7 research outputs found

    Experiences of mental illness stigma, prejudice and discrimination: A review of measures

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    Background: There has been a substantial increase in research on mental illness related stigma over the past 10 years, with many measures in use. This study aims to review current practice in the survey measurement of mental illness stigma, prejudice and discrimination experienced by people who have personal experience of mental illness. We will identify measures used, their characteristics and psychometric properties. Method. A narrative literature review of survey measures of mental illness stigma was conducted. The databases Medline, PsychInfo and the British Nursing Index were searched for the period 1990-2009. Results: 57 studies were included in the review. 14 survey measures of mental illness stigma were identified. Seven of the located measures addressed aspects of perceived stigma, 10 aspects of experienced stigma and 5 aspects of self-stigma. Of the identified studies, 79% used one of the measures of perceived stigma, 46% one of the measures of experienced stigma and 33% one of the measures of self-stigma. All measures presented some information on psychometric properties. Conclusions: The review was structured by considering perceived, experienced and self stigma as separate but related constructs. It provides a resource to aid researchers in selecting the measure of mental illness stigma which is most appropriate to their purpose. © 2010 Brohan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    A comparison of balance control during stance and gait in patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory polyneuropathy

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    INTRODUCTION We compared changes in balance control due to chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and non-inflammatory (non-inf) polyneuropathy (PNP) to each other and with respect to healthy controls (HCs). Differences in patients' subjective impressions of balance capabilities were also compared. METHODS Balance control of 11 CIDP patients (mean age 61.1±(sd) 11, 8 male) and 10 non-inf PNP patients (mean age 68.5±11.7, all male) was examined and compared to that of 18 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Balance control during stance and gait tasks was measured as trunk sway angles and angular velocities with body-worn gyroscopes. Patients' subjective impressions of balance were obtained using the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). The Neuropathy Impairment Score in the Lower Limbs (NIS-LL) was used to measure clinical disease status. RESULTS Non-inf PNP patients had slightly lower NIS-LL (13.5±7.2 vs. 17.9±15.1) and DHI scores (22.6±17.1 vs 27.6±16.3). Gait tasks showed a significant decrease in gait speed with respect to HCs for both patient groups but reduced trunk sway for non-inf PNP patients. Trunk sway during tandem walking and walking on the heels was greater for both groups than that of HCs. Sway during 2-legged stance tasks with eyes closed on a firm or foam surface was also greater than for HCs. DISCUSSION Compared to HCs both groups of patients have significantly greater sway for most stance and gait tasks accompanied by reduced gait speed. As for HCs, non-inf PNP patients reduced trunk sway with slower gait speed. In CIDP patients this compensatory strategy was absent, possibly due to a greater deficit of efferent and motor nerve fibers. An interpretation of these findings is that CIDP patients have reduced ability to decrease trunk sway with slower gait speed and is possibly associated with an increased risk of falls

    Syphilis: The Renaissance of an Old Disease with Oral Implications

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    Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum an anaerobic filamentous spirochete. In recent years, striking outbreaks have occurred in USA, Canada, Russia, China and some areas of Central and Eastern Europe. Main epidemiology changes reflect sex industry, sexual promiscuity, decreasing use of barrier protection (i.e. condoms) due to false sense of security that nowadays sexually transmitted diseases are curable and lack of pertinent knowledge. Considering that the initial presentation of syphilis may be the oral cavity, it is of great relevance to include this disease in the differential diagnosis of unusual oral ulcerations and white patches. Primary syphilis is a highly infectious disease in which inappropriate treatment may be apparently curative while the patient remains highly infectious. It is then of pivotal importance that clinicians maintain a high clinical index of suspicion. At the present time, clinical-pathologic correlation together with serologic studies remain essential in establishing the diagnosis of syphilis