24 research outputs found


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    Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Parking Spaces

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    The United States has an enormous supply of parking and with the appropriation of Autonomous vehicles, the interest for these spaces could change drastically. Parking is among the most pervasive land utilizes involving up to 31% of urban territory. With completely automated vehicles expected on the customer advertise by 2020, the $30 billion leaving industry will encounter gigantic changes as autos develop. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the parking and garage spaces can be utilized after the implementation of automated vehicles in every household. Analysis has been conducted about different households in Ypsilanti Township using Zillow application which includes the address, area of the house, parking area and year in which it is built. Results are based on the analysis conducted on the houses and the impact of the autonomous vehicles on their parking space

    Evaluating the use of Drones in the area of Transportation/Construction

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    Drones are proving out as a valuable tool and growing quickly in the world of technological advances. The applications of these vehicles are spreading widely in the areas of remote sensing, real time monitoring, goods delivery, security, defense, surveillance, infrastructure inspection. Although, the intent behind creating this tool was remote sensing. Smart drones will be the next big innovation and modification, which would have much wider applications especially in the field of infrastructure where it can reduce risks and lower costs. Current direct evaluation techniques are tedious, and the information caught is frequently not led in a precise manner with the areas tested not being geographically correct and the resulting reports being delivered past the point of no return. These were the reasons, which have increased the demand and usage of unmanned vehicles. In this research paper, we present critical review of main advancements of Drones in the area of transportation and agriculture. We present all the research related to civil applications in those areas and challenges including traffic monitoring, Bridge condition assessment, Roadway asset detection and many other applications related to infrastructure inspection enhancement. The paper also contributes with a discussion on the opportunities, which are opened, and the challenges that need to be addressed. Findings from the case studies, it is reported that around 25% of the bridges in united states are deficient and need continuous monitoring for enhancements to prevent any hazard. Unmanned vehicles could be a great help in monitoring these bridges and other important components of transportation, which can efficiently minimize the cost as well as the time spent on inspection for each of this component, as manual inspection requires labor and time which would be subsequently reduced by incorporating the usage of drones in the area of transportation

    A Comparative Analysis for Land Utilization:Steel and R/C Interlaced Structures

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    In architecture, interlace structural concept is considered as a new design approach for cosmopolitan cities with high density to minimize the land use and increase the interaction. With various architectural approach, land resources can be minimized by this interlace concept for residential complexes. Such buildings will eliminate the reduction of land resource problem and on the other side safety measures in structural design is incorporated by interlace concept of buildings. This new concept can be constructed steel or reinforced concrete. In this paper, an analytical approach has been presented for these buildings in architecture and structural design. In the research, design considerations were taken for interlaced structures with reinforced concrete and steel. Components of steel structure, isolated footing, and columns. This paper is presenting a step wise process for interlance structures. They are identification of project area, layout and model preparation, analysis and design of concrete interlaced structure, analysis and design of steel interlaced structure, drafting of the plans and costing and estimation of the structures. Comparison of both reinforced concrete and steel structures were carried out. The main aim of the paper is to provide a comparison between steel and concrete interlaced structure. A cost estimation was carried out to determine optimum design and construction for interlaced structures

    Emergency management for infrastructure and transportation systems in the U.S.

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    The infrastructure and transportation systems in the US are integrated mechanism with various dynamic parameters. They have economic, social and vital importance for everyone. Security and safety of infrastructure and transportation systems in case of any possible disasters are crucial. A better understanding is needed for an upgrade of traditional activities and integration with the national emergency activities. There are various current practices throughout the states and all over the country. The objective of this research paper is to define the current state and point the current practices in asset management and emergency management strategies with GIS for infrastructure and transportation systems in the US in case of any disaster. In the paper, Michigan DOT GIS based system has been introduced and synthesized to define integrated emergency management strategy. Possible actions to address emergency management strategy are investigated; and implementation of the emergency management strategy is explained


