199 research outputs found

    Calculation of Radiated Electromagnetic Field from Multi-Pair Cable by Method of Moment

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    The speed of communication signal propagating on an UTP cable goes high and, the radiated electromagnetic field from an UTP cable may become a problem of EMC. Therefore, the radiated electromagnetic field has been analysed to reduce the field strength. As one of the analysis methods, the method of moment was effective to analyse it and the calculation model for single twisted pair was reported. However, the model for multiple-pair has not yet been cleared. In this report, the calculation model for multiple-pair is proposed. The each twisted pair constructing the cable was modelled to modify the wire radius and the inserting capacitance between wires, and the wire models were assembled to construct the UTP cable. The twist pitch of each pair was considered. The calculation results indicated that the characteristic impedance and the phase constant of each pair were not influenced by the assembly. The radiated electromagnetic field from the UTP cable constructed with four pairs was measured from 0.3 GHz to 3GHz. The investigation results show that the calculation results were almost agree with the measured one and the difference of the twisting pitch did not pay the significant influence to the radiated electromagnetic field.2009 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC\u2709/Kyoto), July 20-24, 2009, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japa

    Pathophysiology of unilateral asterixis due to thalamic lesion.

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    [Objective]:Unilateral asterixis has been reported in patients with thalamic lesion. This study aims at elucidating the pathophysiology of the thalamic asterixis. [Methods]:Two cases with unilateral asterixis caused by an infarction in the lateral thalamus were studied by analysing the asterixis-related cortical activities, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for motor cortex excitability and probabilistic diffusion tractography for the thalamo-cortical connectivity. [Results]:Averaging of electroencephalogram (EEG) time-locked to the asterixis revealed rhythmic oscillations of a beta band at the central area contralateral to the affected hand. TMS revealed a decrease in the motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude and a prolongation of the silent period (SP). The anatomical mapping of connections between the thalamus and cortical areas using a diffusion-weighted image (DWI) showed that the lateral thalamus involved by the infarction was connected to the premotor cortex, the primary motor cortex (M1) and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of the corresponding hemisphere. [Conclusions]:The thalamic asterixis is mediated by the sensorimotor cortex, which is subjected to excessive inhibition as a result of the thalamic lesion involving the ventral lateral nucleus. [Significance]:This is the first demonstration of participation of the sensorimotor cortex in the generation of asterixis due to the lateral thalamic lesion

    Differences in the electric potential of pancreatic head cancer tissues

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    Identifying the electrical properties of cancer relies on the understanding of the electric potential (EP) of cancer tissues. This study aimed to investigate the EP properties in 49 pancreatic head cancer tissues using a digital multimetre. The anode was placed at the central side of the tumour, and the electric potential differences (EPDs) between cancerous and cancerous, cancerous and noncancerous, and noncancerous and noncancerous lesions at approximately 1-cm intervals following resection were evaluated. Pathological evaluation identified 30 of these samples as pancreatic invasive ductal carcinoma (PIDC, 10 without preoperative chemotherapy and 20 after chemotherapy), seven other pancreatic cancers, three tumours of Vater’s ampulla (VA), and eight extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC) samples. We also evaluated the differences in pH for cancerous and noncancerous lesions in nine PIDC samples. Our data suggest that the EP of pancreatic cancerous tissues is higher than that of noncancerous tissues, especially in PIDCs. We also noted that EPD was the highest when comparing cancerous and noncancerous lesions. Additionally, PIDC tissues presented with low pH; the pH difference between cancerous and noncancerous sites was significantly correlated with EPD (P = 0.011). These EPDs were also correlated with tumour size in PIDCs and inversely correlated with their response to chemotherapy. The EP values for both the cancerous and noncancerous sites in both the VA tumours and EHCC samples were not significantly different, whereas EPD in PIDC correlated with tumour extension and viable tumour content, suggesting that EPD might be useful for evaluating the viability and effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.This research was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Nos. 15H02567 and 17H05102) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare for Japan


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    An evaluation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) phenotypic expression in malignant pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma was undertaken, using immunohistochemical (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Thirty-eight malignant mesothelioma (MM) specimens were subjected to IHC staining and FISH to evaluate the expression of EGFR protein and gene status. Overall positive IHC reaction was detected in 20/38 (53%) cases, in 11/22 (50%) pleural MM, and in 9/16 (56%) peritoneal MM. Our study confirmed that EGFR membranous expression is a common feature in MM, but not in benign mesothelial lesion. Thirty-seven cases did not show a gene copy number gain. Only one case showed a copy number gain. The protein overexpression of EGFR was not related to a gene copy number gain.博士(医学)・乙第1299号・平成24年5月28日© 2012 The Authors. Pathology International© 2012 Japanese Society of Pathology and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

    Preoperative Butyrylcholinesterase Level as an Independent Predictor of Overall Survival in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated with Nephrectomy

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    The prognostic factors for the overall survival (OS) of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) patients treated with nephrectomy are not well defined. In the present study, we investigated the prognostic significance of preoperative butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) levels in 400 ccRCC patients undergoing radical or partial nephrectomy from 1992 to 2013 at our institution. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the clinical factors associated with OS. Among the enrolled patients, 302 were diagnosed with organ-confined disease only (T1-2N0M0), 16 with lymph node metastases, and 56 with distant metastases. The median preoperative BChE level was 250 U/L (normal range, 168–470 U/L), and median follow-up period was 36 months. The 3-year OS rate in patients with preoperative BChE levels of ≥100 U/L was significantly higher than in those with levels of <100 U/L (89.3% versus 77.7%, P=0.004). On univariate analysis, performance status; anemia; hypoalbuminemia; preoperative levels of BChE, corrected calcium, and C-reactive protein; and distant metastasis status were significantly associated with OS. Multivariate analysis revealed that preoperative BChE levels and distant metastasis status were significantly associated with OS. Our findings suggest a possible role of preoperative BChE levels as an independent predictor of OS after nephrectomy in ccRCC patients

    Smooth sectioning of biological samples by FIB-TOF-SIMS

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    Spheroids, which are three-dimensionally cultured cells that resemble actual living organisms, have been attracting attention. FIB-TOF-SIMS (Focused Ion Beam Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry) is capable of simultaneous mass imaging of multiple elements without the need for labeling. FIB-TOF-SIMS is expected to process the spheroid and image the cross-sectional components. However, FIB processing of spheroids larger than 100μm often results in uneven cross sections due to the so-called curtain effect. The unevenness of the cross-section affects the sputtering and hinders component imaging. In this experiment, we considered the processing of spheroids by FIB from multiple directions to suppress the curtain effect. The curtain effect was evaluated by comparing the processing from one direction and from multiple directions

    EMPRESS. II. Highly Fe-Enriched Metal-poor Galaxies with 1.0\sim 1.0 (Fe/O)_\odot and 0.020.02 (O/H)_\odot : Possible Traces of Super Massive (>300M>300 M_{\odot}) Stars in Early Galaxies

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    We present element abundance ratios and ionizing radiation of local young low-mass (~10610^{6} M_sun) extremely metal poor galaxies (EMPGs) with a 2% solar oxygen abundance (O/H)_sun and a high specific star-formation rate (sSFR~300 Gyr1^{-1}), and other (extremely) metal poor galaxies, which are compiled from Extremely Metal-Poor Representatives Explored by the Subaru Survey (EMPRESS) and the literature. Weak emission lines such as [FeIII]4658 and HeII4686 are detected in very deep optical spectra of the EMPGs taken with 8m-class telescopes including Keck and Subaru (Kojima et al. 2019, Izotov et al. 2018), enabling us to derive element abundance ratios with photoionization models. We find that neon- and argon-to-oxygen ratios are comparable to those of known local dwarf galaxies, and that the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratios (N/O) are lower than 20% (N/O)_sun consistent with the low oxygen abundance. However, the iron-to-oxygen abundance ratios (Fe/O) of the EMPGs are generally high; the EMPGs with the 2%-solar oxygen abundance show high Fe/O ratios of ~90-140% (Fe/O)_sun, which are unlikely explained by suggested scenarios of Type Ia supernova iron productions, iron's dust depletion, and metal-poor gas inflow onto previously metal-riched galaxies with solar abundances. Moreover, these EMPGs have very high HeII4686/Hβ\beta ratios of ~1/40, which are not reproduced by existing models of high-mass X-ray binaries whose progenitor stellar masses are less than 120 M_sun. Comparing stellar-nucleosynthesis and photoionization models with a comprehensive sample of EMPGs identified by this and previous EMPG studies, we propose that both the high Fe/O ratios and the high HeII4686/Hβ\beta ratios are explained by the past existence of super massive (>>300 M_sun) stars, which may evolve into intermediate-mass black holes (\gtrsim100 M_sun).Comment: ApJ in press. 23 pages, 7 Figures, 6 Table

    Extremely Metal-Poor Representatives Explored by the Subaru Survey (EMPRESS). I. A Successful Machine Learning Selection of Metal-Poor Galaxies and the Discovery of a Galaxy with M*<10^6 M_sun and 0.016 Z_sun

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    We have initiated a new survey for local extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) large-area (~500 deg^2) optical images reaching a 5 sigma limit of ~26 magnitude, about 100 times deeper than the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). To select Z/Z_sun<0.1 EMPGs from ~40 million sources detected in the Subaru images, we first develop a machine-learning (ML) classifier based on a deep neural network algorithm with a training data set consisting of optical photometry of galaxy, star, and QSO models. We test our ML classifier with SDSS objects having spectroscopic metallicity measurements, and confirm that our ML classifier accomplishes 86%-completeness and 46%-purity EMPG classifications with photometric data. Applying our ML classifier to the photometric data of the Subaru sources as well as faint SDSS objects with no spectroscopic data, we obtain 27 and 86 EMPG candidates from the Subaru and SDSS photometric data, respectively. We conduct optical follow-up spectroscopy for 10 out of our EMPG candidates with Magellan/LDSS-3+MagE, Keck/DEIMOS, and Subaru/FOCAS, and find that the 10 EMPG candidates are star-forming galaxies at z=0.007-0.03 with large H_beta equivalent widths of 104-265 A, stellar masses of log(M*/M_sun)=5.0-7.1, and high specific star-formation rates of ~300 Gyr^{-1}, which are similar to those of early galaxies at z>6 reported recently. We spectroscopically confirm that 3 out of 10 candidates are truly EMPGs with Z/Z_sun<0.1, one of which is HSC J1631+4426, the most metal-poor galaxy with Z/Z_sun=0.016 reported ever.Comment: 30 pages, 26 figures, and 8 tables; (Revision: metallicities changed due to the use of a more pricise dust correction method, but conclusion does not change, Minor: a table, some figures, and sentences are added for a clear explanation.