12 research outputs found

    An empirical study of customer usage and satisfaction with e-banking services in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Recent developments in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have created new opportunities for enhancing both the operations and competitiveness within the banking sector. The application of contemporary ICT-based solutions has resulted in significant changes in the traditional banking business, through the involvement of brand new approaches in the process of distribution of banking products and services to customers. As a part of the services offered by any modern bank, e-banking has become a synonym for an efficient system aimed at delivering traditional banking services through electronic communications channels, available to anybody, anywhere and anytime. The goal of the paper is to perform an empirical analysis of the current situation regarding the level of customer usage and satisfaction with e-banking services in the Republic of Macedonia. The study will enable us to determine which variables affect the level of adoption and satisfaction with е-banking services. The study is fully based on the statistical data analysis of the responses gathered from a representative sample of e-banking customers


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    Introduction: This study determined urine iodine concentration (UIC) during gestation, assessed the maternal iodine nutrition status and correlated it with gestational age at birth (GAB) and birth weight (BW).The measurement of UIC provides the best single measurement of the iodine nutritional status in population. Objective: Determination of UIC in pregnant women in North Macedonia. Methods: This prospective study assessed the iodine nutrition status during the course of pregnancy with reference of median UIC among 364 healthy pregnant women in different gestational age (in trimester and 5-week intervals). Results: The overall and the 1st to the 3rd trimester median UIC were: 183.7, 207, 189.75 and 169.28 [μg/L], respectively. The median UIC (μg/L) results according to 5-week interval in advancing gestation were: 232.34, 200.13, 152.81, 194.39, 181.28, 160.28, 169.41 and 175.24, respectively. We detected 5.22% (19/364) and 74.72% (272/364) with the median UIC < 50 μg/L and UIC ≥ 100 μg/L, respectively. In multiple regression, the median UIC (β = 0.0000767, P = 0.929) had no statistically signifi cant prediction to the GAB. Disease prevalence results for mean UIC in detecting BW had no statistical signifi cance: area under curve (AUC) = 0.521, z-statistic (0.340), sensitivity (45.83%), specifi city (66.27%), predictive (6.59%) and P value (0.734). Conclusion: Iodine status of pregnant women in our study is generally suffi cient by World Health Organization recommendations. The median UIC in each trimester and 5-week interval has statistically insignifi cant decrease in accordance to the advancing gestation. The median UIC has no signifi cance in predicting GAB and BW.Uvod: Ova je studija utvrdila koncentraciju joda u mokraći (UIC) tijekom trudnoće, procijenila prehrambeni status joda kod majke i povezala ga s gestacijskom dobi pri rođenju (GAB) i porođajnom težinom (BW). Mjerenje UIC-a omogućava najbolje pojedinačno mjerenje prehrambenog statusa joda u populaciji. Cilj: Određivanje UIC-a trudnicama u sjevernoj Makedoniji. Metode: Ova prospektivna studija procjenjivala je prehrambeni status joda tijekom trudnoće, pozivajući se na medijan UIC 364 zdrave trudnice u različitoj gestacijskoj dobi (u intervalima tromjesečja i 5 tjedana). Rezultati: Ukupna i prosječna UIC od 1. do 3. tromjesečja bila su: 183,7, 207, 189,75 i 169,28 [μg / L]. Srednji rezultati UIC (μg / L) prema intervalu od 5 tjedana u napredovanju trudnoće bili su: 232,34, 200,13, 152,81, 194,39, 181,28, 160,28, 169,41 i 175,24. Otkrili smo 5,22 % (19/364) i 74,72 % (272/364) s medijanom UIC <50 μg / L, odnosno UIC ≥ 100 μg / L. U višestrukoj regresiji, medijan UIC (β = 0,0000767, P = 0,929) nije imao statistički značajno predviđanje za GAB. Rezultati prevalencije bolesti za srednji UIC u otkrivanju BW nisu imali statističku značajnost: područje ispod krivulje (AUC) = 0,521, z-statistika (0,340), osjetljivost (45,83 %), specifi čnost (66,27 %), prediktivna (6,59 %) i P vrijednost (0,734). Zaključak: Jodni status trudnica u našem istraživanju u pravilu je dovoljan prema preporukama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Medijan UIC-a u svakom tromjesečju i intervalu od 5 tjedana statistički je beznačajno smanjen u skladu s napredovanjem trudnoće. Medijan UIC nema značenje u predviđanju GAB i BW

    Statistical Performances of Population Migration in the Republic of Macedonia at the Beginning of the 21st Century

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    The Republic of Macedonia has always been considered a highly intensive migration area, characterized by both exhaustive inner movements of its citizens, as well as continuous emigration processes towards other countries. This paper is focused on exploring and analyzing the volume, dynamics, trends, demographic characteristics, and the variability of migration flow modalities in the country during the first decade of the 21st century, as well as their conjunction and effects on the socio-economic factors. Having in mind the diversities of the migration flows within the country, the expected outcomes are projected towards discovering relevant information about their changes, their trends, and the interaction between the basic indicators being acquired by appliance of relevant statistical migration-related metrics and those portraying the statistical regions’ development in the specified period of time

    Development Perspectives of Investment Funds in Republic of Macedonia

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    This paper will discuss the importance of investment funds for the expansion of investment alternatives in the capital market in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as their role in collecting funds from small investors who often do not possess sufficient knowledge and financial resources to achieve satisfactory degree of diversification of their individual portfolio. It will also give a review of perspectives, measures and recommendations to encourage the development of these financial institutions in our country

