14 research outputs found

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    Not AvailableWilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cumini), Alternaria blight (Alternaria brunsii) and aphids (Myzus persicae) were recorded as major pests in cumin. A. alternata, A. brunsii and Cladosporium cladosporioides were isolated from cumin leaves and stems, Fusarium equiseti, F. oxysporum and Macrophomina phaseolina were isolated from cumin roots. Pathogenicity tests validated the disease causal organisms and molecular characterization yielded novel gene sequences and have been assigned genBank accession numbers and released in public domain. Whereas, powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe polygoni was also observed causing minor aerial blight. hitherto unknown aerial blight caused by C. cladosporioides in cumin was observed for the first time. The highest seed yield with the maximum reduction of diseases and aphid population was recorded in both the varieties rZ-19 and rZ-223 from bio-intensive Pm module comprising of soil amended with neem cake and vermicompost, seeds treatment with Trichoderma viride followed by one spray of Dithane M-45 mixed with Dinocap at 45 days, one spray of Imidachloprid at 55 days and two sprays of neem oil (2%) at 50 and 60 days after sowing in prophylactic mode eventually culminated in the maximum net benefit in both the varieties RZ-19 and RZ-223 of ` 13722 and 11787, respectively.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableTwenty different groundnut genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications during kharif 2012 to study the variability parameters, heritability, genetic advance, correlation coefficient and path analysis for ten characters. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among genotypes for all the traits except SCMR45DAS indicating that adequate variability was found in the genotypes studied for these characters. The characters like 100 kernel weight, SCMR75DAS, SLA75DAS and rust had high heritability with high genetic advance as per cent of mean and medium genotypic coefficient of variation indicating greater role of additive gene effects on these traits. While pod yield had moderate GCV and heritability along with high genetic advance as per cent of mean revealed that this character is also governed by additive gene effects and selective would be effective even in the early generation. Days to maturity, shelling outturn and SLA45DAS had moderate heritability accompanied with low GCV and genetic advance indicating these traits are governed by non-additive gene effects. Selection may be practiced in later generations for improving these traits. The results on genotypic correlation coefficients revealed that pod yield had significant highly positive correlation with days to maturity, 100 kernel weight, and SCMR45DAS while it was negative and significant for days to flower initiation and rust. SCMR45DAS and SCMR75DAS had highly significant negative correlation with SLA45DAS and SLA75DAS. SLA45DAS had highly significant negative correlation with rust. Therefore, SCMR value could be used to identify genotypes with low SLA and rust resistant genotype. Path analysis indicated that 100 kernel weights had high positive direct effect with highly significant positive correlation with pod yield. Hence this character may be effective for selection of high pod yield.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIntegrated Pest and Disease Management in Groundnut.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAlternaria leaf blight is major fungal disease of summer groundnut, causes significant loss of haulm and pod yield. Aims of this study were to understand the role of metabolites and phenylpropanoid related enzymes in Alternaria leaf blight resistance and to find out metabolic marker for disease resistance. Alternaria leaf blight resistant (GPBD4 and CS186) and susceptible genotypes (GG2 and TPG41) of groundnut were grown in pots during rabisummer 2015. Groundnut plants were infected with Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler at 40 days after sowing. 5 days after infection, upper second leaves were collected from both control and infected plants for analysis. A total of 67 metabolites comprising sugars, sugar alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, fatty acids, sterols and phenolic were identified using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (non-targeted metabolomics). Constitutive levels of alpha- D-galactoside, D-mannitol, D-erythropentitol, glycine, and hexadecanoic acid were observed higher in resistant genotypes compared to susceptible genotypes. Moreover, arabinofuranose, cinnamic acid, 2-butendioic acid, and linoleic acid were observed only in resistant genotypes at both control and infected stage. In susceptible genotypes myo-inositol, glucose and fructose content was increased after infection with pathogen while decreased in resistant genotypes. Resistant genotypes had higher constitutive level of cinnamic and salicylic acid compared to susceptible genotypes. Non-infected leaves of resistant genotypes also had higher activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and tyrosine ammonia lyase activities. Our results suggest that metabolites specifically present in resistant genotypes impart defense mechanism against Alternaria pathogen and can be used as bio-marker for screening of germplasm.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableA total of 60 compounds of known structure, comprising sugars, sugar alcohols, fatty acids, amino acids, organic acids, phenols and sterols were identified in stem extracts of groundnut using GC-MS. Sugars and fatty acids were predominant in stem extracts as compared to other metabolites. Distinguished metabolite patterns were observed in control and 96 h after infection (h.a.i.). Succinic acid, pentitol, scopolin, D-glucose and D-turanose, myo-inositol, fructose and mannitol were observed to be higher in control plants, whereas, D-ribopyranoside, thymol, pentadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid increased at 24 hai than that of control. Interestingly, phenol related compounds such as phenol, hydroquinone, guaicol-.beta.-d-glucopyranoside, scopolin were also found lower in non-infected stems of TG37A. Moreover, tolerant genotypes (CS 319 and CS 19) had higher content of Thymol-.beta.-d-glucopyranoside, pentitol, D-glucose, D-turanose, scopolin and hydroquinone than that of moderately tolerant and susceptible genotypes. Sugar profiles using Ion chromatography revealed that glucose content decreased in moderately susceptible and susceptible genotype after S. rolfsii infection. Both constitutive and induced levels of cinnamic acid was observed higher in resistant genotypes than that of susceptible ones which was further supported by phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity. Thus, our study demonstrates the biological role of metabolites specifically sugars, phenolics and fatty acids in plant defense responses.Not Availabl

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