74 research outputs found

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    I investigated the history of the definition of home economics in the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., the definition from the Lake Placid Conference of 1902,has continued as the foundamental definition. In an early period after World War II, Japanese home economists proposed a lot of definitions, but they were chaotic. In 1970,an official definition was established by the Japan Society of Home Economics. It was the first common definition for all of the home economists in Japan. It had one of the strongest expressions of home economics and had exceeded the view points of the Lake Placid Conference. In 1984,a new definition was implemented. It was not clearer than the 1970 definition, but discussions have ceased to take place around this issue

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    I studied on the recent conditions of food safety concerning food additives and pesticides in Japan. Many problems are shown in this fields as the following. One of the most serious problems is the decision of new level for using food additives and pesticides without enough examination during the 1980\u27s, which have been following to attend WTO (World Trade Organization) and to amend The Food Safety Law in Japan. Another problems are people being far from the information and having few participation to the decision making about food safety. Consumers, the government and industries should make the new system or network to discuss on food safety. Science and scientists should indicate some results to the better decision making

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    This is the first interview on the Tokyo Domestic Science Research Institute (1933-1935) and its education to its graduates. On June 2nd, 1997,Professor SUZUKI Toshiko and I have done the interview to the graduates from the Institute, which was coordinated by Dr. KOURA Tomi. In part 3,I described the memories of Dr. KOURA Tomi and the conversations on home economics

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    This is the first interview on the Tokyo Domestic Science Research Institute (1933-1935) and its education to its graduates. On June 2nd, 1997,Professor SUZUKI Toshiko and I have done the interview to the graduates from the Institute, which was coordinated by Dr. KOURA Tomi. In part 2,I described its teachers, the education and the lives of graduates leaving after the Institute

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    This is the first interview on the Tokyo Domestic Science Research Institute (1933-1935) and its education to its graduates. On June 2nd, 1997,Professor SUZUKI Toshiko and I have done the interview to the graduates from the Institute, which was coordinated by Dr. KOURA Tomi. KOURA Tomi was one of the most famous women in the movement for peace and women in Japan. Before World War II, she had dedicated herself to women\u27s education through this institute and others. In this institute, she had tried to educate the young women with practices and experiences of their own. The Institute built in 1933,and it was closed in 1935. The number of graduates was approximately 20,and they are all over 70 years old now. But they have clear memories of their young school days in the institute, and their teachers. This is one of the most important record on home economics education and it gives important hints for home economics today. In part 1,I described the circumstances of the interview, the establishment of the Institute, the motive behind entering the Institute, its teachers and the education


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    Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), the main component of propolis, has various biological activities including anti-inflammatory effect and wound healing promotion. Odontoblasts located in the outermost layer of dental pulp play crucial roles such as production of growth factors and formation of hard tissue termed reparative dentin in host defense against dental caries. In this study, we investigated the effects of CAPE on the upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and calcification activities of odontoblasts, leading to development of novel therapy for dental pulp inflammation caused by dental caries. CAPE significantly induced mRNA expression and production of VEGF in rat clonal odontoblast-like KN-3 cells cultured in normal medium or osteogenic induction medium. CAPE treatment enhanced nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) transcription factor activation, and furthermore, the specific inhibitor of NF-κB significantly reduced VEGF production. The expression of VEGF receptor- (VEGFR-) 2, not VEGFR-1, was up regulated in KN-3 cells treated with CAPE. In addition, VEGF significantly increased mineralization activity in KN-3 cells. These findings suggest that CAPE might be useful as a novel biological material for the dental pulp conservative therapy

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    We investigated the daily life and the dietary habits of the aged by using questionnaires in Hishikari-cho, Kagoshima prefecture, in December 1996. We distributed 250 questionnaires ; 187 completed questionnaires were returned : the recovery rate was 75%. The results were as follows : Sixty-two percent of the respondents presently had their spouses. Forty-five percent of the women lived alone, whereas 65% of the men lived with their wives. Their main incomes were from pensions, and the main expenditures were for food expenses and social expenses. They were mainly occupied with housekeeping, gardening and farming as their daily activities. They had lots of communication with friends, neighbors and relatives through food exchanges and outdoor sports. On the other hand, they had little communication with their children\u27s families in daily life. Most of them paid attention to their health, being concerned with dietary habits, sleeping, exercises and living a regular life. The ratio of doing exercises was twice as high as that in the Ministry Health and Welfare national survey. Approximately half of the respondents had anxieties about their future, about health, losing spouse and the cost of living. Also nearly half of them wished to be taken care of by their children if they couldn\u27t live by themselves


