24 research outputs found

    Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composite materials/structures: A state-of-the-art review

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    Composite materials/structures are advancing in product efficiency, cost-effectiveness and the development of superior specific properties. There are increasing demands in their applications to load-carrying structures in aerospace, wind turbines, transportation, and medical equipment, etc. Thus robust and reliable non-destructive testing (NDT) of composites is essential to reduce safety concerns and maintenance costs. There have been various NDT methods built upon different principles for quality assurance during the whole lifecycle of a composite product. This paper reviews the most established NDT techniques for detection and evaluation of defects/damage evolution in composites. These include acoustic emission, ultrasonic testing, infrared thermography, terahertz testing, shearography, digital image correlation, as well as X-ray and neutron imaging. For each NDT technique, we cover a brief historical background, principles, standard practices, equipment and facilities used for composite research. We also compare and discuss their benefits and limitations, and further summarise their capabilities and applications to composite structures. Each NDT technique has its own potential and rarely achieves a full-scale diagnosis of structural integrity. Future development of NDT techniques for composites will be directed towards intelligent and automated inspection systems with high accuracy and efficient data processing capabilities

    Application of timeā€“stress superposition to viscoelastic behavior of polyamide 6,6 fiber and its ā€œtrueā€ elastic modulus

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    The viscoelastic behavior of semi-crystalline polyamide 6,6 fiber is exploited in viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites. To understand better the underlying prestress mechanisms, strainā€“time performance of the fiber material is investigated in this work, under high creep stress values (330ā€“665 MPa). A latch-based Weibull model enables prediction of the ā€œtrueā€ elastic modulus through instantaneous deformation from the creep-recovery data, giving 4.6 Ā± 0.4 GPa. The fiber shows approximate linear viscoelastic characteristics, so that the timeā€“stress superposition principle (TSSP) can be implemented, with a linear relationship between the stress shift factor and applied stress. The resulting master creep curve enables creep behavior at 330 MPa to be predicted over a large timescale, thus creep at 590 MPa for 24 h would be equivalent to a 330 MPa creep stress for āˆ¼5200 years. Similarly, the TSSP is applied to the resulting recovery data, to obtain a master recovery curve. This is equivalent to load removal in the master creep curve, in which the yarns would have been subjected to 330 MPa creep stress for āˆ¼4.56 Ɨ 107 h. Since our work involves high stress values, the findings may be of interest to those involved with long-term load-bearing applications using polyamide materials. Ā© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017, 134, 44971

    Towards optimisation of load-time conditions for producing viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites

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    A viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composite (VPPMC) is produced by applying a tensile creep load to polymeric fibres, the load being released before the fibres are moulded into a polymeric matrix. The viscoelastically recovering fibres induce compressive stresses within the matrix, which can improve mechanical properties by up to 50%. This study investigates the feasibility of reducing the creep loading period for VPPMC production. By using nylon 6,6 fibres, we have demonstrated that the previously adopted viscoelastic creep strain, requiring 330 MPa for 24 h, can be achieved over a shorter duration, tn, using increased creep stress. Thus tn was 92 min at 460 MPa and 37 min at 590 MPa. Subject to avoiding fibre damage however, it may be possible to reduce tn further. From the three creep settings, elapsed recovery strain values were similar, as were the Charpy impact test data from corresponding VPPMC samples; i.e. there were no significant differences in impact energy absorption, these being āˆ¼56% greater than their control (unstressed) counterparts

    A bistable morphing composite using viscoelastically generated prestress

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    Elastically generated prestress within polymeric composites can be used to create bistable morphing structures; i.e. they can 'snap through' between one of two states. In this paper, a morphing bistable structure has been produced, utilising viscoelastically generated prestress. Here, polymeric fibres are subjected to a tensile (viscoelastic) creep load which is released before the fibres are moulded into a matrix. Following curing, the previously strained fibres continue to attempt viscoelastic recovery, creating compressive stresses within the matrix that are counterbalanced by residual tension in the fibres. The bistable structure consists of prestressing strips bonded to the sides of a thin, flexible resin-impregnated fibre-glass sheet. Bistability is achieved through pairs of strips orientated to give opposing cylindrical configurations within the sheet. It is envisaged that viscoelastically prestressed morphing structures may overcome the potential limitations of elastic prestressing; i.e. production flexibility and product longevity

    Viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites: An investigation into fibre deformation and prestress mechanisms

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    A viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composite (VPPMC) is produced by subjecting polymeric fibres to a creep load, which is removed before moulding the fibres into a polymeric matrix. The resulting fibre viscoelastic recovery creates compressive stresses within the cured matrix. Although mechanical properties can be improved by up to 50%, the effect of fibre creep stress magnitude on VPPMC performance is unknown. In this paper, viscoelastic effects were investigated for 24 h creep stress values of 330ā€“590 MPa. This involved recovery force measurement and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) on nylon 6,6 fibres and Charpy impact testing of nylon fibre-polyester resin VPPMCs. Greatest performance was achieved with an intermediate value (460 MPa), suggesting an optimum creep stress condition. Moreover, with increasing creep stress, WAXD demonstrated a progressive reduction in regions with viscoelastic energy storage capability. By considering polymeric three-phase microstructural and latch-based mechanical models, a viscoelastic fibre-generated prestress mechanism is proposed