138 research outputs found

    Direct Observation of the Faraday Rotation Using Radially-Polarized Twisted Light

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    A novel experimental technique for the realisation of the optical Faraday effect using Laguerre- Gaussian (LG) light is described. The experiment employs a zero-order vortex half-wave retarder to generate a radially or azimuthally-polarised LG doughnut beam. The light emerging from the retarder then passes through a linear polariser, which gives rise to two intensity lobes, with the orientation of the intensity gap between the two lobes pointing parallel (perpendicular) to the polarization direction of the radially (azimuthally) polarised beam. To complete the Faraday set up, the light traverses a material subject to a magnetic field, before passing through a final linear polariser, which results in a visible rotation of the lobes pattern. This technique exhibits the Faraday effect readily visually, without further elaborate steps to detect changes in the light intensity. The degree of rotation of the plane of polarisation is determined directly by the visibly clear change in the orientation of the intensity gap between the lobes.Comment: 4 figure

    The effect of yeast culture products (Rumisacc and Intertotal) on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of live yeast culture and the combination of live yeast culture with vitamin-mineral supplementation as a feed additive on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids. Totally 18 male Saanen goat kids were divided in to one control and two treatment groups each containing 6 kids. Rations of groups were formulated as isonitrogenic and isocaloric. Live yeast culture (YC) and the combination product (YVM) (RumiSacc® and Intetotal® respectively,by Integro Food Industry and Trade Co., Istanbul, Turkey; Live yeast cell 344 x 1010 cfu per gram) was included in the concentrates at 0 (C), 1% (YC) and 1% (YVM) on feed basis, respectively. Feeding schedule was established with only concentrate. Feed was given ad libitum and roughage was not given. Dietary yeast culture at the level of 1% increased final live weight (+4.7% regarding control group). All investigated fattening performance with rumen fluid and blood parameters were not statistically affected with the supplements. It is concluded that live yeast culture and its vitamin-mineral combination did not have adverse affect in male kids fed without roughage

    Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Disorders. Are They Related?

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    The aim of this review was to evaluate associations between different orthodontic treatment techniques, the role of malocclusion types, and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Associations between different orthodontic treatment techniques and TMD were found in some studies, whereas most of the reviewed articles failed to identify significant associations. Based on the presently available research, because it has not been demonstrated that malocclusions cause TMDs, it is incorrect to claim that orthodontic approaches can treat or prevent TMDs. Moreover, there is no evidence that any orthodontic treatment causes TMD signs or symptoms. Longitudinal studies are still needed


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    Although the COVID-19 pandemic has created various health problems in many people, it has also caused disruptions in the clinical management of patients with existing cancerous disease. This retrospective cohort study aims to observe the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in PET-CT utilization, which has an important role in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of cancer patients

    Tümör mikroçevresinde CD8’in yüksek ekspresyonu, yüksek dereceli seröz over kanserinde PD-1 ekspresyonu ve hasta sağkalımı ile ilişkilidir

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    Objective: The current study assesss programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor expression and CD3, CD4, and CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and to associate our results with neoadjuvant chemotherapy history and disease prognosis. Materials and Methods: We included cases diagnosed with primary HGSOC with biopsy or surgical resection materials in this study. The immunoreactivity of CD3, CD4, CD8, and PD1 was assessed immunohistochemically in tumor tissue. We analyzed TILs in two predetermined groups of high and low TIL. The relationships between clinical characteristics, PD-1, and TIL were assessed. by the χ(2) test or Fisher’s Exact test. We used Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression model to the connection between survival and the amounts of TIL, and PD1. Results: Univariate analysis demonstrated that optimal debulking (p<0.001), early International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage (p=0.046), and higher scores of stromal CD8+ TIL expression (p=0.028) in tumor cells were all substantially correlated with longer disease-free survival (DFS), whereas the remaining variables analyzed, including PD-1 positivity, stromal CD3+, and CD4+ TILs, and intraepithelial CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ TILs, were not correlated with DFS. Also, univariate analysis revealed that optimal debulking (p=0.010), and higher scores of stromal CD8+ TIL expression (p=0.021) in tumor cells were all substantially correlated with longer overall survival (OS). Conclusion: Higher scores of stromal CD8+ TILs are substantially correlated with DFS and OS in univariate analyses, whereas scores of stromal CD3+ and CD4+ TILs, and intraepithelial CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ TILs are not correlated with DFS and OS in both univariate and multivariate analyses. Also, we found a significant association between PD-1 positivity and the scores of stromal CD3+ TILs and intraepithelial CD8+ TILs. However, no remarkable relationship was revealed between PD-1 positivity and the survival of HGSOC cases.Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı, yüksek dereceli seröz over kanserinde (HGSOC) programlanmış ölüm-1 (PD-1) reseptör ekspresyonunu ve CD3, CD4 ve CD8 tümör infiltre edici lenfositleri (TIL) değerlendirmek ve bulgularımızın neoadjuvan kemoterapi öyküsü ve hastalık prognozu ile ilişkisini incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Biyopsi veya cerrahi rezeksiyon materyalleri ile primer HGSOC tanısı alan olgular çalışmaya dahil edildi. CD3, CD4, CD8 ve PD1’in immünoreaktivitesi, tümör dokusunda immünohistokimyasal olarak değerlendirildi. TIL, önceden tanımlanmış iki grup olan düşük ve yüksek TIL grubunda analiz edildi. Klinik özellikler, PD-1 ve TIL arasındaki ilişkiler χ(2) testi veya Fisher’s Exact test ile değerlendirildi. TIL, PD1 ve hayatta kalma arasındaki ilişki için Kaplan-Meier hayatta kalma analizi ve Cox oransal hazard regresyon modeli kullanıldı. Bulgular: Tek değişkenli analiz, tümör hücrelerinde optimal debulking (p<0,001), erken Uluslararası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Federasyonu evresi (p=0,046) ve daha yüksek stromal CD8+ TIL ekspresyonu skorlarının (p=0,028) tümünün daha uzun hastalıksız sağkalım (DFS) ile önemli ölçüde ilişkili olduğunu gösterdi; oysa ki kalan değişkenler, PD-1 pozitifliği, stromal CD3+ ve CD4+ TIL’ler ve intraepitelyal CD3+, CD4+ ve CD8+ TIL’ler dahil olmak üzere, analiz edildiğinde DFS ile korele değildi. Ayrıca, tek değişkenli analiz, tümör hücrelerinde optimal debulking (p=0,010) ve daha yüksek stromal CD8+ TIL ekspresyonu skorlarının (p=0,021) tümünün daha uzun genel sağkalım (OS) ile önemli ölçüde ilişkili olduğunu ortaya koydu. Sonuç: Daha yüksek stromal CD8+ TIL skorları, tek değişkenli analizde DFS ve OS ile anlamlı şekilde ilişkiliyken, stromal CD3+ ve CD4+ TIL’lerin ve intraepitelyal CD3+, CD4+ ve CD8+ TIL’lerin skorları, hem tek değişkenli hem de çok değişkenli analizlerde DFS ve OS ile ilişkili değildi. Ayrıca, PD-1 pozitifliği ile stromal CD3+ TIL’lerin ve intraepitelyal CD8+ TIL’lerin skorları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Ancak, PD-1 pozitifliği ile HGSOC hastalarının sağkalımı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki gözlenmedi

    Cortical-Bone Fragility - Insights from sFRP4 Deficiency in Pyle's Disease

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    BACKGROUND Cortical-bone fragility is a common feature in osteoporosis that is linked to non - vertebral fractures. Regulation of cortical-bone homeostasis has proved elusive. The study of genetic disorders of the skeleton can yield insights that fuel experimental therapeutic approaches to the treatment of rare disorders and common skeletal ailments. METHODS We evaluated four patients with Pyle’s disease, a genetic disorder that is characterized by cortical-bone thinning, limb deformity, and fractures; two patients were examined by means of exome sequencing, and two were examined by means of Sanger se - quencing. After a candidate gene was identified, we generated a knockout mouse model that manifested the phenotype and studied the mechanisms responsible for altered bone architecture. RESULTS In all affected patients, we found biallelic truncating mutations in SFR P4 , the gene encoding secreted frizzled-related protein 4, a soluble Wnt inhibitor. Mice deficient in Sfrp4 , like persons with Pyle’s disease, have increased amounts of trabecular bone and unusually thin cortical bone, as a result of differential regulation of Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in these two bone compartments. Treat - ment of Sfrp4- deficient mice with a soluble Bmp2 receptor (RAP-661) or with anti - bodies to sclerostin corrected the cortical-bone defect. CONCLUSIONS Our study showed that Pyle’s disease was caused by a deficiency of sFRP4, that cortical- bone and trabecular-bone homeostasis were governed by different mechanisms, and that sFRP4-mediated cross-regulation between Wnt and BMP signaling was critical for achieving proper cortical-bone thickness and stability. (Funded by the Swiss Na - tional Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

    Outcomes of high-risk breast lesions diagnosed using image-guided core needle biopsy: results from a multicenter retrospective study

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    PURPOSEThe clinical management of high-risk lesions using image-guided biopsy is challenging. This study aimed to evaluate the rates at which such lesions were upgraded to malignancy and identify possible predictive factors for upgrading high-risk lesions.METHODSThis retrospective multicenter analysis included 1.343 patients diagnosed with high-risk lesions using an image-guided core needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB). Only patients managed using an excisional biopsy or with at least one year of documented radiological follow-up were included. For each, the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category, number of samples, needle thickness, and lesion size were correlated with malignancy upgrade rates in different histologic subtypes. Pearson’s chi-squared test, the Fisher–Freeman–Halton test, and Fisher’s exact test were used for the statistical analyses.RESULTSThe overall upgrade rate was 20.6%, with the highest rates in the subtypes of intraductal papilloma (IP) with atypia (44.7%; 55/123), followed by atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) (38.4%; 144/375), lobular neoplasia (LN) (12.7%; 7/55), papilloma without atypia (9.4%; 58/611), flat epithelial atypia (FEA) (8.7%; 10/114), and radial scars (RSs) (4.6%; 3/65). There was a significant relationship between the upgrade rate and BI-RADS category, number of samples, and lesion size Lesion size was the most predictive factor for an upgrade in all subtypes.CONCLUSIONADH and atypical IP showed considerable upgrade rates to malignancy, requiring surgical excision. The LN, IP without atypia, pure FEA, and RS subtypes showed lower malignancy rates when the BI-RADS category was lower and in smaller lesions that had been adequately sampled using VAB. After being discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting, these cases could be managed with follow-up instead of excision

    Toplumumuzda diş ipi kullanma alışkanlığı

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    Background: the main cause of tooth caries is the bacterial plaque. Removing the dental plaque regularly by the patient is from the point of caries prevention and healing of the initial lesion very important. It is impossible to clean the whole teeth surfaces from the dental plaque, using tooth brush and paste, therefore additional tools and agents such dental floss are used to have a good oral hygiene status. the aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of the use of dental flosses, the preferences for different type of dental flosses and the level of the ability to floss. Methods: Within a questionnaire which consists of 22 questions, it is asked randomly to the people visited the dental clinic whose ages were between 13 and 65, 55 of them are men and 51 of them are women. in addition the results are evaluated through gender, educational status and age groups. Results: Most of the sample members have gone to dentist firstly when they suffer from toothache (59 percent). Percentage of dental floss use is 26. the usage of dental floss was related arithmetically to the gender, educational status and age group. the most preferred type of dental floss by women is Essential Floss;reg; and Super Floss;reg; by men. Conclusion: the frequency of using dental floss depends on various factors including educational status, age and gender.Amaç: Diş çürüklerinin temel nedeni bakteri plağıdır. Plağın hasta tarafından düzenli olarak uzaklaştırılabilmesi, bu hastalıkların önlenmesi ya da iyileştirilebilmesi açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Diş fırçası ve macunuyla diş yüzeylerinin plaktan tümüyle arındırılması olanaksız olduğundan ağız hijyenini daha iyi duruma getirmek için yardımcı araçlar geliştirilmekte ve bunların kullanımı gündeme gelmektedir. Bu çalışma da, toplumumuzdaki ağız hijyeni için fırça ve macuna ilave olarak kullanılan diş ipi kullanma sıklığı, bireylerin diş ipi tercihleri ve tipleri hakkında bilgileri ve kullanım becerileri araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: 22 sorudan oluşan anket, İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi sınırları içerisinde; yaşları 13 ile 65 arasında değişen 55 i erkek, 51 i kadın olmak üzere 106 kişi rastgele seçilerek uygulanmış; sonuçlar cinsiyete, eğitim düzeyine ve yaş gruplarına göre değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Anket katılımcılarının büyük bir oranı diş hekimine ilk kez dişi ağrıyınca gitmiştir(%59). Diş ipi kullanma oranı ise %26 dır. Sonuç: Diş ipi kullanma sıklığıyla, katılımcıların cinsiyeti, eğitim düzeyi ve yaş grubu arasında sayısal bir oran bulunmaktadır. Kadınlar en fazla Essential Floss®’u, erkekler ise Super Floss®’u tercih etmişlerdir