3 research outputs found

    ANALYZA – Datový sklad

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    Softwarová komponenta Datový sklad implementuje úložiště veškerých dat v systému ANALYZA, prakticky uložených ve formě (rozměrných) souborů, objektů a vazeb mezi nimi. Mimo uložení dat určených k analýze představuje Datový sklad i prostor, do kterého je možné ukládat mezivýsledky analytických operací – například v podobě rozšíření stávajících objektů o nové informace, atributy nebo i vytvořením zcela nových objektů či souborů. Hlavní důraz vytvořeného software je kladen na škálovatelnost, spolehlivost, rychlost a flexibilitu celého řešení. Kromě samotného datové skladu obsahuje archiv demonstraci doplňujícího software zajišťujícího propojení více Datových skladů (tzv. proxy komponenta) a demonstraci jejich plnění pomocí uživatelsky přívětivého prostředí.The Data Warehouse software component implements the storage of all data in the ANALZA system, practically stored in the form of (large) files, objects, and links between them. In addition to storing data for analysis, the Data Warehouse also represents a space in which it is possible to store intermediate results of analytical operations – for example, in the form of extending existing objects with new information, attributes, or creating entirely new objects or files. The primary emphasis of the created software is placed on the scalability, reliability, speed, and flexibility of the whole solution. In addition to the data warehouse itself, the archive contains additional demonstrator software ensuring the interconnection of several Data warehouses (proxy component) and demonstrator of data insertion using a user-friendly environment

    Impact of Cargo Distribution on the Vehicle Flatback on Braking Distance in Road Freight Transport

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    Vehicle centre of gravity influences directly the breaking characteristics. It dues through the actual each axle load and the actual gross weight of the vehicle. This fact is significant by full braking maneuver. Full braking measurements with different operational vehicle conditions - cargo weight and its location on the vehicle – were done to evaluate this influence. The medium sized good vehicle (category N2) was breaking on a wet asphalt surface. The value of the braking deceleration MFDD and the braking distance was measured by vehicle decelerometer. The results compare different axle- and vehicle load and show the area for future related measurements

    Impact of Cargo Distribution on the Vehicle Flatback on Braking Distance in Road Freight Transport

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    Vehicle centre of gravity influences directly the breaking characteristics. It dues through the actual each axle load and the actual gross weight of the vehicle. This fact is significant by full braking maneuver. Full braking measurements with different operational vehicle conditions - cargo weight and its location on the vehicle – were done to evaluate this influence. The medium sized good vehicle (category N2) was breaking on a wet asphalt surface. The value of the braking deceleration MFDD and the braking distance was measured by vehicle decelerometer. The results compare different axle- and vehicle load and show the area for future related measurements