4 research outputs found

    A three-component synthesis of functionalized ketenimines by the reaction of alkyl isocyanides and dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates in the presence of 2-quinolinol

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    The 1:1 reactive intermediates generated by the addition of alkyl isocyanides to dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates were trapped by 2-quinolinol to yield highly functionalized ketenimines and, in some cases, minor amounts of 1-azabuta-1,3-dienes

    Comparison of the Effect of Competency-Based Education Model and Traditional Teaching on Cognitive and Clinical Skills Learning among ICU Nursing Students

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    Introduction: Clinical education and evaluation is fundamental to nursing education. This study investigated the effect of competency-based and traditional teaching methods on clinical and cognitive learning of nursing students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done on 28 nursing students taking ICU courses in the academic hospital of Taleghani affiliated with Urmia Medical University in 2010 and 2011.Subject were selected by using census sampling and then using simple randomization method and assigned to experiment and control groups. Both groups took pre and post tests for cognitive skills through answering a questionnaire and the post test for clinical skills was done through a check list. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical tests and SPSS 16. Results: The results showed the mean and standard deviation scores in clinical skills obtained from the experiment group students (competency-based education) and control (traditional training)were 162±10/72and117±25/01,which were significantly greater in the experimental group (p0/05). But post-test scores on cognitive skills in the experiment group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results showed that the application of competency-based teaching method over traditional methods provides the opportunity to improve the learning of clinical and cognitive skills in nursing students. It is suggested that this method be used in teaching nursing students for training and evaluatio

    Investigating the results of breastfeeding counseling in mothers referred to the breastfeeding counseling clinic of the health centers

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    Background: The rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Iran at the ages of 3 and 6 months is estimated to be 44% and 27%, respectively, which is still far from the optimal index of the World Health Organization until 2030 (70% in the first six months). In order to monitor breastfeeding counseling centers, which have been set up with the aim of promoting breastfeeding and supporting mothers who have problems with breastfeeding. Methods: This is a descriptive-retrospective study and all the mothers who were referred to the Health and Treatment Center No. 2 in Mashhad between April 2019 and March 2019 were examined. This health center has two active counseling clinics and the collection of information is based on documents registered in offices and computers. The inclusion criteria for study were not having breast diseases, having an infant child, being able to read and write and living in Mashhad city. The exclusion criteria were also the unwillingness to participate in the study and the newborn suffering from diseases that are incompatible with breastfeeding. Therefore, census sampling was done. The data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software and the significance level was less than 0.05. Results: In 42.8% of cases, mothers had started feeding combined formula with breast milk before visiting, and in 28.1% of cases, when referring to counseling milk clinics, it was reported that the baby was fed only with formula. After breastfeeding consultations and follow-ups at the end of six months, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding is 34.1% (12% increase compared to the initial reference) and combined formula feeding with breastmilk is 27.8% (a 22% decrease compared to the first visit). And feeding with powdered milk alone was calculated to be 36.5% (an increase of 8.4% compared to the first visit). Conclusion: The positive role of breastfeeding counseling center in reducing the cases of artificial feeding is clear, and it is recommended to prepare written instructions based on the challenges in breastfeeding for breastfeeding counseling in the first month after delivery

    Parental Anthropometric Indices and Obesity in Children

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between each parent’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and maternal age with weight status of children. This was an analytic cross-sectional study which was conducted on 12-year-old students from different areas in Rasht, north part of Iran. The checklist included demographic characteristics such as age, maternal age during childbirth, student and maternal height and weight, child rank. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis, paired t-test and ANOVA test and chi-square in SPSS software 19.0. A P-value less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. A total of 200 adolescents participated in this study consisted of 106 (53%) boys. Results showed a significant correlation between students’ BMI and parental BMI and father’s weight. Also, there was a significant correlation between students’ weight with parental BMI and father’s weight, and birth rankIn conclusion, the role of the family in changing nutritional habits of children must be considered because through parental education and changing their perceptions we can prevent obesity