48 research outputs found

    Smooth free involution of HCP3H{\Bbb C}P^3 and Smith conjecture for imbeddings of S3S^3 in S6S^6

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    This paper establishes an equivalence between existence of free involutions on HCP3H{\Bbb C}P^3 and existence of involutions on S6S^6 with fixed point set an imbedded S3S^3, then a family of counterexamples of the Smith conjecture for imbeddings of S3S^3 in S6S^6 are given by known result on HCP3H{\Bbb C}P^3. In addition, this paper also shows that every smooth homotopy complex projective 3-space admits no orientation preserving smooth free involution, which answers an open problem [Pe]. Moreover, the study of existence problem for smooth orientation preserving involutions on HCP3H{\Bbb C}P^3 is completed.Comment: 10 pages, final versio

    A classification of smooth embeddings of 3-manifolds in 6-space

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    We work in the smooth category. If there are knotted embeddings S^n\to R^m, which often happens for 2m<3n+4, then no concrete complete description of embeddings of n-manifolds into R^m up to isotopy was known, except for disjoint unions of spheres. Let N be a closed connected orientable 3-manifold. Our main result is the following description of the set Emb^6(N) of embeddings N\to R^6 up to isotopy. The Whitney invariant W : Emb^6(N) \to H_1(N;Z) is surjective. For each u \in H_1(N;Z) the Kreck invariant \eta_u : W^{-1}u \to Z_{d(u)} is bijective, where d(u) is the divisibility of the projection of u to the free part of H_1(N;Z). The group Emb^6(S^3) is isomorphic to Z (Haefliger). This group acts on Emb^6(N) by embedded connected sum. It was proved that the orbit space of this action maps under W bijectively to H_1(N;Z) (by Vrabec and Haefliger's smoothing theory). The new part of our classification result is determination of the orbits of the action. E. g. for N=RP^3 the action is free, while for N=S^1\times S^2 we construct explicitly an embedding f : N \to R^6 such that for each knot l:S^3\to R^6 the embedding f#l is isotopic to f. Our proof uses new approaches involving the Kreck modified surgery theory or the Boechat-Haefliger formula for smoothing obstruction.Comment: 32 pages, a link to http://www.springerlink.com added, to appear in Math. Zei

    The span and the stable of a manifold

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    Link homotopy.

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