41 research outputs found

    Therapeutic interventions employed when working with maltreated children

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    A number of effective treatments are available for children and young people who have developed various forms of psychological difficulties as a consequence of traumatic experiences. The aim of this paper is to review the therapeutic approaches employed when working with children who have been exposed to various forms of abuse and neglect during their childhood. This paper provides relevant information to psychotherapists and counsellors on new trends in therapy, as well as techniques and possibilities in interventions in this field, not only with respect to traumatised children, but also family members and other caregivers involved in the child’s life. Furthermore, this paper reviews the therapeutic interventions used to treat emotionally, sexually, and physically abused children, neglected children, children who have witnessed domestic violence, and children who have been exposed to multiple forms of abuse


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    Istraživanja provedena posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća utvrdila su da spolno zlostavljanje predstavlja rizik za mnogobrojne kratkotrajne i dugotrajne psihološke i interpersonalne poteškoće koje mogu imati utjecaj na funkcioniranje u djetinjstvu i u odrasloj dobi. U ovom su radu prikazana osnovna obilježja problema spolnog zlostavljanja djece: definiranje i terminologija spolnog zlostavljanja, razlikovanje zlostavljajućih od nezlostavljajućih seksualnih radnji, vrste i kategorizacija spolnog zlostavljanja, učestalost, faktori rizika i posljedice.The research conducted in the last few decades has revealed that child sexual abuse represents a risk for numerous short-term as well as long-term psychological and interpersonal difficulties which can influence the functioning in childhood and in the adult age. The article reviews basic notions of child sexual abuse: definition and terminology of sexual abuse, differentiation between abusive and non-abusive sexual actions as well as categorization, frequency, risk factors and consequences of child sexual abuse


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    Ovaj rad pruža pregled posljedica vršnjačkog nasilja koje se događa među djecom i adolescentima. Usmjerili smo se na definiranje vršnjačkog nasilja, učestalost ovog problema, karakteristike djece koja su izložena nasilju, djece koja su počinitelji nasilja te djece koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sami čine. Razmotrene su posljedice nasilnog ponašanja, kako za djecu koja se nasilno ponašaju tako i za djecu koja su izložena nasilnom ponašanju. Naglasili smo da su svi pojedinci koji su uključeni u vršnjačko nasilje, bilo kao počinitelji nasilja, kao djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sami čine te djeca koja su izložena nasilnom ponašanju, na neki način psihološki pogođeni takvim iskustvom. Psihološke posljedice koje imaju djeca i adolescenti uključeni u vršnjačko nasilje, središnja su tema ovog rada.The paper provides an overview of consequences of peer violence among children and adolescents. It focuses on defining peer violence, exploring the frequency of the problem as well as on determining the characteristics of children exposed to violence, children who are perpetrators of violence and children who are victims of violence but commit it as well. Consequences of violence on both violent children and children exposed to violent behaviour are analysed. The paper emphasises the fact that such an experience has a psychological effect on all individuals involved in peer violence (perpetrators of violence, victims of violence or individuals who are both victims and perpetrators). Therefore the central theme of this article relates to psychological consequences of peer violence on children and adolescents involved

    Studies on exposure to multiple maltreatment in childhood

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    Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća pažnja istraživača usmjerena je na razumijevanje, prevalenciju i posljedice zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja u djetinjstvu. Međutim, rezultati novijih istraživanja pokazuju da se pojedini oblici zlostavljanja ne javljaju samostalno i nezavisno od ostalih oblika zlostavljanja, te da je izloženost samo jednom obliku zlostavljanja zapravo rjeđa pojava. Višestruko zlostavljanje djeteta se definira kao istovremena izloženost različitim oblicima zlostavljanja. U radu su navedeni podatci o učestalosti višestrukog zlostavljanja, usmjerena je pažnja na činitelje koji povećavaju rizik za višestruko zlostavljanje, te psihološke poteškoće koje se javljaju u odrasloj dobi kao posljedica izloženosti višestrukom zlostavljanju u djetinjstvu.During the past few decades, the attention of researchers was directed toward understanding, prevalence and the consequences of certain forms of abuse. However, results of more recent research show that certain forms of abuse are not separate and independent of other forms of maltreatment, and that exposure to only one type of abuse is an atypical phenomenon. Multiple maltreatment is defined as the child\u27s exposure to different forms of abuse at the same time. Data on the prevalence of multiple abuse are presented, with attention being directed to the factors which increase the risk of multiple maltreatment and psychological challenges that occur in the adult as a result of exposure to multiple abuse in childhood


