466 research outputs found

    Persistent Currents in 1D Disordered Rings of Interacting Electrons

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    We calculate the persistent current of 1D rings of spinless fermions with short-range interactions on a lattice with up to 20 sites, and in the presence of disorder, for various band fillings. We find that {\it both} disorder and interactions always decrease the persistent current by localizing the electrons. Away from half-filling, the interaction has a much stronger influence in the presence of disorder than in the pure case.Comment: Latex file, 11 pages, 5 figures available on request, Report LPQTH-93/1

    The Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton

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    We study theoretically the exciton absorption on a ring shreded by a magnetic flux. For the case when the attraction between electron and hole is short-ranged we get an exact solution of the problem. We demonstrate that, despite the electrical neutrality of the exciton, both the spectral position of the exciton peak in the absorption, and the corresponding oscillator strength oscillate with magnetic flux with a period Φ0\Phi_0---the universal flux quantum. The origin of the effect is the finite probability for electron and hole, created by a photon at the same point, to tunnel in the opposite directions and meet each other on the opposite side of the ring.Comment: 13 RevTeX 3.0 pages plus 4 EPS-figures, changes include updated references and an improved chapter on possible experimental realization

    Improved tensor-product expansions for the two-particle density matrix

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    We present a new density-matrix functional within the recently introduced framework for tensor-product expansions of the two-particle density matrix. It performs well both for the homogeneous electron gas as well as atoms. For the homogeneous electron gas, it performs significantly better than all previous density-matrix functionals, becoming very accurate for high densities and outperforming Hartree-Fock at metallic valence electron densities. For isolated atoms and ions, it is on a par with previous density-matrix functionals and generalized gradient approximations to density-functional theory. We also present analytic results for the correlation energy in the low density limit of the free electron gas for a broad class of such functionals.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetric-Asymmetric transition in mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a new kind of quantum phase transition in phase separated mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates. In this transition, the distribution of the two components changes from a symmetric to an asymmetric shape. We discuss the nature of the phase transition, the role of interface tension and the phase diagram. The symmetric to asymmetric transition is the simplest quantum phase transition that one can imagine. Careful study of this problem should provide us new insight into this burgeoning field of discovery.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure

    Quantum Monte Carlo simulation for the conductance of one-dimensional quantum spin systems

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    Recently, the stochastic series expansion (SSE) has been proposed as a powerful MC-method, which allows simulations at low TT for quantum-spin systems. We show that the SSE allows to compute the magnetic conductance for various one-dimensional spin systems without further approximations. We consider various modifications of the anisotropic Heisenberg chain. We recover the Kane-Fisher scaling for one impurity in a Luttinger-liquid and study the influence of non-interacting leads for the conductance of an interacting system.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Specific heat of quasi-2D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models with varying inter-planar couplings

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    We have used the stochastic series expansion (SSE) quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method to study the three-dimensional (3D) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on cubic lattices with in-plane coupling J and varying inter-plane coupling J_perp < J. The specific heat curves exhibit a 3D ordering peak as well as a broad maximum arising from short-range 2D order. For J_perp << J, there is a clear separation of the two peaks. In the simulations, the contributions to the total specific heat from the ordering across and within the layers can be separated, and this enables us to study in detail the 3D peak around T_c (which otherwise typically is dominated by statistical noise). We find that the peak height decreases with decreasing J_perp, becoming nearly linear below J_perp = 0.2J. The relevance of these results to the lack of observed specific heat anomaly at the ordering transition of some quasi-2D antiferromagnets is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Formulae for zero-temperature conductance through a region with interaction

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    The zero-temperature linear response conductance through an interacting mesoscopic region attached to noninteracting leads is investigated. We present a set of formulae expressing the conductance in terms of the ground-state energy or persistent currents in an auxiliary system, namely a ring threaded by a magnetic flux and containing the correlated electron region. We first derive the conductance formulae for the noninteracting case and then give arguments why the formalism is also correct in the interacting case if the ground state of a system exhibits Fermi liquid properties. We prove that in such systems, the ground-state energy is a universal function of the magnetic flux, where the conductance is the only parameter. The method is tested by comparing its predictions with exact results and results of other methods for problems such as the transport through single and double quantum dots containing interacting electrons. The comparisons show an excellent quantitative agreement.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fine Splitting of Electron States in Silicon Nanocrystal with a Hydrogen-like Shallow Donor

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    Electron structure of a silicon quantum dot doped with a shallow hydrogen-like donor has been calculated for the electron states above the optical gap. Within the framework of the envelope-function approach we have calculated the fine splitting of the ground sixfold degenerate electron state as a function of the donor position inside the quantum dot. Also, dependence of the wave functions and energies on the dot size was obtained

    W=0 Pairing in (N,N)(N,N) Carbon Nanotubes away from Half Filling

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    We use the Hubbard Hamiltonian HH on the honeycomb lattice to represent the valence bands of carbon single-wall (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes. A detailed symmetry analysis shows that the model allows W=0 pairs which we define as two-body singlet eigenstates of HH with vanishing on-site repulsion. By means of a non-perturbative canonical transformation we calculate the effective interaction between the electrons of a W=0 pair added to the interacting ground state. We show that the dressed W=0 pair is a bound state for resonable parameter values away from half filling. Exact diagonalization results for the (1,1) nanotube confirm the expectations. For (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes of length ll, the binding energy of the pair depends strongly on the filling and decreases towards a small but nonzero value as ll \to \infty. We observe the existence of an optimal doping when the number of electrons per C atom is in the range 1.2÷\div1.3, and the binding energy is of the order of 0.1 ÷\div 1 meV.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure