8 research outputs found

    Isolation and Screening of Actinomycetes producing Antibacterial compounds from different river sediments

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    The history of antibacterial begins with the observations of Pasteur and Joubert, who discovered that one type of bacteria could prevent the growth of another. They did not know at that time that the reason one bacterium failed to grow was that the other bacterium was producing an antibiotic. Of course, in today's common usage, the term antibiotic is used to refer to almost any drug that attempts to rid your body of a bacterial infection. The past researches indicated that huge number of antibiotics was produced by Gram +ve ike bacteria known as Actinomycetes. So we can say that among all microbes more than 50% of the known antimicrobial compounds were produced by Actinomycetes only.  In our study isolation and screening of Actinomycetes was performed by using different river sediments. Soil samples was collected from river Godaveri and Krishna and   stored in the U.V. and alcohol sterilized Poly bags. Soil samples was serially diluted up to 10-6 and 1 ml from each dilution was plated on different isolation media like starch Casein agar, Albumin media and YMA media, consisting of antifungal agent Nystatin 50 µg/ ml, by pour plate technique. The plates were incubated at different temperature ranges 18 0C to 28 0C upto 7-14 days. Determination of antibacterial activities of pure actinomycetes cultures of S1, S2, S3 and S4 were performed by using streak -plate method. Mueller hinton agar plates will prepared and inoculated with actinomycetes cultures by a single streak of inoculums in the center of the Petri dish and will incubated at 270C for 4 days. Later, the plates will seeded with test organisms by a single streak at a 900 angle to actinomycetes strains. Antagonism was measured by the determination of the size of the inhibition zone. The antibacterial activity of compound was   tested against different gram +ve and Gram –ve by the standard disc diffusion method and cup plate method. Standard streptomycin was used for comparison of the antibacterial activity


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    Objective: The purpose of this research is to find the best way for designing carvedilol pulsatile drug delivery system capsules. Methods: The research paves the way to improve the method of preparing carvedilol pulsatile drug delivery by adjusting critical material attributes (CMA) such as coating polymer concentration, critical process parameters (CPP) such as inlet temperature and atomizing air pressure, and their impact on critical quality attributes (CQA) like particle size (PS in nm), entrapment efficiency in percentage (% EE) and amount of drug delivered in percent (%ADR) at 12 h in the carvedilol pulsatile pellets filled capsules by applying the Box-Behnken design. By varying the polymer concentration and process parameters, nearly 15 formulations were created. Results: Based on the influence of CMA, CPP on CQA, the formulation CP13 was determined to be the most optimized formulation among the 15 formulations. The optimized levels of CMA were found to be-1 level of coating polymer concentration and CPP was found to be-1 level of inlet temperature, 0 level of atomizing air pressure and it optimized CQA like PS was found to be 1017.5±8.4 nm, % EE was found to be 96.8±2.8 %, % ADR at 12 h was found to be 88.4±3.4 %. Carvedilol Pulsatile drug delivery system was designed by using optimized fluidized bed coater in order to decrease the usage of attributes, decrease the productivity cost and enhance the usage of specific attributes at fixed concentration for further manufacturing scale. Conclusion: By the current results it was concluded that the optimized CMA and CPP that shown in the results are the suitable attributes for the best formulation of carvedilol pulsatile drug delivery system capsules

    Protective role of Carica papaya and Ficus bengalensis latex against CCl4 induced liver toxicity in experimental rats

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    Objective: To study the hepatoprotective activity of  Carica Papaya Latex at the  dose 400mg/kg/b.w. per oral and Ficus Bengalensis latex at dose 300mg/kg/b.w. per oral  against CCl4  induce Hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Method: Animals were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals in each group. Group I – Served as a normal control received saline 1ml /Kg for 21 days. The group -II, III, IV and V animals were received CCl4 at dose 1ml/Kg b.w./day  intra- peritoneally. Animals from group –III to V received Carica Papaya Latex (400mg/Kg.p.o.), Ficus Bengalensis Latex (300mg/Kg.p.o.) and standard drug Silymarin (30mg/Kg.p.o.) once daily for 21 days.  All groups animals were sacrificed on 22 days under light ether anesthesia  . Blood sample were collected and used for bio-chemical parameters like serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), Bilirubin(BRN), Alkaline phosphate (ALP) and total protein. Result:The results were observed that  Carica Papaya latex at dose 400 mg/kg.b.w and CCl4  treated group , Ficus Bengalensis latex at dose 300 mg/kg.B.w and CCl4  treated groups were found the decreased levels of SGPT,SGOT,, ALP and Bilirubin  and increased total protein level compare to CCl4 treated group .So that this  study indicated hepatoprotective effect . Conclusion: Present investigation indicated that both latex of Carica papaya and Ficus Bengalensis showed significant protection against CCl4 nduced hepatotoxicity in Rats. Keywords: Carica Papaya, Ficus Bengalensis, Hepatoprotective, Carbon Tetra Chloride, Silymarin

    Antioxidant Potential of Psoralea corylifolia and Psoralea esculenta seeds: Comparative Study

