23 research outputs found

    Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Diffusive Andreev Wires

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    We study shot noise in mesoscopic diffusive wires between a normal and a superconducting terminal. We particularly focus on the regime, in which the proximity-induced reentrance effect is important. We will examine the difference between a simple Boltzmann-Langevin description, which neglects induced correlations beyond the simple conductivity correction, and a full quantum calculation. In the latter approach, it turns out that two Andreev pairs propagating coherently into the normal metal are anti-correlated for E<E_c, where E_c=D/L^2 is the Thouless energy. In a fork geometry the flux-sensitive suppression of the effective charge was confirmed experimentally.Comment: 12 pages, proceedings of the NATO ARW MQO, Bled, Sloveni

    Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective

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    1/f noise in anisotropic and giant magnetoresistive elements

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    Microfabricated magnetoresistive elements based on either the anisotropic or the giant magnetoresistance effect were tested for their frequency dependent resistance noise behavior at room temperature in a dc magnetic field, using a dc sense current. Thermal resistance noise was the dominant noise source above about 10 kHz. At low frequencies the resistance noise was found to be dominated by a 1/f contribution that depends on the applied magnetic field. The 1/f noise is relatively low and field independent when the element is in a saturated state and contains a relatively large and field dependent excess contribution when the magnetic field is in the sensitive field range of the element. The 1/f noise level observed in saturation is comparable to the 1/f noise level found in nonmagnetic metals; the excess noise has a magnetic origin. The variation of the excess noise level with the applied dc magnetic field can be explained qualitatively using a simple model based on thermal excitations of the magnetization direction

    Universality of charge transport across disordered nanometer-thick oxide films

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    heoretical and experimental analysis of electron transport across ultrathin, homogeneously disordered oxide layers is presented with particular regard to the question of how much the effects are universal. We show that (i) distribution of transparencies across dirty subnanometer-thick insulating films is bimodal and (ii) conductance-voltage characteristics of oxide layers with thicknesses increased up to several nanometers are power functions with an index near 1.3. The universality of transport properties is explained as an effect of strong local barrier-height fluctuations generated by the presence of oxygen vacancie