19 research outputs found

    Depression in Patients with Mastocytosis: Prevalence, Features and Effects of Masitinib Therapy

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    Depression in patients with mastocytosis is often reported but its prevalence and characteristics are not precisely described. In addition, the impact of therapies targeting mast cells proliferation, differentiation and degranulation on psychic symptoms of depression have never been investigated. Our objective was to determine the prevalence and to describe features of depression in a large cohort of mastocytosis patients (n = 288) and to investigate the therapeutic impact of the protein kinase inhibitor masitinib in depression symptoms. The description of depression was based on the analysis of a database with Hamilton scores using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Efficacy of masitinib therapy was evaluated using non parametric Wilcoxon test for paired data within a three months period (n = 35). Our results show that patients with indolent mastocytosis present an elevated prevalence of depression (64%). Depression was moderate in 56% but severe in 8% of cases. Core symptoms (such as psychic anxiety, depressed mood, work and interests) characterized depression in mastocytosis patients. Masitinib therapy was associated with significant improvement (67% of the cases) of overall depression, with 75% of recovery cases. Global Quality of Life slightly improved after masitinib therapy and did not predicted depression improvement. In conclusion, depression is very frequent in mastocytosis patients and masitinib therapy is associated with the reduction its psychic experiences. We conclude that depression in mastocytosis may originate from processes related to mast cells activation. Masitinib could therefore be a useful treatment for mastocytosis patients with depression and anxiety symptoms

    Psychological distress in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy treatment

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to examine the likely presence of, and factors associated with, anxiety, depression and overall psychological distress in cancer outpatients undergoing radiation therapy treatment in Sydney, Australia. Methods: A touchscreen computer survey was conducted in four radiation therapy treatment centre waiting rooms. Patients waiting to receive treatment completed the survey which included questions about demographic and disease characteristics, survey acceptability and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: A total of 454 patients (70 %) completed the touchscreen computer survey. The likely presence of anxiety (HADS-A ≥11), depression (HADS-D ≥11) and overall psychological distress (HADS-T ≥15) was 15, 5.7 and 22 %, respectively. Cancer type was found to be associated with each HADS screening category. The majority of patients reported high survey acceptability and willingness to complete similar touchscreen computer surveys in the treatment centre waiting room on additional occasions. Conclusions: As radiotherapy patients frequently attend the radiation oncology department, routine screening and intervention for elevated levels of psychological distress in this setting appears to be feasible. High survey completion rates and high patient-rated acceptability support this approach to screening. The likely presence of psychological distress is reported for this sample; however, the selection of HADS threshold scores is likely to have influenced the reported rates. Further research is needed to identify how cancer type impacts on likely caseness across the different HADS classifications examined