43 research outputs found
Columnar order and Ashkin-Teller criticality in mixtures of hard-squares and dimers
We show that critical exponents of the transition to columnar order in a {\em
mixture} of dimers and hard-squares on the square
lattice {\em depends on the composition of the mixture} in exactly the manner
predicted by the theory of Ashkin-Teller criticality, including in the
hard-square limit. This result settles the question regarding the nature of the
transition in the hard-square lattice gas. It also provides the first example
of a polydisperse system whose critical properties depend on composition. Our
ideas also lead to some interesting predictions for a class of frustrated
quantum magnets that exhibit columnar ordering of the bond-energies at low
temperature.Comment: 4pages, 2-column format + supplementary material; v2: published
version including supplemental materia
Branching Brownian Motion Conditioned on Particle Numbers
We study analytically the order and gap statistics of particles at time
for the one dimensional branching Brownian motion, conditioned to have a fixed
number of particles at . The dynamics of the process proceeds in continuous
time where at each time step, every particle in the system either diffuses
(with diffusion constant ), dies (with rate ) or splits into two
independent particles (with rate ). We derive exact results for the
probability distribution function of , the
distance between successive particles, conditioned on the event that there are
exactly particles in the system at a given time . We show that at large
times these conditional distributions become stationary . We show that they are characterised by an exponential tail
for large gaps in the
subcritical () phases, and a power law tail
at the critical point (), independently of and . Some of these results for the critical case
were announced in a recent letter [K. Ramola, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 210602 (2014)].Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
Fragment Formation in Biased Random Walks
We analyse a biased random walk on a 1D lattice with unequal step lengths.
Such a walk was recently shown to undergo a phase transition from a state
containing a single connected cluster of visited sites to one with several
clusters of visited sites (fragments) separated by unvisited sites at a
critical probability p_c, [PRL 99, 180602 (2007)]. The behaviour of rho(l), the
probability of formation of fragments of length l is analysed. An exact
expression for the generating function of rho(l) at the critical point is
derived. We prove that the asymptotic behaviour is of the form rho(l) ~
3/[l(log l)^2].Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Green's Functions For Random Resistor Networks
We analyze random resistor networks through a study of lattice Green's
functions in arbitrary dimensions. We develop a systematic disorder
perturbation expansion to describe the weak disorder regime of such a system.
We use this formulation to compute ensemble averaged nodal voltages and bond
currents in a hierarchical fashion. We verify the validity of this expansion
with direct numerical simulations of a square lattice with resistances at each
bond chosen from an exponential distribution. Additionally, we construct a
formalism to recursively obtain the exact Green's functions for finitely many
disordered bonds. We provide explicit expressions for lattices with up to four
disordered bonds, which can be used to predict nodal voltage distributions for
arbitrarily large disorder strengths. Finally, we introduce a novel order
parameter that measures the overlap between the bond current and the optimal
path (the path of least resistance), for a given resistance configuration,
which helps to characterize the weak and strong disorder regimes of the system.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
Spin-1 Kitaev model in one dimension
We study a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model on a ring of size N,
in which there is a spin S > 1/2 on each site and the Hamiltonian is J \sum_i
S^x_i S^y_{i+1}. The cases where S is integer and half-odd-integer are
qualitatively different. We show that there is a Z_2 valued conserved quantity
W_n for each bond (n,n+1) of the system. For integer S, the Hilbert space can
be decomposed into 2^N sectors, of unequal sizes. The number of states in most
of the sectors grows as d^N, where d depends on the sector. The largest sector
contains the ground state, and for this sector, for S=1, d =(\sqrt{5}+1)/2. We
carry out exact diagonalization for small systems. The extrapolation of our
results to large N indicates that the energy gap remains finite in this limit.
In the ground state sector, the system can be mapped to a spin-1/2 model. We
develop variational wave functions to study the lowest energy states in the
ground state and other sectors. The first excited state of the system is the
lowest energy state of a different sector and we estimate its excitation
energy. We consider a more general Hamiltonian, adding a term \lambda \sum_n
W_n, and show that this has gapless excitations in the range \lambda^c_1 \leq
\lambda \leq \lambda^c_2. We use the variational wave functions to study how
the ground state energy and the defect density vary near the two critical
points \lambda^c_1 and \lambda^c_2.Comment: 12 pages including 3 figures; added some discussion and references;
this is the published versio
Stress correlations in near-crystalline packings
We derive exact results for stress correlations in near-crystalline systems
in two and three dimensions. We study energy minimized configurations of
particles interacting through Harmonic as well as Lennard-Jones potentials, for
varying degrees of microscopic disorder and quenched forces on grains. Our
findings demonstrate that the macroscopic elastic properties of such
near-crystalline packings remain unchanged within a certain disorder threshold,
yet they can be influenced by various factors, including packing density,
pressure, and the strength of inter-particle interactions. We show that the
stress correlations in such systems display anisotropic behavior at large
lengthscales and are significantly influenced by the pre-stress of the system.
The anisotropic nature of these correlations remains unaffected as we increase
the strength of the disorder. Additionally, we derive the large lengthscale
behavior for the change in the local stress components that shows a
radial decay for the case of particle size disorder and a behavior
for quenched forces introduced into a crystalline network. Finally, we verify
our theoretical results numerically using energy-minimised static particle
configurations.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure