3 research outputs found

    Utilization of Tender Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) in Nigeria

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    The utilization of tender pigeon-pea as vegetable in the preparation of rice dishes was investigated.  Tender pigeon-pea pods were harvested, sorted, dehulled and the seeds were washed with water.  Rice dishes were prepared using tender pigeon-peas, green peas and green beans. Preparations with green peas and green beans served as the controls.  Proximate analysis of the vegetables was determined.  Sensory evaluation of the rice dishes were carried out by 20 panelists using a 9-point hedonic scale at p<0.05.  Tender seeds of pigeon-pea, green beans and green peas comprised protein (6.60%, 8.40%, 5.40%), moisture (64.95%.69.92%.64.20%), fat (13.75%, 7.28%, 7.40%), crude fiber (2.95%, 3.20%, 5.1%), ash (3.92%, 3.32%, 3.40%) and carbohydrate (7.852%, 7.88%, 14.85%) respectively.The proximate composition of pigeon-pea (protein 6.60%, fat 13.75%, fiber 2.95%, and ash 3.92%) has shown that it could be a good source of fat, protein, dietary fiber and minerals. In organoleptic characteristics of the rice dishes, panelists rated the pigeon-pea samples “moderately liked” in color, aroma, texture and overall acceptability, but taste was “very much liked”. Rice dishes with pigeon-peas compared favorably with green beans and green peas samples in all sensory attributes, hence tender pigeon-pea could be an alternative vegetable in preparation of rice dishes and salad. Keywords: Green beans, green peas, organoleptic characteristics, pigeonpeas, rice dishes, vegetables

    Comparison of Proximate Composition of Some Cultivars of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivated in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

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    The proximate composition of some cultivars of chickpea grown in Department of Crop Science and Technology, Postgraduate Teaching and Research farm Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO was investigated and compared. Two chickpea types namely Kabuli (ICCK 7323 and ICCK 9895) and Desi (cultivars ICCD 867, ICCD 12866, ICCD 8522, and ICCD 9586) were used in the work. The chickpea seeds were respectively crushed into meal and analyzed for Moisture, Protein, Fat, Fibre, Ash, Carbohydrate and Energy value using standard methods. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the Duncan New Multiple Test at (p<0.05). The proximate composition of all the chickpea cultivars were significantly (p<0.05) different from each other. The ranges were protein (12.72% to 19.46%); Ash ((3.05% to 10.85%), Energy value (345.6kcal/g to 450.67kcal/g) and Carbohydrate (8.81% to 39.80%). Cultivar ICCK7323 (Kabuli-type) had the highest protein content (19.46%), and cultivar ICCD867 (Desi-type) had the highest crude fibre (11.18%) and ash (10.85%) content respectively. Similarly, cultivar ICCK9895 (Kabuli-type) had the highest carbohydrate content (39.80%) while cultivar ICCD12866 (Desi-type) had the highest energy value (450.67kcal/g). Results show that chickpea cultivars (Kabuli-type) had higher values in protein, crude fibre, and carbohydrate, while cultivars (Desi-type) had higher values in fat, ash and energy. Keywords: Chickpea, cultivars, proximate composition, sensory compariso

    Effect of Wrapping Materials on Physico-chemical and Microbiological Qualities of Fermented Melon Seed (Citrullus colocynthis L.) Used as Condiment

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    Abstract The effect of six different wrapping materials on physico-chemical and microbiological qualities of fermented melon seed (Citrullus colocynthis L) was studied. Melon seeds were sorted, washed, boiled (48 hrs), dehulled and wrapped in blanched plantain leaf, then it was boiled again for 2 hours, drained, cooled and allowed to ferment naturally for 72 hours. The fermented melon seeds were then mashed, wrapped with six different wrapping materials include: fresh, blanched and dried of thaumatococcus danielli leaf, aluminum foil, black polyethylene and transparent polyethylene, placed in a warm environment for 72 hours (maturation period). The products which are known as Ogiri condiment were subjected to microbiological and physico-chemical evaluation. The results of the microbiological evaluation showed that the predominant bacteria involved were Bacillus spp, Enterococcus spp and Corynebacterium spp. While Saccharomyces cerevisae was isolated. The results of the physico-chemical evaluation showed increase in pH from 5.5 to 6.3, Titratable acidity (TTA) increased from 0.2% to 0.49% during fermentation and varied during maturation. Alumininum foil had the highest TTA of 0.43% while transparent polyethylene had the lowest TTA of 0.23%. During fermentation, the amino nitrogen increased from 2% to 5.5%. The amino nitrogen also increased appreciably during maturation. Black polyethylene had the highest amino nitrogen value (21.15%) while aluminum foil had the least value of amino nitrogen (15.65%) at 72 hours