxaphosphorinanes and thiono analogs

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    1. On the basis of data on the Kerr effect in solutions, the stereoisomers of 5-phenyl-5-oxo- and 5-phenyl-5-thiono-2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-dioxaphosphorinanes, differing in the position of the exocyclic substituents on the P atom, are characterized by nearly parallel orientation of the plane of the benzene ring and the plane of the bonds {Mathematical expression}. In the conformation that we have found, optimal structural conditions are realized for resonance interaction of the Ο€-orbitals of the phenyl radical and the P=X bond. 2. This sort of interaction in the UV spectra is manifested in a bathochromic shift of the benzene absorption bands (particularly Ξ»2) and their intensification. In the sulfides, the absorption bands of the benzene overlap those of the thiophosphoryl group. Β© 1982 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Vibrational spectra and conformational isomerism of 2-phenoxy-5,6-benz-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepins

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    Using vibrational spectroscopy methods in different aggregate states and solutions with variation of the polarity of the medium, we have studied 2-phenoxy-5,6-benz-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepin and its oxo, thio, and seleno analogs. In the liquid and solutions, they exist as a conformational equilibrium of three forms: two chair forms, differing in the orientation of the phenoxyl radical, and a twist form. The population of the twist form is no more than 25%. The content of the chair conformers is determined by the solvent. In the crystal, all the compounds have the chair form with axial phenoxyl group. Β© 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Positron scattering on atoms and molecules

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    An overview is given of recent progress in the calculation of positron scattering on atoms and molecules using the convergent close-coupling method. Particular emphasis is given to those cases where positronium formation is one of the reaction channels, as well as the importance of demonstrating convergence with increasing orbital angular momentum of the bases used. Targets considered are atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecular hydrogen

    Traditional and precision methods for studying porous space of oil-bearing formation

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    At present, the coefficient of porosity is traditionally determined by the method of Preobrazhensky and by the results of a petrophysical interpretation of well log data. However, there are many examples of the significant error in its determination, which ultimately affects the determination of their filter-capacitance properties, the recovery rate of oil and extracted reserves. In this paper, the porosity coefficients are compared by traditional and precision methods for oil-containing terrigenous reservoirs of the Paschian (Upper Devonian), and Tula and Bobrikovskian (Lower Carboniferous) horizons, as well as carbonate reservoirs of the Tournaisian stage, using the example of one of the deposits in the central part of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. It is shown that precision methods make it possible to study in more detail the internal pore space of oil-containing reservoirs. X-ray computer microtomography showed the uneven and multidimensional porosity of Devonian sandstones, due to their micro-lamination. The most accurate values of the porosity coefficient from the results of microtomography were obtained for cubes of the smallest size (with linear dimensions of the sample less than 5 mm), so they correspond to a higher resolution of the survey, which allows detecting smaller pores. In this connection, the inverse dependence of the porosity coefficient on the size of the samples was established. Variability of porosity along the layers in the lateral direction is revealed (the property of 'microfaciality'). The combination of traditional and precision methods for determining porosity coefficients will allow us to calculate the oil recovery factor on explored and developed oil deposits more correctly, because additional information on pore size and cavity, connectivity and type of channels, as well as microfacies are taken into account

    Geometric structures of phosphorus-containing heterocycles - 22. Pyrocatechol derivatives of phosphorous acid

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    1. Dipole moments, Kerr constants, and bond polarity and polarizability parameters for phosphorus have been determined for various pyrocatechol derivatives of phosphorous acid. 2. The pyrocatecholaryl phosphites have envelop conformation with gauche-axial oriented OCH3 group. 3. Data on the Kerr effect has been used to calculate the angle of rotation of the plane of the benzene ring relative to the plane of the P-O-C bond in the pyrocatecholaryl phosphites. Β© 1980 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Spatial structures of phosphorus-containing heterocyclic compounds - XXIV. Conformations of 2-X-4,5,6,7-dibenzo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepanes

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    1. 2-X-4,5,6,7-Dibenzo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphenanes (X=Cl, OEt, OPh) have a twist form, and angle of twist with respect to the biphenyl bridge is equal to 41-48Β°. 2. The ethoxy radical in these compounds is characterized by a gauche orientation with respect to the P-O bond, and the phenoxyl group has a cis conformation. Β© 1981 Plenum Publishing Corporation
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