3 research outputs found

    Determination of the neutron refleetion coefficient as a function of reflector material

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    This work presents a simple method for determination of the neutron reflection coefficient (n) as a function of different neutron reflector materials.A laboratory neutron source (Am-Be) with activity of 16 ci is employed with a (BF3) neutron detector. Am-BeThree types of reflector materials are used as samples, the thickness of each sample is (5cm).It is found that( ?7) is: -For polyethlyene = 0.81

    Determination of Uranium Concentration in child teeth by track detector CR-39 in same middle and south regions of Iraq

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    The study of determing Uranium concentration in samples of teeth is the first of its kind in the Iraq . In this study Uranium concentration has been measured was (32) samples of child teeth distributed on the some of middle and south governorate of Iraq (Muthana – Dekar – Basrah – Najaf – Karbalah – Waset – Babel – Baghdad) . The Uranium concentration in teeth samples has been measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U235) with thermal neutrons falx from (24Am.Be) neutron source that has flux of (5x103n.cm-2S-1). The result obtained show that the Uranium concentrations in governorates were (0.18ppm), (0.172ppm), (0.160ppm), 0.150ppm) (0.89ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm), (0.020ppm) (0.089ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm) , (0.020ppm) (0.089ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm) , (0.20ppm) respectively . As a conclusion from the study of Uranium concentration in Muthana governorate that found to be higher than Dekar and Basrah , Najaf , Karbalah, Waset , Babel and Baghdad . These result are higher thin the Uranium concentrations in one studies in Barazil – Bahia state its (0.016ppm) , and in another study in British about (0.018-0.079ppm)

    Uranium concentrations in Soil of Salahdin Governorate Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector

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    Uranium concentrations in soil were determined for ten locations in Salahdin governorate using CR-39 track detector, fission fragments track technique was used, the nuclear reaction of nuclear fission fragments obtained by the bombardment of 235U with thermal neutrons from (Am-Be) neutron source with flux (5000n.cm-2.s-1), the concentration values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results of the measurements show that the uranium concentration in soil samples various from 0.42Β±0.018ppm in Beji province to 0.2Β±0.014 ppm in Tooz province with an average (0.31Β±0.08ppm), the values of uranium concentration in all samples are within the permissible limits universally