    Application of the Scoring Model for Assessing the Credit Rating of Principals

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    One of the most commonly used methods for assessing the credit rating of counterparties is a credit scoring model or credit scoring. Economic pressures, resulting in increased demand for loans, along with increasing the competition in the market of enterprises and the development of computational techniques and technologies leads to the development of statistical credit scoring model, and in order to expedite the process for making decisions related to credit approval. Credit scoring is used to increase the precision in the approval of loans to creditworthy customers, which can result in increased profits or rejection of those customers who are not creditworthy


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    Product quality is generally accepted as being crucial in today’s industrial business. The traditional aspects of product quality are connected to product design (translating customer demands into attractive features and technical specifications) and to the design and specification of high performance production processes with low defect rates. Quality management is the general expression for all actions leading to quality. Quality management is focused on improving customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of processes including the removal of uncertain activities, and continuous improvement of the quality of processes, products and services. The quality management includes four key processes, such as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality costs. The main accent in this paper will be on quality control and the application of one of the quality control tools in order to improve it. Six Sigma is different from other quality improvement concepts in that its framework is comprised of many principles, tools and techniques, which, together with experience, are all integrated and translated into best practices. Bearing in mind that the goal of every company is to work effectively and effectively in the long run, this paper focuses on Six Sigma as a way to continuously improve quality. Namely, this paper emphasizes the key features of the quality of products / services, the Need for the application of Six Sigma for quality assurance, and also a detailed list of tools and techniques that can be used during the implementation of Six Sigma

    Acute-phase proteins as promoters of abdominal aortic calcification in chronic dialysis patients

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    The aim of this study was to find a correlation between acute-phase proteins (APPs) and abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) as well as the impact APPs on AAC in chronic dialysis patients (CDPs). Native lateral lumbar radiography and biochemical analysis were performed in 112 CDPs (aged 60.0 ± 5.43 years) to estimate and score AAC and biochemical values of APPs. The mean AAC score was 8.39 ± 5.43. We detected 16 (14.28%) CDPs without AAC and 96 (85.71%) CDPs with AAC (10 ± 5.43). The number of CDPs with AAC ≤4 was 34 (30.36%) with mean AAC score of 1.85 ± 1.94. By multiple regression analysis, we found positive correlation between AAC and ferritin (β = 0.004398, P = 0.0085) and AAC and C-reactive protein [(CRP), β = 0.1972, P = 0.0178]. Sensitivity/specificity pairs and criterion variables (CrVs) were as follows: for CRP: 44.21%, 100%, and CrV ≥6 and for ferritin: 83.16%, 56.25%, and CrV ≥196.32. The area under curve (AUC) for CRP and ferritin was 0.721 (P <0.0001) and 0.730 (P <0.0026), respectively. Fibrinogen and serum iron AUC in the prediction of AAC were 0.533 (P = 0.5749) and 0.618 (P = 0.0795), respectively. CRP and ferritin were the most powerful APPs involved in the promotion of AAC; serum iron and fibrinogen were shown as lower activity promoters in CDPs. Serum albumin showed inverse activity on AAC


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    Investment funds are young and efficient non-bank institutions in developed financial markets. These institutions are direct intermediaries between the holders of free financial resources on one hand and the economy i.e. companies as beneficiaries and claimants of free capital on the other. They allow investors diversification of invested assets, minimizing the potential risk and opportunity their securities to convert into cash. These funds are attractive for holders of free financial resources since through them one can achieve a higher rate of return compared to conventional investments of financial resources in banks. There are ten investment funds in the Republic of Macedonia but still they are not significant participants in the capital market. The subject of the research in this paper will be the state of the investment funds in Republic of Macedonia with special emphasis on informing the population about their advantages and the ways of their promotion as a significant factor in the development and greater establishment in the financial market in the country


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    In the modern conditions for working, the problems with providing appropriate sources for financing business entities are more emphasized. In fact, the access to the financing sources is one of the limiting factors for the business entities development. If the business entity is able to satisfy completely or on a higher degree its financing needs from its own sources, then it gains significant competitive advantage and possibility for growth, by decreasing the costs for financing and minimizing the risk. But, these sources most often are not sufficient for business financing. In R. Macedonia, most usually used sources for work financing are the bank loans, which is a result mainly to the nonsufficiently developed financial market, and generally, the low degree of the economic development. However, the bank loans are expensive source of financing, which is negatively reflected into the financial result of the business entities. Because of that, the business entities get down to use alternative financing sources, such as: portfolio investments, foreign direct investments, issue of shares and bonds and specific sources of financing ( factoring financing, forfeiting financing, leasing and financing by franchise). In this paper, the accent will be put on the leasing as a specific form for financing the business entities in R. Macedonia. A research for that how much the business entities are acquainted with the advantages of using this financing source, how much the leasing is present as a financing form and if there are limiting factors in its use, will be conducted. At the end, on the basis of the obtained results from the research, some measures and recommendations for higher leasing implementation in the business entities in Republic of Macedonia will be give

    Life Insurance in Republic of Macedonia – Luxury or Necessity

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    Individual’s life is uncertain and limited, such as are his working life and working ability, therefore life insurance represents a manner of managing with risks which may be expressed through the lack of means for subsistence in a certain period of life or protection of the individual or the members of his family in financial terms. By having a life insurance policy one invests in his own security, protects his loved ones, while saving and planning their own future. Life insurance policy is a long-term solution that combines the safest savings and reliability. There is a tradition of having a life insurance policy in the developed countries, while in the Republic of Macedonia the number of individuals with life insurance is still very small. In this paper we will do a research on the perception of the population in the country regarding the benefits of owning a life insurance policy, limiting factors and measures to increase the contracts on life insurance