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    以上の結果を要約すると次のようになる。(1) 2004年3月, 鹿児島県奄美大島笠利町において小学3年生150名を対象に食生活と日常生活に関するアンケート調査をおこなった。回収率は62%であった。(2) 子どもたちの90.3%がきょうだいをもち, 家族の人数は平均5.1人であった。(3) 平均すると, 平日の就寝時刻は21時42分, 起床時刻は6時51分, 睡眠時間は9時間9分であった。休日の就寝時刻は22時19分, 起床時刻7時32分, 睡眠時間は9時間45分であった。(4) 学校以外の活動では, 「外で遊ぶ」55.9%, 「スポーツをする」48.4%, 「TVおよびTVゲーム」31.2%が多かった。スポーツ活動の頻度は「毎日」22.6%, 「週3-5日」34.4%, 「週1-2日」26.9%で, 「しない」は11.8%であった。(5) 食事のあいさつを「いつもしている」は52.7%で, 「たまに」29.0%, 「めったにしない」7.5%, 「まったくしない」8.6%であった。(6) 朝食は97.8%が摂取し, 平均時刻は7時11分, 「家族みんな」と食べる割合は34.4%, 子どもだけで食べる割合は47.3%, 食事前に空腹だと感じていたのは53.8%, 主食は「ごはん」35.5%, 「パン」39.8%, 品数は平均2.50品, 主食・主菜・副菜のそろい方を見ると「主食のみ」が41.9%にのぼった。食事が「楽しかった」61.3%, 「楽しくなかった」35.5%で, 約1/3の子どもが食事のときに「料理をはこぶ」14.0%, 「食器や箸を用意する」12.9%, 「あとかたづけ」12.9%, 「飲みものを用意する」10.8%などのお手伝いをしていた。(7)夕食は96.8%が摂取し, 平均時刻は19時55分, 「家族みんな」と食べる割合は61.3%, 子どもだけで食べる割合は16.1%, 食事前に空腹だと感じていたのは77.4%, 主食は「ごはん」64.5%, 「パン」3.2%, 品数は平均2.60品, 主食・主菜・副菜の全てがそろっていたのは29.0%, 食事が「楽しかった」73.1%, 「楽しくなかった」23.7%で, 約2/3の子どもが食事のときに「料理をはこぶ」30.1%, 「食器や箸を用意する」29.0%, 「あとかたづけ」20.4%, 「飲みものを用意する」19.4%, 「テーブルをふく, かたづける」18.3%などのお手伝いをしていた。(8)食事が楽しいと回答した子どもは, 食事前に空腹であると感じ, 大人と食事をし, 睡眠時間が長く, 活発にスポーツをしている傾向にあった。(9)「郷土料理」については平均2.29品を知っており, 「鶏飯」87.1%, 「やぎ汁」34.4%などがあげられた。I have done the questionnaire survey of the dietary habits and everyday life of 93 children in Kasari, Amami-Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, March 2004. The results were as follows : (1) Ninety percent of children had their brother or sister and the average number of family members was 5.1. At the weekdays they went to bed at 21 : 42, got up at 6 : 51, and their sleeping time was 9 : 09. They played actively out of houses. (2) Ninety-eight percent ate breakfast, average eating time was 7 : 11, 47.3% ate only with children, 53.8% felt hungry before breakfast, 39.8% ate bread as staple food, 61.3% felt happy, and 32.3% helped preparing meal. (3) Ninety-seven percent ate supper, average eating time was 19 : 55, 61.3% ate with their families, 77.4% felt hungry before breakfast. 64.5% ate rice as staple food, 73.1% felt happy, and 58.1% helped preparing meal. (4) Children feeling happy at meals felt hungry before meals, eating with adults, went to bed and got up early, had enough time for sleeping, did practices actively, greeted at meals, helped preparing meals. (5) They knew two traditional meals in Amami at the average, 87.1% knew "Keihan (Chicken soup rice)", and 34.4% knew "Yagi-jiru (Goat soup).