1 research outputs found

    Denitrification bioreactor trial in the Russell River catchment of the Wet Tropics: final report

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    Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in runoff from agricultural land is considered to have a significant detrimental impact on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Losses of DIN to runoff can be reduced by good agricultural practices, but they cannot be eliminated entirely in the Wet Tropics due to the need for adequate nitrogen supply to crops, the high solubility of DIN, particularly nitrate, and high rainfall. Thus, it is inevitable that DIN concentrations are higher in runoff from agricultural land than from forested areas. Some of this DIN is removed from the water as it moves through aquifers, creeks, rivers, and wetlands on its way to the sea, through the process of microbial denitrification. Denitrification involves the conversion of nitrate and nitrite (NOx-N) to dinitrogen (N2) gas, which is lost to the atmosphere. Denitrification requires NOx-N, organic matter, and low oxygen concentration. Wetlands provide these conditions, so DIN concentrations decline in water moving through them. Similarly, denitrifying bioreactors are designed to treat water by passing it through a porous organic material, typically woodchips. The woodchips provide organic matter for the microorganisms, which in turn lower the oxygen concentration, providing ideal conditions for denitrification. Denitrifying bioreactors are now widely used to remove the NOx-N component of DIN from agricultural runoff water elsewhere, but they have not yet been evaluated in the Wet Tropics. The Wet Tropics pose a challenge for efficacy due to the large volumes of water moving through the landscape. The objective of this project was “to establish the effectiveness of denitrifying bioreactors as a remediation technology for excess DIN in agricultural runoff within the Babinda Swamp Drainage Area (BSDA) of the Russell catchment”. The Russell River exports a disproportionate amount of DIN to the GBR lagoon because of the high rainfall and high proportion of agriculture, mostly sugarcane, in its catchment