17 research outputs found

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Debriefing Methods in High Fidelity Simulation in a Nursing Baccalaureate Program

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    The experiential learning process is a key concept in gaining and analyzing knowledge, which involves participation in those experiences. In nursing education, these experiences can occur through high-fidelity simulation. The most important component of this learning process is the post-experience critical analysis or debriefing. During the debriefing phase, students must reflect upon the experiences, identify key points, and discuss the main concern related to patient care. The debriefing phase helps students to be able to develop and refine knowledge and experiences. Methods of debriefing include verbal feedback or video-assisted verbal discussion that allows students to reflect and discuss on what occurred during simulation scenarios, which always are guided by a clinical nurse educator. Debriefing should immediately follow the simulation exercise to help the students in assessing their performance and experience.The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of verbal debriefing versus video-assisted verbal debriefing on students’ learning experiences and the importance of those experiences to the student. The research question posed for this study is, “Do students learn and gain more experience with video-assisted verbal debriefing as compared to traditional verbal debriefing?” Kolb’s experiential learning theory (ELT) was used to guide this research study. A convenience sample of 64 students was recruited from a private university in northwest Indiana who were enrolled in a junior-level medical-surgical nursing course (NUR 354) during the fall semester 2013. The findings of this study may demonstrate which debriefing technique best facilitates learning for an undergraduate nursing student population and could impact clinical practice in the future

    Determination and Validation of High-Pressure Equilibrium Adsorption Isotherms via a Volumetric System

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    Adsorption equilibrium isotherms for N2, CO2, and CH4 on zeolite 13X were investigated at three different temperatures (25.5, 50.5 and 75.5 ̊ C) and a pressure range of (0-6.89475) MPa for CH4 and N2 and in the range of (0-4.82633) MPa for CO2 using built in volumetric apparatus. The results were validated using with a volumetric system (ASAP) at the same temperatures and a pressure up to (160-110) KPa respectively. The experimental results were correlated using three process Langmuir (TPLM). The correlated isotherms were then used to calculate the isosteric heat of adsorption for the three gases on 13X. The resulting data have been used to validate the measurements of these systems and are available in the literature for comparison of zeolite 13X isotherms with newly developed adsorbents

    La langue de l’écrivain en traduction

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    Traduction et spĂ©cificitĂ© La spĂ©cificitĂ© d’un texte dĂ©signe la « signature » d’un auteur, la tonalitĂ© et l’économie de son langage dont le gauchissement par un traducteur fait que le texte n’est plus celui de l’auteur, voire n’est plus texte. Comme la « dominante » selon Roman Jakobson, cette spĂ©cificitĂ© est naturellement fonction de la façon et du degrĂ© dont un auteur privilĂ©gie tel ou tel niveau de langue et tels ou tels procĂ©dĂ©s de style. Chaque texte, s’il est texte, possĂšde ainsi sa prop..

    Some traffic characteristics of rural roads in Iraq

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    Now a days, modeling traffic characteristics are very important in evaluating traffic facilitates such normal section, weaving and merging sections. Lane changing and lane utilization are important traffic characteristics that are widely studied. Therefore this study is focused on both of these. The lane changing behavior affects the capacity and safety of roads. The distribution of vehicles among lanes of roadway is important in terms of different aspects such as safety, traffic management and even the structural design of roads. Field data have been collected from different rural roads. Two types of roads were studied; two-lane section and three-lane section. The results of analysis for collected data indicate that the driver behaviour is different in terms of lane utilization in Iraq from other countries and the same behaviour was found for lane changes also. Compared to other countries, Iraq has the lowest lane utilization and highest frequency of lane changes. These data are urgently needed nowadays for calibrating and validating the sophisticated programs such as simulated microscopic programs. These data are so important to mimic the reality for driver behaviors in rural roadways

    Some traffic characteristics of rural roads in Iraq

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    Now a days, modeling traffic characteristics are very important in evaluating traffic facilitates such normal section, weaving and merging sections. Lane changing and lane utilization are important traffic characteristics that are widely studied. Therefore this study is focused on both of these. The lane changing behavior affects the capacity and safety of roads. The distribution of vehicles among lanes of roadway is important in terms of different aspects such as safety, traffic management and even the structural design of roads. Field data have been collected from different rural roads. Two types of roads were studied; two-lane section and three-lane section. The results of analysis for collected data indicate that the driver behaviour is different in terms of lane utilization in Iraq from other countries and the same behaviour was found for lane changes also. Compared to other countries, Iraq has the lowest lane utilization and highest frequency of lane changes. These data are urgently needed nowadays for calibrating and validating the sophisticated programs such as simulated microscopic programs. These data are so important to mimic the reality for driver behaviors in rural roadways

    Effectiveness of an instructional program on compassion fatigue among nurses

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    As health problems acuity increased in health care settings particularly in critical care units, it is not surprising that effective educational approach regarding Compassion fatigue (CF) can become one of the most important aspects in nursing profession. CF among critical care nurses is a secondary response that occurs as a result of repeated trauma and heightened emotional stress. Nurses who give care and may not be known of their own levels of physical and emotional stress, which has an influence on their professional and personal health and well-being. In order to minimize the impact of CF on staff and to maximize quality staff and patient care, it is vital to be aware of the risks and techniques for preventing the beginning of CF on nurses who provide nursing care for critically-ill patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional program regarding compassion fatigue and to determine the relationship between demographic variables of participants with compassion fatigue.&nbsp

    Generation, Characterization and Diagnostic of Atmospheric Pressure D.c-plasma Jet

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    Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets were capable of generating cold plasma plumes that were not confined by electrodes, which make them very enticing for biological, medical and polymer applications. During this work, experimental study of a low frequency, atmospheric plasma-jet discharge in Argon has been presented. The experimental operation of this device was conducted with commercially High D.C. power supply. The discharge process operated by using Argon as input gas with different flow rates. The experimental results showed that the maximum plasma jet length of 3 mm was detected at 14 kV input voltage corresponding to 6 L/min as a Argon flow rate. The effect of distance from nozzle, Argon flow rate and input voltage on the plasma temperature was examined. The gas temperature decreased continuously as the flow rate of nitrogen increasing from 1 L/min to 6 L/min at 14 Kv as a fixed input voltag

    Association Between Critical-Care Nurses’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Barriers of Pressure Ulcers With Their Demographical Variables

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    When the force applied to a particular place of the body exceeds the pressure that the capillaries there can withstand, a pressure ulcer will develop. In some circumstances, even a negligibly little pressure may be sufficient to obstruct blood flow and reduce oxygenation of the surrounding tissues. In patients who are extremely unwell, this can result in the development of a pressure ulcer in as little as two to six hours To assess knowledge, attitudes, and barriers among critical-care nurses on pressure ulcer prevention with their demographical variables  A non-probability (purposive) sampling of (130) nurses working in the intensive care unit has been conducted. The study employed The researcher employed a 30-item self-administrated questionnaire to gauge nurses' level of expertise in pressure ulcer prevention. Age, gender, degree of education, years of experience, and specific guidelines for pressure ulcers were among the features of the study subjects. The 5-point scale was utilized in the attitudes and barriers questionnaire. However, the scoring mechanism for the Likert scale model is not much different from the three-point scales, with greater scores going to attitudes with higher levels of positivity and obstacles.   The current study features a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative design. The study has been carried out between the 1st of November 2022 and the 1st of June 2023 to the assessment of nurses’ knowledge attitude and barriers toward pressure ulcers in critical care units at Al Najaf hospitals

    Physical and Psychosocial aspects for patients with Heart Failure

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    A descriptive study used to find the relationship between physical and psychosocial aspects and heart failure. The study was carried out during the period from (October 2013 to May 2014). The study aims to find out Physical and psychosocial aspects for patients with heart failure in Al-Sadder medical city, in the ICU and CCU units, to identify the relationship between the physical and psychosocial aspects for heart failure. A purposive sample of (30) patient in the ICU and CCU units in Al- Sadder medical city in Al – Najaf Al – Ashraf Governorate. The data were collected through used of questionnaire was developed and modified by researchers format of viewing with patient that available in the ICU and CCU units. The questionnaire consisted of three major part, the first part was concerning Sociodemographic characteristics, consisted of (9) items, the second part of the questionnaire was comprised of (10) items that related to disease distribution characteristics and clinical manifestations, the last part concerning about the physical and psychosocial aspects and this part have (47) item. The validity through reviewing the questionnaire by a panel study of (9) experts. The data were analyze through the application of descriptive statistical analyze include (frequency & percentage) and the application of inferential statistical analyze that include (person correlation coefficient and Chi-square).The finding of the present study indicate that there is highly significance for physical domain with the age, marital status, Occupational Status, Socioeconomic Status, Disease chronicity, Disease duration, Cardiomyopathy and Pneumothorax. Also highly significance for psychological domain with the age, marital status, and level of education, Occupational Status, Socioeconomic Status, Disease chronicity, Disease duration and Cardiomyopathy