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    The Psoralea corylifolia L. & Psoralea esculenta seeds are traditionally used herbal medicine, but its comparative antioxidant activity has not been studied. The methanolic crude extracts of Psoralea corylifolia & Psoralea esculenta seeds were screened for their free radical scavenging properties using ascorbic acid as standard antioxidant. Free radical scavenging activity was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical. The overall antioxidant activity of Psoralea corylifolia was found to be the strongest. The IC50 values of the extracts found 0.14 ± 0 & 0.05 ± 0 mg/l respectively. The ascorbic acid levels found19.3 ± 0.10 &11.7 ± 0.49 mg/100g andthe carotenoids content were observed 28.65 ± 0.24 &16.82 ± 1.16 mg/100g in plant extracts. The highest total phenols content were found to be in Psoralea corylifolia with the value 31.2 ± 0.24 mg/g.The present study reveals that the selected plants would exert several beneficial effects by virtue of their antioxidant activity and may be taken for drug formulation. Keywords: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl, antioxidant, phenol, radical scavenger

    Investigation of Anti-inflammatory activity of Hemedesmus indicus L. on Carrageenan induced paw oedema in rats

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    Hemidesmus indicus L. (Family: Apocynaceae), is commonly referred as Indian sarsaparilla, Anantamool or Nannari, commonly available perennial climbing plant had been widely used for its reported biological activities in indigenous system of medicine. The present investigation was carried out to find the effect of aqueous and ethanolic extract of leaves and stem of Hemidesmus indicus for its anti-inflammatory activity. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using acute inflammatory models viz., carrageenan induced paw oedema. Oral administration of the extract at the doses 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w. exhibited dose dependent and significant anti-inflammatory activity in (p < 0.05). Hence, present investigation established pharmacological evidences to support the folklore claim that Hemidesmus indicus is used as anti-inflammatory agent. Keywords: Hemidesmus indicus (H. indicus), Leaves, Stem, Anti-inflammatory activit


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    Objective: The main aim of the study is to analyze the prescribing patterns and cost-effective analysis of single therapy and combination therapy oral anti-diabetic drugs, awareness of patients about diabetes, medication and lifestyle modification in the geriatrics population. Methods: A prospective study was carried out over a period of 12 mo in the region of Punganur Andhra Pradesh. Type 2 diabetic patients who were on oral anti-diabetic drugs were enrolled in the study. A suitable data collection form was prepared and used to collect the required data. The demographic data, disease data and the utilization of various oral anti-diabetic agents were analyzed. About 800 patients were enrolled for the study from rural and urban areas in Punganur. Among the study population, 63% (504) were males and 37% (296) were females in the age group of 55 y and above. The majority of patients were from urban areas 70% (560) and 30% (240) were from rural areas. About 78 % of the patients have a history of diabetes more than 10 y and 22% were more than 5 y and less than 10 y. Results: The present study found that type 2diabetes was prevalent in males than females. Results show two anti-diabetic drugs of single drug and fixed dose combination per prescription was more than the single anti-diabetic drug also found new prescription was observed more and cost of treatment was immense when compared to old prescription. Prescription pattern exposed Glibenclamide, Metformin, Glipizide and Glimepiride were the most common drugs used among the various oral antidiabetics. Currently, newer drug DPPi 4 inhibitors like Sitagliptin, Vildagliptin and Teneligliptin are used as single and combination with metformin were increased in prescription. Among the various oral antidiabetics prescribed, the cost of 2 drugs per prescription and newer anti-diabetic drugs like DPPi4 was high but cost analysis study revealed the availability low cost brands in market. Conclusion: The study concluded that Prescription pattern and cost analysis of marketed anti-diabetic drug might be helpful for the professional to prescribe low cost effective medication

    Artificial intelligent based smart system for safe mining during foggy weather

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    Opencast mining operations at hilly areas are usually affected during foggy weather due to the inability of drivers to operate heavy earth-moving machinery in low visibility conditions. This article deals with an intelligent vision enhancement system for continuing opencast mining operations during foggy weather. The system integrates hardware and software to provide multistage safety features that make it unique from existing systems. The system includes hardware like thermal cameras, high definition cameras, proximity radar, wireless devices, GNSS module, graphical processing unit, display unit, and so forth, and image processing software, namely real-time image stitching, image enhancement, and object detection using convolutional neural networks. The integrated system and algorithms display a 180° panorama field view of the vehicle's front using real-time video stitching. The front view after image processing, rear camera view, object detection through proximity radar, and real-time location of the vehicles on a 3D geo-tagged mine map by GNSS modules are displayed in four splitter windows on a touch screen fitted on the dashboard in front of the driver's seat. The driver can drive the vehicle by seeing the display screen during foggy weather. The output image of the developed image-processing algorithm has less distortion, better quality, and better depth perception than existing methods. Overall, there are significant improvements in the persistence of the color elements by 39.65%, contrast by 4.62%, and the corresponding entropy by 7.11% concerning the similar existing methods. The final system has been successfully tested in an opencast mine