5 research outputs found

    Knowledge and attitude towards computer usage among health care students in India -across sectional study

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    Background: As computers and internet usage is increasing rapidly in all fields more so with health care systems, an immediate attention on the computer knowledge and its application is needed for health professionals. Aim: To assess the knowledge of computer technology and their attitude towards its usage among health care students in an institution located in India. Materials & Method: A cross-sectional questionnaire based survey was conducted among dental, medical House surgeons (interns) and final year nursing students of Mamata Institutions in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh, India. A pretested closed ended questionnaire was prepared and was distributed. Results: A total of 260 subjects had participated in the study (female=170, male=90). About 42% of the subjects had their own computer or laptop; 84% of the students thought that a separate subject of computers should be added to the curriculum and 87% of the students thought that computers were necessary to manage patients′ information. Conclusions: There is a need to improve the health care students′ knowledge on computer education and application of this knowledge in to their clinical practice

    Is smartphone a tool for learning purpose? - A survey among students of a dental college in Telangana state

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    Introduction: Smartphone and mobile internet service usage by students has increased in the recent years and therefore presents a significant potential as learning tools. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the usage of smartphones for learning purposes among dental students. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted at a teaching health-care institution in Telangana among dental undergraduate students. Data were collected about their smartphones and connections, general use of smartphones, smartphones for learning purposes, and their attitude toward smartphones for learning purposes. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Results: Out of the 300 dental students, 259 students owned smartphones and 248 students had access to internet services. Most popular devices were Androids and iPhones. A total of 86% students used their smartphones to take photos and record their work. Majority (80%) of them used smartphones to obtain study material. Out of all the participants, 53% had apps related to dental education. Most of the students preferred their smartphones to library to access information and study materials. The attitude of the students was positive toward mobile learning, and majority of them expressed that smartphone usage for educational purposes should be encouraged by the college and staff. Conclusion: Majority of students use smartphones for educational purposes. It was observed that students prefer to access information from online resources to library. Therefore, this might present an opportunity for educators to design suitable teaching interventions and develop diverse learning approaches

    Knowledge and attitude of medical professionals towards emergency management of avulsed tooth in a teaching medical hospital, Khammam Town, South India

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    Introduction: Injury to both the primary and permanent dentitions and their supporting structures is one of the most common problems. Avulsion of permanent tooth is one of the serious dental injuries and a prompt and correct emergency management is very important for prognosis. Studies evaluating medical professionals′ knowledge about tooth avulsion and its management are rare. Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of medical professionals working in a teaching medical hospital in Khammam Town toward management of an avulsed tooth. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted with a sample of 192 medical professionals including teaching staff, postgraduates, and house surgeons. A standard self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection, which was done over a period of 1-month. Chi-square test was used for data analysis with a P < 0.05 considered to be statistically significant. Results: Among the study participants 64% were aware of the meaning of avulsed tooth. About 54% of respondents preferred saline as the best storage medium to store the tooth in case professional care is not possible immediately. There was varied opinion regarding the replantation time. In this study, 41% of the participants felt 45 min as the ideal time for replantation. Conclusion: Most of the participants showed a fair knowledge on the emergency management of an avulsed tooth and their dilemma pertaining to some aspects of this procedure that can be solved by providing required awareness and knowledge

    Do the supportive staff have enough oral health knowledge? - A study at a teaching health care institution in South India

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    Introduction: Oral hygiene plays an imperative role in preventing oral diseases. The assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to oral hygiene among the supportive staff members would help the professional, to inculcate in their patients the acceptable oral habits to thwart oral diseases as these staff members are a bridge between healthcare professional and the patient. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted at a teaching health care institution in South India. The staff members who gave their consent after detailing the objective and rationale of the study were included in the study. Data were collected about their oral health knowledge, attitude and oral hygiene practices. Descriptive statistics was calculated. Results: Nearly 79% brushed their teeth only in the morning; 95% used a tooth brush and toothpaste regularly. Dental floss (0.5%) was the least used cleaning aid. About 57% of the participants visited the dentist only when necessary. The majority of the participants had no reason for not visiting the dentist. 72% were aware of the role of sugar in causing dental caries, and 55% were unaware of the role of fluoride in dental caries. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the majority of them brush their teeth only once, and most of them used both tooth brush and tooth paste to brush their teeth. The participants visited dentist only in emergency, and their oral health knowledge is low