5 research outputs found

    G-CARE: A Framework for Performance Benchmarking of Cardinality Estimation Techniques for Subgraph Matching

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    Despite the crucial role of cardinality estimation in query optimization, there has been no systematic and in-depth study of the existing cardinality estimation techniques for subgraph matching queries. In this paper, for the first time, we present a comprehensive study of the existing cardinality estimation techniques for subgraph matching queries, scaling far beyond the original experiments. We first introduce a novel framework called g-care that enables us to realize all existing techniques on top of it and that provides insights on their performance. By using g-care, we then reimplement representative cardinality estimation techniques for graph databases as well as relational databases. We next evaluate these techniques w.r.t accuracy on rdf and non-rdf graphs from different domains with subgraph matching queries of various topologies so far considered. Surprisingly, our results reveal that all existing techniques have serious problems in accuracy for various scenarios and datasets. Intriguingly, a simple sampling method based on an online aggregation technique designed for relational data, consistently outperforms all existing techniques.1

    iTurboGraph: Scaling and Automating Incremental Graph Analytics

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    With the rise of streaming data for dynamic graphs, large-scale graph analytics meets a new requirement of Incremental Computation because the larger the graph, the higher the cost for updating the analytics results by re-execution. A dynamic graph consists of an initial graph G and graph mutation updates ∆G of edge insertions or deletions. Given a query Q, its results Q(G), and updates for ∆G to G, incremental graph analytics computes updates ∆Q such that Q(G ∪ ∆G) = Q(G) ∪ ∆Q where ∪ is a union operator. In this paper, we consider the problem of large-scale incremental neighbor-centric graph analytics (NGA). We solve the limitations of previous systems: lack of usability due to the difficulties in programming incremental algorithms for NGA and limited scalability and efficiency due to the overheads in maintaining intermediate results for graph traversals in NGA. First, we propose a domainspecific language, LN GA, and develop its compiler for intuitive programming of NGA, automatic query incrementalization, and query optimizations. Second, we define Graph Streaming Algebra as a theoretical foundation for scalable processing of incremental NGA. We introduce a concept of Nested Graph Windows and model graph traversals as the generation of walk streams. Lastly, we present a system iTurboGraph, which efficiently processes incremental NGA for large graphs. Comprehensive experiments show that it effectively avoids costly re-executions and efficiently updates the analytics results with reduced IO and computations.1

    Asymmetric-Partition Replication for Highly Scalable Distributed Transaction Processing in Practice

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    Database replication is widely known and used for high availability or load balancing in many practical database systems. In this paper, we show how a replication engine can be used for three important practical cases that have not previously been studied very well. The three practical use cases include: 1) scaling out OLTP/OLAP-mixed workloads with partitioned replicas, 2) efficiently maintaining a distributed secondary index for a partitioned table, and 3) efficiently implementing an online re-partitioning operation. All three use cases are crucial for enabling a high performance shared-nothing distributed database system. To support the three use cases more efficiently, we propose the concept of asymmetric-partition replication, so that replicas of a table can be independently partitioned regardless of whether or how its primary copy is partitioned. In addition, we propose the optimistic synchronous commit protocol which avoids the expensive two-phase commit without sacrificing transactional consistency. The proposed asymmetric-partition replication and its optimized commit protocol are incorporated in the production versions of the SAP HANA in-memory database system. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the significant benefits that the proposed replication engine brings to the three use cases.1

    DualSim: Parallel Subgraph Enumeration in a Massive Graph on a Single Machine

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    Subgraph enumeration is important for many applications such as subgraph frequencies, network motif discovery, graphlet kernel computation, and studying the evolution of social networks. Most earlier work on subgraph enumeration assumes that graphs are resident in memory, which results in serious scalability problems. Recently, efforts to enumerate all subgraphs in a large-scale graph have seemed to enjoy some success by partitioning the data graph and exploiting the distributed frameworks such as MapReduce and distributed graph engines. However, we notice that all existing distributed approaches have serious performance problems for sub graph enumeration due to the explosive number of partial results. In this paper, we design and implement a disk-based, single machine parallel subgraph enumeration solution called DuALSim that can handle massive graphs without maintaining exponential numbers of partial results. Specifically, we propose a novel concept of the dual approach for subgraph enumeration. The dual approach swaps the roles of the data graph and the query graph. Specifically, instead of fixing the matching order in the query and then matching data vertices, it fixes the data vertices by fixing a set of disk pages and then finds all subgraph matchings in these pages. This enables us to significantly reduce the number of disk reads. We conduct extensive experiments with various real-world graphs to systematically demonstrate the superiority of DuALSim over state-of-the-art distributed subgraph enumeration methods. DuALSim outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by up to orders of magnitude, while they fail for many queries due to explosive intermediate results.112Nsciescopu

    Hybrid Garbage Collection for Multi-Version Concurrency Control in SAP HANA

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    While multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) supports fast and robust performance in in-memory, relational databases, it has the potential problem of a growing number of versions over time due to obsolete versions. Although a few TB of main memory is available for enterprise machines, the memory resource should be used carefully for economic and practical reasons. Thus, in order to maintain the necessary number of versions in MVCC, versions which will no longer be used need to be deleted. This process is called garbage collection. MVCC uses the concept of visibility to define garbage. A set of versions for each record is first identified as candidate if their version timestamps are lower than the minimum value of snapshot timestamps of active snapshots in the system. All such candidates, except the one which has the maximum version timestamp, are safely reclaimed as garbage versions. In mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads, the typical garbage collector may not effectively reclaim record versions. In these workloads, OLTP applications generate a high volume of new versions, while long-lived queries or transactions in OLAP applications often block garbage collection, since we need to compare the version timestamp of each record version with the snapshot times tamp of the oldest, long-lived snapshot. Thus, these workloads typically cause the in-memory version space to grow. Additionally, the increasing version chains of records over time may also increase the traversal cost for them. In this paper, we present an efficient and effective garbage collector called HYBRIDGC in SAP HANA. HybridGC integrates three novel concepts of garbage collection: timestamp-based group garbage collection, table garbage collection, and interval garbage collection. Through experiments using mixed OLTP and OLAP workloads, we show that HYBRIDGC effectively and efficiently collects garbage versions with negligible overhead.113Nsciescopu