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    Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the faculties have been met with the task of modifying the traditional teaching environment to remote teaching. During two semesters of remote teaching, the students of the Department of Psychology from the Faculty of Hu- manities and Social Sciences of University of Mostar have been assessing their skills of using technologies, their motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, as well as their time ma- nagement skills; they have evaluated the teaching process, reported on technical difficulties and assessed the general satisfaction with the remote teaching process. The results of this research show that students have shown a greater assessment of skills of using tech- nology during the second semester of the remote teaching process, while no difference was established in the level of motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, and no difference was found in time management skills between the two semesters. As far as the satisfaction with remote teaching is concerned, the students marked the teaching process with an average grade of “very good” in both semesters, although the mark “excellent” was given more frequently in the second semester than expected per case. The avera- ge grade of satisfaction with the teaching process offers insight into the efficacy of adaption to remote teaching, and also opens up space for further improvement.Uslijed SARS-CoV-2 pandemije, na fakultete su postavljeni zahtjevi za modificiranjem klasične nastave u nastavu na daljinu. U dva semestra izvođenja nastave na daljinu, studenti Studija psi- hologije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru procjenjivali su svoje vještine korištenja tehno- logija, motivaciju za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zadataka, kao i vještine organiziranja vremena; evaluirali su nastavni proces, izvijestili o tehničkim poteškoćama i procijenili generalno zadovoljstvo izvođenjem nastave na daljinu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu pokazali više procjene vještina korištenja tehnolo- gija, dok nije utvrđena razlika u razini motivacije za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zada- taka, kao ni u vještini organiziranja vremena između dva semestra. Glede zadovoljstva nastavom na daljinu, studenti u oba semestra izvedenu nastavu ocjenjuju prosječnom ocjenom ‘vrlo dobar’. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u procjeni zadovoljstva nastavom između dva semestra izvođenja nastave, iako su u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu češće dane ocjene ‘izvrstan’ nego što se očekuje po slučaju. Prosječna ocjena zadovoljstva izvedenom nastavom daje uvid u uspješnost prilagodbe na nastavu na daljinu, te ujedno otvara prostor za daljnja poboljšanja


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    Svrha ovog članka je dati pregled literature o čimbenicima rizika za partnersko nasilje. Posebna je pozornost obraćena definiranju nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Rastumačeno je sporno pitanje spolne simetrije i asimetrije nasilja u partnerskim vezama. Opisana su četiri oblika nasilja u partnerskim vezama: nasilje koje karakterizira prisila i kontroliranje; nasilje kao reakcija na napad; situacijsko nasilje i nasilje potaknuto razvodom ili razdvajanjem. Navedeni su čimbenici rizika za počinjenje nasilnog ponašanja i za izloženost nasilnom ponašanju a koji uključuju socioekonomske varijable, obiteljske karakteristike, povijest izloženosti nasilju u djetinjstvu, različite poremećaje osobnosti, osobine ličnosti, korištenje alkohola i opijata te religioznost. Članak se zaključuje raspravom o potrebi daljnjeg istraživanja nasilja u partnerskim vezama koja će proširiti i poboljšati naše razumijevanje partnerskog nasilja


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    U radu se opisuje kulturalni utjecaj na intenzitet, bihevioralnu ekspresiju i upravljanje emocijama. Navode se kulturalne razlike u doživljavanju, percipiranju i izražavanju emocija. U pregledu je naveden veći broj istraživanja koja uglavnom ukazuju na veću poželjnost i primjerenost ugodnih emocija u zapadnim kulturama, a na izraženu supresiju ugodnih te neugodnih emocija u istočnim kulturama. Također, navedene su neke smjernice za buduća istraživanja s obzirom na to da je riječ o istraživanjima od praktičnog značenja za kvalitetu života pojedinca.The paper describes the cultural influence onto the intensity, behavioral expression and management of emotions. The authors enumerate cultural differences in experiencing, recognizing and expressing emotions. They give an overview of a larger number of research papers that mostly state that pleasant emotions are more desirable and appropriate in Western cultures, whereas in Eastern cultures there is an emphasised suppression of pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Furthermore, the authors give some guidelines for future research since this kind of research has practical importance for the quality of life of a person