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    Transportation systems in USA are an integral part of the current infrastructure systems and involves a huge investment as part of the government and taxpayers. Therefore, transportation systems have economic, social and vital importance for the U.S. Security and safety of transportation systems and infrastructures in case of any possible future disasters and hazards are crucial for state transportation agencies. The objective of this paper is to develop and implement a comprehensive emergency management strategy for transportation systems in the U.S. in case of any disaster and hazards. In this paper, recommendations are provided to define best deployment of updated emergency response into practice. Practical issues are detailed affecting potential implementation of the strategy. Possible actions to address management issues and tools are investigated; and methods of identifying and measuring the impacts associated with implementation of the strategy are explained

    Structural Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Low- to Mid-Rise Residential Buildings in China

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    China has experienced major earthquakes recently. The 2014 Ludian earthquake struck Ludian County, Yunnan, (Mw = 6.1) on 3 August, 2014. On April 20th 2013, Ya’an earthquake (Mw = 6.9), on April 14th 2010, Qinghai earthquake (Mw = 7.1), on July 9th 2009, Yunnan earthquake (Mw = 6.0), and on May 12th 2008, Sichuan earthquake (Mw = 7.9) struck China. Among these disasters, the most devastating, the Sichuan earthquake, resulted in the collapse of 5 million buildings and damage to more than 21 million. Human loss was also high with over 60,000 people dead, 360,000 injured, and more than 14 million people displaced. South-west China lies in an area that is prone to earthquakes. In 1970, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in Yunnan with 15,000 lost. This study presents a detailed risk assessment for a structural risk assessment and mitigation for low- to mid-rise residential buildings for China. The risk assessment, through seismic hazard assessment approaches, evaluates the impact of the disasters for integrated structural health monitoring. Among the results of the investigation, relations and links between safety and risk are defined

    Analytical approach for Detroit urban redevelopment and rehabilitation

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    Detroit had been the leader city in manufacturing in the 20th century in the US. The automobile industry created and continued the thriving economy in Detroit, MI in the early to mid-1900s. When outsourcing impacted the industry, people began to leave the city. That turned into a demographic catastrophe in Detroit. Economy had continuously felt and many of the properties were foreclosed. After the housing market crash in 2008, a big economic crisis effected all country. After such a strong economic crisis, Detroit has been desperately need of economic revival which has begun to turn around very slowly in last ten years. In this paper, while defining the nature of the problem, workable solutions for Detroit area are discussed with certain and framed techniques. The main purpose is to understand the current case for Detroit after a decade of the economic crisis and bring solutions for urban redevelopment and rehabilitation for Detroit area with real examples. A detailed evaluation is carried through comparison with other cities. Paper also details the problems in Detroit area, reasons behind the complications, components/parameters, constraints/limitations, solutions, people involved and expected results

    A new stability and sensitivity design and diagnosis approach

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    In the stability and sensitivity design and diagnosis approaches, there are various methodologies available. Bond graph modeling by lumping technique is one of the universal methodologies in methodical analysis used by many researchers in all over the world. The accuracy of the method is validated in different arenas. Bond graphs are a concise, pictorial representation of the energy storage, dissipation and exchange mechanisms of interacting dynamic systems, subsystems and components. This paper proposes a bond graph modeling for distributed parameter systems using lumping techniques. Therefore, a steel frame structure was modeled to analyze employing bond graph modeling of distributed system using lumping technique. In the analytical part, the effectiveness of bond graphs to model this system is demonstrated. The dynamic responses of the system were computed and compared with those computed from the finite element analysis. The calculated maximum deflection time histories were found to be comparable. The sensitivity and the stability of the steel frame structure was also studied in different aspects. Thus, the proposed methodology, with its simplicity, can be used for stability and sensitivity analyses as alternative to finite element method for steel structures. The major value brought in the practical design is the simplicity of the proposed method for steel structures