    Objets dans la migration, objets en exil : statuts, usages, devenirs. (Panel 4)

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    Fonds audiovisuel issu d'une coopĂ©ration entre le programme Migrobjets, le programme Campus-AAR et le programme AAI (Paris, France, 2006-2018).Dans la poursuite d’une premiĂšre rencontre qui s’est tenue le 21 novembre 2016 Ă  l’Inalco sur la construction de la figure de l’exilĂ© Ă  travers les objets dans l’espace narratif, cette journĂ©e d’étude veut Ă©largir le champ d’analyse en croisant statuts et devenirs des objets de la migration et de l’exil dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. /// Esther Heboyan (Univ. d’Artois) : "Le kandjar et le fez dans America America (1963) d’Elia Kazan" : Cette histoire d’exil, qui commence dans un village d’Anatolie centrale Ă  l’époque ottomane et s’achĂšve Ă  New York, est une histoire d’objets volĂ©s et d’objets auxquels on renonce. Au dĂ©part, le jeune Stavros, assoiffĂ© de libertĂ© et rĂȘvant d’AmĂ©rique, reçoit les objets d’exception que sa famille juge nĂ©cessaires Ă  sa traversĂ©e des espaces inconnus jusqu’à Constantinople. En chemin, Stavros est dĂ©possĂ©dĂ© de chaque objet monnayable. Il ne lui reste que sa dĂ©termination, son honneur et surtout le kandjar que sa grand-mĂšre paternelle lui avait remis, en souvenir du grand-pĂšre et en prĂ©vision des pĂ©rils du voyage. Lors du second exil Ă  bord du paquebot en partance pour le Nouveau Monde, les espaces de passage, d’abord l’ocĂ©an atlantique Ă  l’approche de Long Island et ensuite Ellis Island, correspondent Ă  la dĂ©possession de deux objets symbolisant le passĂ© : le fez et le sac en toile. Elia Kazan fait disparaĂźtre tous les objets matĂ©riels de l’exil. Le recommencement ailleurs ne semble possible qu’au prix d’un dĂ©sencombrement ou d’un allĂšgement. Le hammal de Constantinople embrasse le sol amĂ©ricain en toute candeur. La mĂ©moire de l’exil se reporte sur des objets immatĂ©riels. Les images-souvenirs tels le visage de la fiancĂ©e grecque ou la famille restĂ©e au village. Ou encore la musique grecque qui fait concurrence Ă  la fanfare amĂ©ricaine et qui est la voix intĂ©rieure du protagoniste, comme une langue premiĂšre qu’il ne parle plus mais qui ravive son espoir d’une vie meilleure. /// Kadhim Jihad Hassan (Inalco) – De la riviĂšre Buwayb au caroubier de Birwa : Exil e(s)t poĂ©sie" {TEXTE LU PAR ALEXANDRA GALITZINE-LOUMPET} : À partir d’Ovide, Dante, Perse et de quelques poĂštes arabes classiques et modernes, dont notamment l’Irakien Badr Chakir Es-SayyĂąb et le Palestinien Mahmoud Darwich, et en sollicitant la pensĂ©e, entre autres, d’Adorno, de JankĂ©lĂ©vitch et d’Edward SaĂŻd, l’auteur de cette contribution compte rĂ©flĂ©chir sur l’exil en poĂ©sie, dans toutes les acceptions de l’expression : traversĂ©e de l’exil par des poĂštes, mais aussi la poĂ©sie elle-mĂȘme comme parcours exilique. Une attention particuliĂšre sera prĂȘtĂ©e Ă  quelques objets, dans le sens Ă©largi de ce terme, englobant quelques repĂšres naturels et urbains par exemple. /// Cornelius Crowley (U. Nanterre) – SynthĂšse et conclusion